Introducing Our New Studio Logo!

Personally, I love this new logo that they have made, especially the texture that it has, at least I like it and I feel that now it is more attractive and nice. Great job.


Thank you! Seeing a refresh to the Studio logo is a long awaited change. I didn’t even notice the new logos style was an S, pretty good work there Roblox! Kinda matches Microsoft’s Fluent Design icons now on my taskbar :wink:


This new logo looks way more professional and I love that. I only have one question regarding this update. Do you plan on merging the splash screen and the loading screen in the future? image


While this logo is really nice looking…

How does two separated pieces represent connection? Shouldn’t they be together then?

Stop whining about a gradient you’ll get used to it. :rofl:


Great to see a new Studio logo!

However, I have a question: Will you require that people who have used the old logo in their work change it to the new logo?


I think this was to make it match the current logo more, as the Roblox Player logo has a slight gradient on it.

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I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t like this new logo. There was no reason for them to change it in the first place. Its not even that different from the current logo. At least its not as bad as the Player logo.


Will definitely take time to get used to, but great to see an update! The logo needed to get a refresh for a long time and finally! It’s here!

The problem is that the details are barely noticable on a taskbar, and it looks too large on the startup screen.


I like the shape, but in my opinion, the flat style is better, I’m not a big fan of this gradient.


I will have to agree. I don’t necessarily like the gradient. I say maybe lower the gradient down a tad.


I don’t think they will.
I’ve seen games have the old logo before

Yes, I just tested it, it works great :+1:


I can’t help but notice that its not changed on the DevHub.

Also if you could remove the gradients it would look a lot better

as Top_Crundee123 said


I love this change. The idealogy and symbolism behind the new logo provide a new perception of the goal and mission of Roblox. The drop shadow and bevel of the new logo also look good, and it feels great to have a non-flat design for the first time in quite a while. The gradient and difference of the blues throughout the logo seemed a bit strange at first, but now they feel like they fit this design well.

The logo change had felt odd to me at first, but after hearing the reasoning and symbolism behind it, I have found much more enjoyment and enthusiasm in it. Things like this logo change helps keep things new and innovative and I’m here for it.


The gradient kinda bugs me. It also doesn’t look super good as a small icon because of it. Other than that, the new shape is cool!


No, they did THIS redesign to fit that grey Roblox Player


The gradient should be more subtle, something like the new Windows 10 icons. I feel like this one’s just a little too noticable.


It’s alright, tho I feel if you dropped the gradient effect it would look nicer both in and outside of studio (In being in the app itself, Out being on your task bar).

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Hard reset your browser to see the new one


Everybody says that they prefer the old logo instead of the new one because the old one was flat and simple, but I actually liked the new one. The new logo looks very modern, aesthetic, and very stylish. (The Roblox App logo has a gradient as well, so the new gradient on the studio logo looks cool)