Roblox doesn’t ban every account under the same IP unless you do something really serious.
When you have added +13 accounts in the Account switching and you want to add a <13, the account switching asks you to log out of some account
This is probably how they will track exploiters across accounts …
It would help, but I’m sure this isn’t the only method that will be used.
Love it so far but will the 5-account limit ever be raised?
I can finally stop using multiple Firefox containers (in most cases, anyways).
This is already a feature with the roblox extension RoSeal, glad to see roblox is making the feature offical!
Am I sad by seeing different John Doe and Jane Doe accounts in the screenshot to the classic ones we all know and love? (does anyone remember March 18th still)
Either way, this feature has been needed for forever. I don’t personally use other accounts that often, but for people who share access to a computer with other people, this will be a game changer.
This is going to be brilliant for testing stuff btw.
Wow, heck of an update for Roblox thanks to all related parties for this universally helpful feature!!
will roblox be using this feature to ban alternate accounts if one of the accounts connected gets moderated?
i know at rdc they were talking about preventing alts / alt detection
and is this stored on your browser or where is it stored
Will studio also get account switching?
Really happy to see this finally released! Makes my life 10 times easier
I’m alittle confused here. Didn’t ROBLOX once told us that everyone should have only 1 account? And alt accounts will be deleted. So, is it clearly safe to use this feature?
They meant alt accounts for breaking rules. Like exploiter make alt to exploit, get banned, and when make new alt auto banned
Finally I won’t need to have 7 different browsers!!!
Is roblox stopping me from going to my router’s admin panel and restarting the router so I can get a new IP? IP Bans are useless
Unfortunately you would need two more different browsers as the limit is 5
Now that multiple accounts are essentially ‘officially supported’ I wonder if it will eventually be possible to verify more than one account with ID?
I already had access to this feature since September, in addition to anyone I know who lives in my country (Brazil).
Can any Roblox staff confirm for me if this feature was being previously tested with Brazilian players?
No matter what I try, it forces me to log out of either account before switching accounts, I am seemingly the only person in my friendgroup who experiences this issue. I do not have any possibilities to use multiple accounts at once. [I have removed all extensions before too, this is clearly a Roblox thing]
Yes! Coming sooner than later