Introducing Premium Payouts!

There is a lot of money to go around. Look at Roblox’s exponential growth these past years.

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I’m curious to see the results after a month. My initial thoughts is why make features/items premium exclusive when I could just make it “VIP” gamepass exclusive. Seems like a good dev update overall.


I’m guessing the answer is yes. After all, the robux goes to group funds for purchases such as devproducts and gamepasses, so I assume this will be handled the same way.

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Dev-Ex is long over due a raise, The player base is expanding so much each year and doesn’t make sense that 81% of our earnings go to server hosting and Roblox.


As much as I and I am sure most developers are most likely content with a higher potential for income. I think this is a step in the wrong direction, a system that should be addressed is the DevEx system. Various developers tend to opt away from using DevEx because of the low rates that could be improved. This has led to an increase in third-party Robux selling where Developers to make a buck sell Robux at rates to actually make a good income.

ROBLOX should not be aiming to increase the source of income for developers when they still meet the same low outcomes from when they use the DevEx system. They should either allow third party Robux Selling or increase the DevEx rate.

Keynote - When I refer to the DevEx system the part to which I am explicitly mentioning is the Exchange rate from Robux to USD.


What if everyone starts on the same baseline Dev Ex rate, and your personal rate can increase based on player engagement stats and premium playerbase?

Obviously you can’t exactly “raise the DevEx rate” for one player based on one game because players could be paid from groups, have multiple games, etc, but you could apply that multiplier to the robux earned from in game purchases. For example, if a player buys a 400 robux gamepass, instead of giving the developer/group 400 robux * 0.7 market fee, you could give them 400 robux * 1.2 (some constant calculated on a number of factors, like percent of premium players, play length, premium conversions, etc) * 0.7 market fee.

This type of dealio would definitely encourage developers to promote Premium in their games via Premium-specific perks, as well as reward developers who put in lots of time and effort to make content-packed, high quality games that players spend lots of time in. This will only increase the average quality of Roblox games, and may potentially be a net-zero on Roblox’s income because of the increased Premium purchases.


I mean, developers are still making money off players who play their game, it’s just slightly mixed up. They solved the botting issue and require actual playtime now, but it still ends up being somewhat the same. They just added a paywall.

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My game averages 1.1M visits a month, and generates 500-600K Robux a month. How does your game manage to make only 8K Robux a month? I thiink you need to rework your monetisation.

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I am all for more money, but this update certainly rubs me wrong and the support for it is certainly disconcerting.

In effect, Roblox is getting us as developers to market their subscription service instead of providing value to the customer themselves. I highly doubt Roblox intends to take a loss on this, so we will be making pittance while Roblox reaps the rewards of a massive value add to there premium service.

When a user buys premium, they are now buying perks across dozens if not hundreds of independent games, instead of spending that same money inside the games that they have already invested in.


He was refering to the projected robux payouts from this new premium payout feature.

By the way, never put things in that perspective.
It’s not just about how monetised your game is.


He means that’s the projected amount from the Premium Payout, not how much he makes from gamepasses etc.

The game itself makes far more, the 8k a month I am referring to is what the projection is for the income solely off the new retention system.


Will we get an additional payout if a player buys premium from your game, sort of like buying catalog items through the game?


Omg! I wonder how many payouts in a day Game Developers receive from this update!

Show us your numbers! hihi


You don’t get any extra funds from someone purchasing premium from your game, but if more games have premium exclusive stuff and more people have premium the rate of premium payouts will only go up. It’s kinda not fair to judge the rate right now because it might slightly increase over time.

Can someone make a thread in Development Discussion for everyone to share their numbers? Would be nice to see how payouts scale and what I need to set my goals for


I am a little bit confused correct me if i’m wrong.

But why? You say, " These updates are part of our larger goal to help you build a financially successful and sustainable business on Roblox "

But then don’t allow paid games to be eligible?
“We want to encourage free-to-play games, and discourage game design that makes players pay twice”

What does that even mean?
Whats the difference from a paid game and a free-game? When at the end of the day the user is making the choice to buy said product. It’s like you give with one hand but take with the other.

I would love my time developing on Roblox to be A " successful and sustainable business on Roblox " but it feels like I should just create a sim, slap a load of flashy buttons only premium users can buy. * I wouldn’t say forcing the end user to buy premium * but that’s what it sure looks like.


This is a nice way for something to both support Roblox and the Developer to further both on the platform. That said it seems like a youtube promotion except as @buildthomas said it seems like a black box, we don’t know the ratio for how it affecs roblox to developer. Now this is obviously going to bring conversation back around to DevEx and rightly so in my opinion. What i’d like to see moving forward, while intergration with the platform is great, being able for developers to make money of their game at an acceptable rate, because of their game. e.g increased DevEx rates as the current are still not keeping up with how the platform has moved.

Good update but not even a step in the right direction when it comes down to DevEx and improving it. We need better and Fairer tools for profiting of our games, I personally don’t believe that roblox can’t increase that fraction, 0.0035 we get currently. But that’s just me, if the were to be more transparent, detail the actual costs. Talk with developers about solutions. Then DevEx can become more than a pat on the back.

This feels more like a buisness solution and idea to line robloxs pockets and incentive devs to promote microtransactions than help developers make a business of the platfrom. Innovation should come first, not the bank.

I’d also like to suggest people read @berezaa’s reply which sums up my feeling about paid games and the way the platform seems to be heading overall. Let’s hope I’m wrong…Introducing Premium Payouts! - #90 by berezaa


This is probably bait but like you don’t like free money? Just give the people at Roblox more time to plan everything out, I promise they are definitely working on it

This is not free money, this is what we are getting INSTEAD of an increase in Dev Ex prices.

If they were also planning on increasing Dev Ex, even just with inflation, this would be a totally different and completely positive update.