Introducing Rights Manager

Thanks Roblox. Good Update :+1:t3:

It’s wild to me that false claims are going through while I am getting rejected on having literally copy pasted versions of my assets declined.

I can’t say I’m surprised they are having these issues though if we look at the history of content moderation on Roblox.


I don’t know, its either just roblox ignoring me or everyone having this problem but, roblox’ve been ignoring me recently
I’ve sent a ticket before which was asnwered just today? (like after a week), and theres my removal request still pending after 5 days.

That’s pretty absurd. Especially when the false claims are for things as simple as group descriptions and group names.

Who would have thought that those who have real legitimate claims have issues with this system, while nefarious actors are abusing it to take down groups and accounts they don’t like and they have zero problem.

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How do you plan on protecting developers from false reports? You are currently able to steal other players’ games, clothes, UGC items, etc., upload them yourself, and file a takedown request and it will always get accepted. A developer I know stole somebody’s game that had over 100 million visits, submitted a DMCA, and got the original taken down.

Since you are able to copy assets and claim them to be your own in a takedown request on Roblox currently, there needs to be protections in place, especially for established developers who are either verified, or are regularly using DevEx.

Also currently on Roblox, you are able to file DMCA claims over something that would never be held up in court, such as Dev A reporting Dev B for using a patch of grass or a bush. These things would be too vague and would never be held up in court, but Roblox has always accepted claims over something this tiny.

You are also able to file claims for trademarks and brands you do not own and Roblox has consistently accepted these too. I understand there’s a new verification process to determine if someone has the authority to act on behalf of someone, but I need more detail on this. If I claim to represent McDonalds, will McDonalds be contacted and asked if I am telling the truth? Please explain this process more.

My final question is that you currently can’t archive clothing assets on Roblox for copyright purposes. When is this being implemented?

I expect a response. Please detail to me how you plan on protecting developers from this, because to me it just seems like it became a lot easier to get someone you don’t like banned.


Agreed and very well said. There needs to be a tough barrier to entry for these request to be made. These are serious legal claims, and should be handled as such.

If I receive a complaint, I should be able to see the contact information of the person who sent it. Should not be one sided, with them seeing my personal info with a counter notice and me not seeing theirs or who it is, that’s very dangerous, especially to those who do this to gain personal info for nefarious purposes.

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So what is my next escalation step when Roblox is clearly not doing their due-diligence and also saying the only place for someone to bring this up is in a locked section of this forum I don’t have access to? I’m now wasting a considerable amount of my time resubmitting my VALID CLAIM and being rejected when the assets are clearly copy-pasted from mine…

This update ended up taking down my own outfit game that I created in 2020 :confused:

Taken down by @codedcosmetics

You can request to join @AllowFeatureRequests

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Thank you Roblox, this is an amazing update. It is already much easier to protect your IP thanks to this new system.

I feel for those that have been negatively affected by the system, however I heard from relevant parties that they are working on improving communication and I am sure any disingenuous takedowns will be reverted and handled soon enough.

I’ve requested a takedown of a clone 2 times now. Both have been approved yet the game is still online and playable (Game page).

In the documentation of the rights manager it says: “Approved – Roblox approved the IP removal request, and removed the infringing content.” so I doubt there is some time between the approving of the request and the actual deletion of the place.

There was around 3 days between these two reports. Can someone tell me why the game is still up?


I’ll reach out to you. Thanks for the report.

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It may seem for the first time that the feature is useful and such, but in reality it’s pretty damn useless. 5 times in a row my requests were rejected and ALL with the same reason and each time I changed and tried to help them “identify” the game I complain about. But everything is rejected! What is the point of this feature?! It doesn’t protect intellectual property in any way, or you don’t care about small developers. I do not recommend using it to waste your time.

The reason I’ve been getting all the time:

We are unable to identify the creation that allegedly infringes your rights.

If you would like to continue with this request please return to Rights Manager and file a new report, specifying which elements of the content you identified for removal are allegedly infringing.

To learn more about Roblox intellectual property policies, please review the Roblox Terms of Use.

@nsgriff I want your answer about all of this

My sixth request was finally approved and the content that violated my IP was removed. But it’s still very strange that it took me SIX REQUESTS to get a approved.


When I click the button to send off a report, it doesn’t do anything and I get the following warning in the console of my browser:

The translation key ‘Label.LegalAgreements’ doesn’t exist for locale 'en-US`

Would be nice if pre-submission requests saved as drafts, as I just lost all of the reports I was filing.

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Hey everyone,

Good news - We have rolled out bulk uploads to everyone!
Please let us know if you have any questions.


I’ve had this same thing happen a few times now - the offending content is removed and then reuploaded to the same place slot a day or two later (sometimes with a different icon or name, sometimes no changes). No notification that the requests were appealed or anything.

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I have the same issue for any approved reports/claims I make against stolen games.


It’s ridiculous that you’ve had to report it 6 times, I’m now on report 4 for items that are CLEARLY copy pasted from mine and my claims have been getting rejected. It’s not like it’s a super fast process to resubmit this either since the items are all copies of different items of mine, so I have to go in, put which one is which, and provide a meaningful description of how they edited my asset (which honestly anyone looking at the images would approve my claim without me having to do…).

It’s kinda crazy how they are pushing this in new updates as “protecting IP” yet cases like this are being ignored. Who in their right mind says that this is “signicantly different and not infrincing IP”!?

How was only one of these claims accepted, and it was for one that was recolored AND had an icon overlayed on top, meanwhile the ones that literally just have an icon overlayed on top were denied?

And to claim my design doesn’t have “sufficient originality required to qualify for robust copyright protection” when it has a specific pixel layout that is bieng COPIED PIXEL FOR PIXEL. You can literally see my exact placement of exact colors…

This feels like Roblox straight up not doing their job and expecting me to submit this 100 times before they MIGHT, and then using their LACK OF DUE DILEGENCE as an excuse for them not being liable.

So after CONSIDERABLE time on my end submitting complaints, HALF the infringing items have been removed… How can ANYONE look at these two images and say:

Specifically, your original work does not appear to be sufficiently creative to qualify for robust copyright protection and it is not clear that the reported content has actually used your original work.

I want to point out that last half:

it is not clear that the reported content has actually used your original work.

It is PAINFULLY clear. Roblox is actively defending theft of IP.



Has anyone had any issue with filing a report and having it be denied because it’s a place id link rather than a game id link?

Recently, I was notified that my old game’s map had been stolen and was been used in a new game however this map was only being used at a specific place id, not the game id. I filed a removal request and both were rejected- the place id (top request), stated:

“We are unable to identify the creation that allegedly infringes your rights.”

and the game id (bottom request), stated:

“It appears that the item you reported has been uploaded prior to the upload of your creation.”.

I understand the game id request as, yes, the game was created before mine however the stolen map is still being used in the place id, under the same game. Either this is a flaw in the system or I was wrongfully rejected of my removal.

Has anyone else had any issues of this? If so, did you find a work around?

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