Introducing Talent Hub Open Beta - New Platform to Find & Post Work!

Which would have no use since they will be long outdated, the portfolio will have been moved to talent hub, the recruitment topic will most likely not even be looking for developers anymore.


I love archiving everything and anything, for both sentimental value and informative value that may not be obvious right now but could pop up later! I don’t think it would hurt to archive the category, but it would hurt me if it was kept there. Besides, making it regular-only would ensure that new members would not get confused as to the category’s previous purpose.

Just because it has zero value to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any value to me!


Are there any plans for being able to add videos/images of your work to your profile page? I feel like the Experience section alone is not enough to gauge someone’s skill level at a glance


How do we know whether we got in or not? Do we get a message from DET or Dev Relations about bit via Devforums?

Also i think there’s a bug:


It’s going to be really hard to convince a forum administrator to keep the category solely based on sentimental value. Not sure how they could be “informative” either, I don’t remember the last time I had to refer back to a #collaboration topic that benefited my development. And several other developers could probably agree with me on that one.

The primary resourceful parts of the forum are in #help-and-feedback, #updates and #resources. No reason to continue hosting gigabytes (if not more!) worth of topics that will become useless when talent hub comes to surpass it.


This is just sad. Yet another case of roblox leaving out the whole team of people who signed up to the beta program! “Open Beta”, yeah right.


I really love the idea of having a separate website for hiring. As the quality of the #collaboration category has decreased a bit when the developer forum became more public, and easier to enter. This is a good step in the right direction! :+1:

I have a few concerns though:

  1. Making users who have Account PIN enabled unable to see some posts, isn’t a good idea. As a lot of developers use this feature for security more than a parental feature.

  2. Can you say more about the criteria. Because no one would know why they aren’t invited to access the Talent Hub early.

Thanks. And keep up the good work Roblox! :+1:


I guess so. Pretty strange. It should be if you have account restrictions on then you can’t view non-verified creators.


This is silly. I use the account pin as an additionally security measure to prevent unauthorized changes to my account. I shouldn’t be prevented from seeing unverified users on the talent hub.


I think you’re getting it wrong, Its account pin not that.


Really excited to start using the Talent Hub! This will make hiring developers much easier, and it’s definitely a step in the right direction.

nice!, i will finally be able to make a portfolio for me models

I believe it’s illegal for Roblox to do so under COPPA sadly.
I fully agree though, in my case I’d prefer to use discord to contact the people who comission my scripting, so I don’t want to talk to <13’s iligally on there. As well as this, I don’t want to hire <13’s, as I certainely know that I wasn’t mature back then :slight_smile:.
Also, would that mean we can’t mention discord/other social links now?

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A bit confused with the two skills here as they are very similar/same.



A bit disappointed with this because it adds extra security, and since collaboration is getting deleted I’m gonna have to disable it just to be able to work.

This seems like a really cool feature, although many developers such as myself use the account pin as extra security, so it’s a little annoying.

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Is that the same thing? I am unsure if that is the same thing then an account pin of if it means if it means like if ur under 13 where ur parents can set a pin.

I do agree that it would be annoying if it was what they are saying cuz I use the pin for extra security as well.

I really like this. The collaboration section is good enough but the Recruitment not quite. There are a lot of posts where the user just says the job and the payment and contact like who is even gonna trust that, hopefully this will change that :slight_smile:

I am exceptionally pleased that we are getting an official avenue of hiring and commissioning talent for our projects, this is a very good step forward for developers looking to form teams.

Though even with this, I feel like we’re still a long way from fully realized development teams till we actually get some way to directly transfer funds to someone or to a group without losing 30% of the robux to taxes. This is the biggest thing, stopping a lot of developers that don’t wish to risk losing a lot of money just to hire or commission someone.


I see this as an issue as I use a pin on my account for additional security because of how easy it is for someone to get into your account on roblox (which is rather unfortunate and I think roblox security and account management needs a large overhaul because it feels incredibly outdated). If this is going to be the case can we get a secondary non-parental pin that locks things even while signed in as an extra layer of security?

This is doubly problematic for this reason:

I highly encourage you guys to roll out a secondary account pin before September 1st, or remove the account pin restriction from talent hub. Specifically we need a pin that locks some access to your account even while logged in, not one that is bypassed by being already logged in (such as locking changing account information, seeing account information in settings, editing games (this one is more of a maybe, but I would be happy to see it), trading items, managing groups, and leaving/joining groups).

I probably won’t be using it unless this issue is resolved as I won’t sacrifice the already pathetic account security.