Introducing Premium Payouts!

Same behaviour here. Strange. :upside_down_face:



Question, it work on xbox one?


If this is a group game it will go to the group

I wouldn’t believe so, but if it is then yikes. Let’s ask @kalypso3

On the game:

… → Developer Stats → Premium Payouts

Be sure to check both if you want your total information.

A new interesting feature!

I’ll need a better understanding of how this can be useful though.

Many of us use the main game as a hub which teleports players to other places within that hub and playtime gets butchered by that setup, does this system take height for this?

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So you mean you have a starting place which leads to other non-starting places? If so, I think the playtime for the non-starting places count for the starting place.

Is there any consideration for a bonus Robux payout to developers when players purchase Premium through their game, similar to how devs can get a 10% cut from Gear purchased through their game?


I like this. It is a really great way for games to monetize and lessens the need for gamepasses or developer products in a way. I for one will be implementing this into a future game.

Going to keep this simple:

A way that people can get a small payout like this without premium.

I’m in the middle of this one. The reason why I like it and don’t like it at the same time is because I feel as if more games will be p2w. I’m just worried about a lot of games forcing you to buy premium to get access to things. It’s a good feature for developers though. I really like how you earn Robux without people spending Robux.

This is a good feature if used correctly by developers. What I mean is, users without premium shouldn’t feel pestered or overall annoyed with messages encouraging you to get premium.

I just saw a premium player playing my game (then he left) and then I looked at Developer Stats > Premium. But I saw no stats had shown up. Does this take time to load?

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How is the math done on this? I’d rather not be left to try and speculate.

I had a test the other night with around 6 premium players and somehow got 500 robux for it.

The test before this one was a public test with 30 people total. That only generated 4 robux.

I am scratching my head right now.


Yeah, the graphs just keep getting weirder and weirder. I think the actual payouts will be more stable than the graphs though.


That is very interesting. Is it because premium players play at certain times, or certain times of day?

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From what I have seen from my own game, it updates once a day it seems


My graph doesn’t seem to be updating, how many people have had this issue?


This seems to be like how the tickets system used to be a thing but seems more for encouraging users to purchase premium. In my opinion of this, every player should count towards revenue that the developer/group of developers have made.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for neat updates and while this is an excellent way for developers to earn more money for the content they produce, I think it should be judged on playtime for all Roblox users, premium membership or not.
This however is a step in the right direction but this can also be very concerning to those free to play users.

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