Introducing Premium Payouts!

I like this feature, a way for developers to earn Robux without the consumer purchasing anything besides Premium. This could also make developers want to added “Premium Only Perks” or something like that.

The only concern I have is games like Trade Hangout would probably be the game that receives the most profit since it’s a Premium-Only game. This could impact how much other game developers make considering that it’s a huge game mostly Premium users play.


I don’t see why you didn’t just flat out increase DevEx rates? As many others have said before me, the projected numbers are pathetic based on the amount of plays a game gets and nowhere near what the game makes through regular means. It’s obvious you guys have the room to increase the rates, even just a little bit or to adjust for inflation, because of this update right here. This backdoor solution isn’t what a lot of developers want.


It depends on how much you get from premium playtime, if your paid access game is mildly successful and the playtime rewards are meager you could still make more with a paid access game.

Edit: it could very easily be a measure to try to force bloxburg, the top earning game in the platform, out of paid access if they expect the revenue will go up by a lot if it were free.

Edit2 without tinfoil hat: If they allowed paid access games then there would be a huge incentive to make your game paid access as mostly premium users have the robux to pay the upfront fee, reducing the amount of games free users can visit.

If someone is a premium member and spends hours in his own game, will he receive a percentage? :smile:
Aside, this seems like an interesting concept. I wasn’t quite expecting it to be this way, but it does make sense when I think about it! It’s a way to distribute more to the creators, which obviously was an issue that many were concerned about, but it does so in a way that will help increase the premium targeted audience games, help the monetization on places that have a lot of visits but nothing to sell and it will also increase the amount of Roblox Premium subscriptions which will help the platform increase its revenues!


Does this apply to group games if you’re the group owner?


Does this work under group games aswell?

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Hi @Calilies, yes if your game profits funnel into a group then Roblox Premium playtime profits should too! I just checked my group game Wild Revolvers, and it appears to be monitoring these stats live.


It’s an increase in money for doing nothing extra, its basically free.

If there was inflation and they changed the dev ex rates to combat the inflation, so they would be no change

Honestly they will probably update the rates in the future anyway so I’m just glad that they did something to boost developers a little bit. I mean this feature helps people who don’t make a lot from gamepasses and dev products and gives all developers a flat rate just for keeping players in their games

Gotta be honest, I don’t understand what this is or how it works at all.


Love the update! I can’t wait to see how other developers utilize it, thank you :grinning:

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I have asked Dave directly, and he said they will not be increasing the rates. At minimum, they have no plans on it. THIS is what they were doing instead.

And no, they have not increased them with inflation either, though that’d be amazing if they would.


I’m concerned how this will be like for trade hangout? People spend hours in a premium only game…? Will games like this be disqualified or ?? Very concerning while i think this slightly replaces tix in a way (which people liked so i can only assume they’ll like this as well) Im on board but very deep concerns.

Top games get a disproportionate amount of money. They get more exposure which exponentially increases its popularity solely because its already popular and people subconsciously pick games that are already popular due to sort of a bandwagon effect. Top games also earn more robux per player for various reasons.

I’m not saying that their success isn’t deserved, but its kind of ridiculous how much their success ends up compounding. A payment per playtime system could potentially be great, but only if it’s balanced to pay smaller games a higher percentage per time spent in game. This is important because it helps financially support low - mid end developers which is needed as it will increase competition across games instead of letting them stagnate. Paying top games more money doesn’t equal them making better games, it just ends up going into the void. Smaller devs could seriously be helped out a lot by that money which will help improve games as a whole going forward. Ever heard of trickle down economics? Yeah, it doesn’t work.

As it stands now this just feels like some weird way for roblox to get more premium signups and it doesn’t feel pro developer to me. Even if they increase the amount of money everyone earns, its not that much different than a marginal devex increase. Main difference is that this systems only really works if you’re trying to convert people to being premium subscribers which doesn’t seem pro developer to me, it comes across as greed. I don’t think that’s the intention here but it certainly feels like it is.

I think that payouts for time played could be great but I think that it needs to:

  • Pay a higher percentage to less popular games to help address the disproportionate income earnings across low - mid - top games
  • Increase the payout amount to be more than just an additional 2-5%
  • Have a premium conversion bonus if you get someone to signup. This “game sort” thing you may or may not show up on wont do that much, I really don’t understand what we get out of this that’s useful. As the system stands now, it just feels greedy to me.

I feel like my suggestion helps both developers and the platform a lot more than what this is currently trying to do. Would love to start a discussion if anyone disagrees or has a different opinion on the matter.


This update seems very positively received. Not understanding your point. Given more money, developers have now the access to hire better developers and get better softwares/resources to improve their game. Just cause it’s not direct doesn’t mean it doesn’t help.

I agree and unless I have a large amount of premium users potentially wanting to play my game I doubt that saying “here’s a 10% decrease if you have premium” and then promoting premium purchase would be very financially beneficial. I’d probably turn a higher profit if it was pay to access unless the game was in the top 20.

I think that this change could be pretty cool but I’m not sure if it will benefit me or my teams yet in comparison to larger games so I don’t really have a solid opinion on this yet.

Does anyone know if it will actually benefit smaller games (aka ones that aren’t the top 20?)

Let’s make it clear: This update isn’t hurting anyone. The problem and negative reception comes from the absolutely abysmal execution of an otherwise helpful update. Roblox could be doing a lot more with this, but are instead taking a route that puts more money in big developers’ pockets and further widens the gap between big and small developers.

As many others have pointed out (Including myself), this really does seem like a way for Roblox to increase Premium sales, which isn’t inherently a bad thing. It becomes an issue when this is their solution to the objectively poor Developer Exchange rates as @UndoneBuilder pointed out.


That has to be their goal ultimately. I just don’t see why you would add a system like this if you didn’t intend to use it to support low - mid end games. Unless they’re literally just trying to sell more premium and not cutting us in on much of the profits but I’m hopeful that this isn’t their plan. As it stands now though it really feels like it

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I think the major questions to ask are, of all those 2k players a day, how many have Premium? And how long do they play?

It’s still a bit early to tell, but I’m thinking this will actually help developers massively who appeal to older audiences who can afford to consistently have Premium. Another nice thing is that it doesn’t matter if 2,000 players play your game or 200,000 players play your game if players only play for a few minutes at most. It could actually be better to have 2,000 players who play for five to six hours each rather than 20,000 who play for about five to ten minutes each.

I definitely am looking forward to seeing what this has in store for us and I think it’s going to help developers to strive for more immersive worlds with much more depth as well as push the boundaries of the platform by having developers compete more for the most player retention, leading to further innovation.

I’m very excited to see what new creations people will make to try to capture the most player retention they can.


I’m pretty excited to see how this ends up. Although some of what I read, I couldn’t firmly grasp :grin:

I don’t want to be rude or anything, this is beneficial to developers but is it a way for Roblox to get developers to advertise Roblox Premium for them?