Introducing: RAMPAGE Administration System. Built-in ROBLOX Chat administration system

DiscordAPI requires https service to be enabled


Automatic install/Automatic updating is now released. This is the last time you should ever have to re-install the RAMPAGE Administration System, here at RAMPAGE We want everything to be simple/fast for YOU!



in the command bar to install, then you will notice stuff is automatically updated and upon joining the game it’s once more updated again.

Open ServerScriptService service to begin configuring settings and adding plugins! To do that you need to install the Loader script here into ServerScriptService. This should be the last time you ever need to install it.

Trello Bans & Trello based permissions levels are in development :wink:

  • RAMPAGE Team
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Is there any way to disable certain built in commands?

This will be a feature soon, hopefully in 0.0.4 release

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Disabling commands is added.

Please modify your settings module and add. Inside the table add the name of the commands you want disabled. Not case sensitive. if this line of code isn’t added, the admin system can possibly break. With this change I also fixed the issue regarding the !jail command not working.

DisabledCommands = {},

Looks good. My question, however, is why use this admin over others? Are there any features that make this admin more appealing than others? Advantages, perhaps?

Another issue;
If bubble-chat only is enabled, you can’t really use the admin since it requires the chat itself. Maybe make a UI so you can access the commands that require the chat when it’s disabled?

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Installing an unknown module that requires you to enable HTTP requests is incredibly suspicious.


This is supposed to be basic administrative system, no uis etc.

I do understand that. Kohls admin, HD Admin, and adonis are also all required () The module is public. You can re-upload it and change the require ids if you’re worried

The reason we do requires is so we can easily publish updates without having you reinstall it every time.


I understand that it’s no UIs and stuff, but again; What if normal chat is disabled? How’d they have known what commands are available if !help wouldn’t return anything? (Since it’s in chat).

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I’d print it client-sided in developer console.

Perfect, I’m glad to hear that it’s open-source. I’ll take a look at it!

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Will all players be aware that “RAMPAGE” is in a game? I’m currently looking for a system that doesn’t advertise their admin commands to our players.

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We dont advertise, its wrong. Only way they can found is by running commands and seeing [RAMPAGE Admin]: Command failed to execute

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Major risk :face_with_raised_eyebrow: , don’t enable third party HTTP requests…

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Major risk? Lol. It isn’t a major risk to have HTTP requests enabled. People use HTTPS requests to use MySQL databases, for example, send discord webhooks, Trello, etc. Almost all my games and other players games use HTTPS Services for good reasons.

I can think of this being used for malicious intent only by a ROBLOX Studio plugin to use. Source to view your scripts and send a POST to a website or discord server leaking your code.

RAMPAGE Admin can’t even touch your scripts last time I checked. It isn’t a studio plugin; if you’re worried, fetch the RAMPAGE Admin MainModule re-uploaded it privately and read the code and make your own changes if you’re worried about it somehow being malicious.

If it’s really a risk, Roblox will remove it.


requires reinstallment, but made easier!

Install for the first time(Required for this update, no matther if it’s already installed)


Update your code:


Execute these codes in the command bar.

This recent update makes updating/installing just a simple as that, organizing my code to be cleaner, etc. And some command fixes—the reason this is required, as some code was moved around to folders, etc.

RAMPAGE is currently investigating the reason behind why the admin channel is failing to show. It seems we have zero errors regarding it at the moment. We have no idea and will keep investigating.

Update - 12/7/2020 9:01 PM PDT
RAMPAGE Is still investigating. This is one of the errors we’re having a serious problem with as now the whole system broke down; we have zero errors and unable to find the root cause. We will continue investigating; by Wednesday, we will re-do the whole system if this isn’t fixed. RAMPAGE Team is extremely sorry about your current experience with the system.

If you’re planning on continuously updating/maintaining this application software, maybe put it on GitHub? Unless you absolutely shiver from the idea of collaboration somehow lol.

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This is cool! I think you could improve on your plugin system and making it easier for people to set up new commands. Take a look at the structure for creating a command package (plugin) with SimpleAdmin.

    Name = "Kick";
    Aliases = {"yeet"};
    Level = Levels.Moderators;
    Args = {
            Name = "Target";
            Type = "player";
            HierarchyLimited = true; -- Prevents command from being ran on somebody with higher permission level
            Name = "Reason";
            Type = "string";
            Default = "You have been kicked by an administrator.";
    Category = "Moderation";
    Run = function(plr, args)
        if args.Target.GetLevel() >= plr.GetLevel() then
        args.Target:Kick("\n\nSimpleAdmin | " .. args.Reason)