Introducing Rights Manager

@nsgriff Good morning! After registering for the Rights Manager and it being approved, I promptly lost access to the page and receive a 404.

In such circumstances, will the creator be notified that additional information of theirs was shared?

@TecmagDiams @TiffTiffIsHere @jackTabsCode Hey folks, this should be resolved. Please let me know if you see further issues regarding access.


Yes, we will attempt to contact the creator prior to disclosure.


Thanks! I am wary of some content that’s infringing my IP, I’ll check later this week how the new removal request process works out and what I come across. I’ll let you know in-case I run into any issues :+1:


Thanks for rolling out the Rights Manager! This is a huge step towards helping developers protect their IP on the platform.

I had a concern, however, with how easily accessible it is to view your registration details on your account. Are there any plans to implement a password or 2FA check before you can see your current registration details? It seems like an easy way for an account hijacker to get personal information tied to an account.



The issue with accesss to the rights manager is now properly resolved, thank you.

I am still concerned about how I am supposed to follow-up on a rejection when I reported classic-tshirts that are very clearly saved from the website, an icon pasted over the top, and re-uploaded. How am I supposed to contest the decision that it’s “visually disinctive”? It’s not, it’s illegal use of my IP. Simply pasting a small icon ontop of an image does not make it derivitive enough to be distributed.

Additionally 2 of my claims were rejected as “not unique enough designs to be protected” but if someone copies a work pixel for pixel, that involves multiple shapes and shading, then yes that is a protactable IP that is being infringed… I can’t believe this is a battle I’ve been having with Roblox for over 10 years, where I have not been able to have stolen copies of my IP so popular that they show up in search engine results when my originals don’t…

Here is an exmaple, one is my original, one is a reported stolen item. How are you going to tell me these “differ enough that it’s not infringing your IP”


Gee, it sure is great to see that Roblox is still ignoring requests to archive/delete assets


I wonder if I could just submit removal requests for my own assets.

This feels like a stupid idea, though, since I’d technically be taking legal action against myself.
I wish Roblox would just say something in regards to us wanting to remove our own assets…

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This is purely for requesting the removal of third-party content that’s infringing your intellectual property. For removing meshes, models etc I’d suggest uploading a brick or something else to replace these.

I would like to know how to get rid of images and decals though. @nsgriff, could you get back to us to let us know how to properly delete images/decals? Seeing as the old e-mail address for this matter ( doesn’t work anymore.


I 1000% agree with this. The sensitive information should be locked behind 2FA at all times. Good thing we can protect our intellectual property, but that won’t be of much importance when we get doxxed.

For Decals, MeshParts, Audio, and Video, you can just archive them. Archiving a Decal/MeshPart will also archive any underlying Image/Mesh asset associated with it.

For Models, Animations, and Plugins, you can overwrite those. You cannot overwrite MeshParts, but you can archive them.

The problem is that these asset types cannot be archived/overwritten:

There are situations where an Image/Mesh asset can be created without being attached to a Decal/MeshPart, making it impossible to archive. For example, place thumbnails generate an Image, and Studio’s 3D Importer tool generates Mesh assets without attaching them to a MeshPart.


I am unable to add assets under my own group, it says I dont have ownership over the assets despite them being owned by my group.


Hey folks, we just launched a change that should enable group owners to submit on behalf of the group for group owned assets. We plan to add deeper support for groups and permissions later this year.

@codedcosmetics @MTR_Q


I still don’t understand how these requests are getting rejected…

I have been rejected on both of these claims being told:

We reviewed your request and determined that the creation you requested us to remove significantly differs from your creation.

This is straight up allowing violation of my intellectual properties. Roblox is stating that I may copy anyone’s textures, images, etc, and just slap a small icon or my own watermark on it’s mine now. Not a single soul could look at either of these gifs and in good concious say that these are signigicantly different, that this WASN’T copy-pasted and reuploaded with an additional icon layered ontop.

This is NOT acceptable behavior from Roblox, this new Rights Manager is NOT protecting IP.


Thank you so so much, this fixed it! :smiley:

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this update goes so hard actually. there was a stolen model of mine that was floating around on the marketplace for about a year now, i knew of it immediately but reports did nothing. i wanted to file a DMCA, but they’re complicated and scary…
then this feature came out. so i decided to give it a shot… and in just 2 days, the model was deleted. and it was genuinely so much easier.
thank you for this absolute W of a feature. :face_holding_back_tears:


Awesome! Now I can begin to takedown my copies.

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What will Roblox do to protect personal information with these takedown requests? As of right now someone could steal content maliciously and as a result of a DMCA takedown get access to personal information such as our address. Is there new protection in place, or perhaps even a way I can protect myself from exposing this type of information to people?


My group and several other groups in the same genre already got false striked by a disgruntled user on the platform. It’s already abuseable. I’m very concerned that I won’t be able to get this appealed and have the strike removed.

I’m going to try appealing it, however I know it’ll likely be a nonsense bot response.

Edit: I have appealed and I have received the standard bot response, saying that the penalty will remain in effect, meaning I have a strike.

Seems the only way to fix the issue, is by issuing a counter notice, which will have it be reverted unless the person takes me to court (which won’t happen, as its false).

However, it requires me to include sensitive personal information, such as my address and phone. I am concerned about my personal safety, as it states that this information may be sent to the person who made this false DMCA notice, who is well known for unethical behavior and illegal activities.