Introducing Premium Payouts!

Actually no, the stats for the starting place shows a average visit time of 1 minute while if I check Dev Stats for the other places its usually 15-30m.

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Hi all, thanks for your patience and for answering each other’s questions. To add a commonly asked question that was missed in the original post:


I think we’d also like some info on how premium payouts are calculated as well as how the playtime score is calculated. Another question that was asked on here is how much more robux we would get if we convert someone to a roblox premium user. You’d think that would be important information to include if you want us to go through the trouble to try and convert users

Are friends only games also excluded from the Premium Payouts like paid access games?


I was initially excited for this feature, but now not so much.

I’ll be honest, I was expecting the projected robux earn to be much more than what it is right now.

It’s been 2 weeks since this feature launched, and so far I haven’t seen anything even close to useful arise from it on my end.

As seen in the chart, the projected robux earnt is always below 900 robux, and in some cases, much much below that value.
That’s not even worth 5 dollars put at DevEx scale. That’s also less than 0.01% of my game’s daily revenue.

The way Premium Payouts are set right now, I see no benefit in implementing premium benefits and selling on my game(s).

I’d really hope Roblox could work on this, as it does seem like a nice feature. Just that the way it is right now, it simply won’t cut it.
(Also, any news on if we will ever be able to have a higher DevEx rate at some point? Isn’t Roblox a billionaire company


I wouldn’t look at it like that, I think this feature is good for people who can’t or don’t want to buy robux. These robux they get from the payouts will get them money for ads. In my opinion it is always good to have more ways to make robux on this platform.


I love this feature even though not many people play my game anyways. I’m just not sure when we can cash this out since it isn’t showing up in my robux tab.


While I agree with how beneficial this system is to developers, @MetatableIndex has a valid point on why adding in premium only transactions isn’t beneficial to us. There’s no bonus offered for users that’ll purchase premium in our game.

If implementation of premium only transactions was mandatory in order to qualify for premium payouts than it would’ve been arguably justifiable. Due to it being optional and how the benefits of implementation of premium only shops is mediocre at best it’ll result in the minority participating instead of the majority. The perk doesn’t even have to be huge it could be something simple i.e $1 equivalent to developers exchange rate is rewarded per every premium membership purchase.


Agreed, ideally there should be a system that provides a ‘kickback’ if a player purchases premium using the prompt within your game.
Though personally I don’t see this being particularly beneficial even if it were added as players generally don’t have their own methods to purchase online, most relying on their parents who are unlikely to be willing to purchase premium at the specific time of the prompt.

Side note; graphs are still completely wild for me, more score = less Robux???


This was a good choice, as it negates the botting issue that occurred with tickets. I feel like this will help smaller devs. Thanks for making this a thing!

One question I have is if a premium member just idles in a game, will it stop counting or no. The 20 minute timer can be easily bypassed by moving every couple minutes.


You say it is not much Robux. 877 Robux is anyways a bit more then buying 800 Robux with 10€ (I am in Europa, that is why I see on roblox shop € and that is why I use € for my example). If you think that you can with this feature save up 10€ it is a good feature. Okey, I know you compare the premium payout with DevEx and I respect that. But we can’t do much with your post, because we see only how much you earned, not how many players played your game. That makes for us hard to see if premium payout is worth, worth a bit or not worth. I don’t want to critize you with this post :slight_smile:


You’re right; my game is not nearly as popular as front page games. But it still gets a constant player base of at least 150 players without advertisements. If Premium Payouts are incredibly disproportional in favor of popular games, then that makes them of even less use.

Also, most developers use Developer Exchange rates because that’s what you’re actually going to be getting if you want to convert your robux to real money. Going based on how much it costs to buy robux doesn’t really make sense. You’re not buying robux, you’re exchanging it.

The game in question

[RP] Site - 006 Legacy - Roblox


Premium Payouts, good or bad?

In most ways, I highly disagree with this new premium feature/payout thing (Not with the roblox side of it, only the developer side). This is going to drive some developers to focus much more on the premium players, which I think will be bad for the game’s player base. I’ll explain my thoughts in this post:

My view on this

In my opinion, I think this is interesting and will prove to be beneficial for the developer’s revenue, as I have also started making more revenue off my game than before. However, as I stated before I disagree with giving the Premium users all these amazing features.

Some games will definitely make a powerful premium pay-to-win situation, and I believe that will drive away a larger community seeing as a smaller percentage of the Roblox community actually has premium, and eventually kill off the game’s community completely (My belief/thoughts). I know that I cannot force people to do this, but I would like to get my opinion out here.

Community concern?

I spoke to my small community of players (Around 70-80 in my discord server, along with several others on XBOX) for my most popular game and compounded their reactions with my opinion and found we had similar reactions, even with the premium users the majority of people I spoke to did not agree with adding super special features for players with premium. They said they would feel left out and that might drive them away from the game. Another thought on this is similar to where games will push gamepasses into your face, and you accidentally buy them. This could happen to players, and as an Xbox player, I can speak for part of that community in saying it happens A LOT on there. (Plus they would be able to do next to nothing with Premium).

My suggestion for Premium Advantages

To developers wanting to do premium specialties, I would suggest not giving a ton of new/special features to them, but giving them a smaller one such as a special room, skins, extra building (tycoons) and stuff like that. I believe all players should have some sort of drive to want to play and master the game, not just Premium where you have special features to help beat/toy with other players.

Thoughts on how to improve this

  • There is not a ton I can suggest about this for site/roblox based changes, but I do recommend removing the in-game purchase for premium as it could help prevent a forced-buying strategy as stated in my “Community Concern” section.
  • As for developers, I recommend not making premium benefits make the normal playerbase feel left out.

Your thoughts

I would like to see what you all think about this, thanks for reading!

BIG EDIT!: I probably should have specified more, this is NOT saying that one way is wrong and one way is right, this is just my view along with some concerns I’ve heard from others. I’m not suggesting this feature be taken away, only that us developers do not become money hungry, or only focus on one community instead of everyone.


This is more or less documentation of what @berezaa said, and more context I could provide to support their claim.

Before I (attempt to) refute this, it’d be appropriate if context was developed. Hundreds of console games require an initial one-time purchase, but, consequently, offer an unlimited, expansive, experience. Examples include the entire Animal Crossing and PokĂ©mon gaming series - there are no additional micro transactions as the initial fee compensates for it.

With that being distinguished, I find it utterly disappointing that Roblox considers any game requiring an initial one-time purchase as ineligible for this program. Regardless of micro transactions, a high quality game is entitled to sell their products for a definitive price.

Roblox is immersive and thus permits any game to thrive and be promoted whilst complying with terms of usage. Some free games could be stolen, or otherwise have poor quality however are eligible for this program. In contrast, qualitative studios contract developers for an immersive, enjoyable, sustainable experience.


It’s appalling that this feature doesn’t work with paid access games. The reason to make a paid access game is to encourage player retention because they had to invest in the game up front in order to play it.

If a game is free, you deal with bots, alt accounts, and players who join just to downvote once they see that they will have to complete a tutorial.

I don’t understand the argument that paid access games cause friction to premium members. Premium members automatically have robux to spend. That’s what Premium is!


The philosophy behind it is to prevent players from ‘paying twice’.

f2p and non-p2w does better for new users and Roblox overall. While paid access games aren’t an issue, premium payouts (as said at RDC) are meant to encourage free-to-play games, and discourage p2w in general.

Is this intentional behaviour? (game has always been paid access)

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The philosophy behind it is to prevent players from ‘paying twice’.

When does the user pay twice? From what I understand, the user gets free Robux from buying premium that they can use toward the entrance fee. They only spend money once.

Paid access games encourage two things:
-Higher retention
-More premium players

But don’t get to benefit from this thing that benefits games with higher retention and more premium players?


I believe by ‘paying twice’ Roblox means paid access developers trying to squeeze as much money out of players as possible.

Roblox in general neglects paid access games and they do need a serious facelift and better features (like premium payouts) to support them, but that’s clearly not in Roblox’s interests.

This is silly because it operates on the assumption that free to play games can’t try to squeeze as much money from the player as possible.

It’s an arbitrary decision and I hope they reconsider after some time.

I can see this being exploited similar to how Rogue Lineage operates.

  • Make a Paid Access game that teleports you to the real game, which is set as free to play
  • If you join the game without owning the paid access game, you are immediately kicked.
  • Tada, paid access game that can also receive premium payouts.