Introducing Package Version Notes

Having them in-game would help with making changelog in a better way, instead of content creators having to make their in-game text labels or similar for their changelog.
This way, we can load the changelog for older versions in-game, in a bigger way, using api.


You can make your own :smiley:

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It’s not mesh editor. Mesh editor is when you can edit meshpart by moving every dot in studio not in the game. Like in blender for example.


Yes I understood your question, the new editable mesh API makes it possible for anyone to write their own studio plugin that can do exactly that. It is available both in-experience and in Studio plugins.

While Roblox currently has no plans to build such a mesh editor, it is now possible for anyone to build one as a Studio plugin thanks to this API


This might help you!


Then for what Roblox made this API mesh if they not give any interface to work with it? Where is the logic? Now random user create plugin but Roblox workers with soruce code cannot make it, even if it would be much easier?


This is a genuine godsent, now we’re just missing place history version notes.

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That would be awesome!! This would improve a lot the “change log” control of our games.

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+2 to all the posts about comments on publishing and open cloud, but overall a really welcome change and it’s awesome to see all the love going into packages.

Packages are currently locked to team environments. Are we likely to see distributable packages on the Creator Store available soon?

I’d love to start moving over my projects to packages as they’ll make it that much easier for our users to view and install updates.


I have a problem with Packages:

PackageLink.Status is not scriptable (cannot be read). This is a problem for me, because I have built a plugin revolving around managing Packages, and being able to detect which packages are out of date or have changes is very important for a lot of my plugin’s functionality.

I see no reason why a plugin-level security should not be able to read this value.

Also: it would be very nice if more aspects of Packages could become plugin-friendly. Things like being able to set the AutoUpdate property, request the latest version for a selected package, or even publish new changes to a package automatically, would open up lots of potential for Package-based workflows and automation. If security is a concern, you could always require the user to grant the plugin permission to modify Packages, similar to how plugins need permission to access Http requests or modify scripts.


I have to second this. I use packages a lot – mostly for my own modules and frameworks, so I usually just put dated comments within scripts to indicate what’s changed. For the first time, I found myself making a package for a model, so I remembered this feature was a thing and I could add comments like commit comments.

Please make it mirror commit comments. It’s so unintuitive having to add the comments afterwards, then not being able to see what’s changed recently for the package kinda just confuses me.