Introducing Talent Hub Open Beta - New Platform to Find & Post Work!

Excellent update, I’ve been waiting for something like this to happen where all developers can connect to the community more easily. :+1:


Oh yes very good point I don’t want to spend more time making my portfolio because I also need to record some gameplay for it although I can just download it, still very good if the posts just get hidden and locked instead of deleted, this way looking back to ideas will be easy and accessible.


I’m super excited for the Talent Hub, one thing that demotivated me from doing commissions is the lack of trust and the problems that goes on behind the scenes. I’m super glad to see the Talent Hub that will have more verified and trust-worthy developers.


I’m quite excited for it! I hope it’s much easier than devforum haha. I think, I’ll really love this feature aka Talent Hub ^^


Looking forward to seeing you on the talent hub as well Jack!


is talent hub meant to be down rn?


THIS IS AWESOME!!! gonna make it so much easier to get work. and hire. best thing ever, can’t wait for the release


A crucial step to beta testing is allowing for feedback from your testers. In this step, you require vast improvement as you have provided unequal opportunity to give feedback and have therefore discouraged feedback from occurring.

The links you have provided are DevForum links, in order to make bug reports or feature requests on the DevForum, you need to have reached a certain activity bracket by making some amount of posts and spending some amount of time on it.

I am not an active DevForum user and I don’t have access to create Topics in these sections, but I’ve been invited to the Talent Hub Open Beta, and I would very much like to give some feedback. Here’s a start:

The feedback you are receiving right now is being restricted and muffled by a lack of access. I recommend whitelisting beta testers for your method of feedback or creating a form that all beta testers can access and fill.


Everything amazing except it requiring us to disable account PIN.


I can’t wait for this to happen! Well I would have to wait for a bit to get access as I am not a big creator or anything, however I will wait and hope I will get access to this as soon as possible!!

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I’ve literally had bad blood with hiring on the platform from previous experiences. The fact that now we have something dedicated to this is incredible. Maybe I can finally trust commissions on Roblox once more.

A really nice feature here would be some sort of direct payment system through this new service. This way, not only could independent developers without a group (or a group without group funds) pay people for their work without tax, Roblox also has a way of verifying what was asked of, and would help instead of these squabbles over what people consider their property.

Keep up the good work, Roblox. Can’t wait for this to be released!

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I would like to see something similar to those domain marketplace services. The developer and contractor puts the decided goods in an escrow, just like trading.

Maybe some file structure viewer, file line counter and maybe some automatic detection system to ensure the developer doesn’t deliver useless mess. Maybe have a 3 day cooldown before the Robux is released, so the contractor can report scams to Roblox.

Of course, this increases workload on the moderation team, but also confidence and new opportunities for the platform.


the Talent Hub is a great place for commissions easier, but you guys need to consider doing these 2 things:

  • Allow us to pay through groups without waiting 2 weeks. When donated to the user in the group, convert the Robux into pending robux. This delays commissions and can be a big problem.

  • When we use gamepasses as payment, stop banning us for that. I won’t go any further due to the fact that this isn’t a moderation complain post.

Overall thanks for releasing this. now i don’t have to spend hours looking for a devforum post about GFX hire.


I seem to have a bug, where after about page 3/4 on creators, usernames and descriptions stop showing properly for most creators. Not seen anyone else mention this here so thought it would be worth saying so just in case it’s unknown.

(Chrome 92.0.4515.131 on Windows 10)


Cool update! A few things though…

  • Since when have account pins been called parental pins, and since when have they been intended solely for minors?! I, and as I’ve read, a lot of other people, use account pins as a “last defense” mechanism due to the perceived, real or not, insecurity of Roblox.

  • Are there plans to add an escrow? Oh, please say that there is!!! As somebody who’s done commissions, you may notice that my portfolio has been marked as “closed” for awhile now. This is not an accident. The lack of any sort of escrow meant I got scammed relatively frequently, less so “I’m not going to pay you” and more-so “I’m not going to pay you the amount we agreed.” Not to mention all the work I passed up because the inquiring client wanted goods first, payment second.

  • Possibly splitting Talent hub into “amateur” and “professional” job listings. I have taken on both of these. Some of my commissions require me to sign NDAs, independent contractor legal stuff, all that. I would consider these “professional” jobs with much higher payment security (although I have been scammed by seemingly professional Roblox developers as well!!!). Heck, why stop at two? Why not casual, high risk, beginner friendly, etc?

  • Age requirement and verification. OP mentions “verified status,” and I feel I might have a better solution. There are various services that allow companies to verify identity and age, I recently had to go through one to get Spotify’s student discount, and I feel this could be a solution to helping to filter out low quality job listings, be fairly sure that an account is run by a real person, and, in my opinion, children shouldn’t necessarily be on the talent hub at all. I mean, they’re called jobs, you need to be at least 16 to have a job in most states. However, if Roblox disagrees with me (which they seem to) these verification services include student IDs.

“Hey wait, this could all go in feedback and suggestions.” Rank-ups to “Regular” have been on ice for awhile now. :woman_shrugging:


Hello! I’ve been looking at the talent hub for months, now and it seems great, and can’t wait to use it.

I use the ‘parental’ pin for security on my account in case it was compromised and no setting could be changed, now removing it makes my account more vulnerable if it ever is compromised. I’ve removed it, so I am able to have full complete access, but now I fear for the safety of my account.

As @buildthomas said, Roblox is working on new authentication which I was aware of, its coming, but not here, where Talent Hub is here, right now.


A good way for Roblox to change it would be to instead if pin is on, to see if account restrictions are on, then give a curated look.

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how do i get to access the talent hub? and what are the requirement?

This is going to be an amazing tool for us new developers looking for work.

I would definitely use this for future voice acting gigs whenever it’s fully avaliable. I agree with a lot of the people here about the pin rule, I use it to keep my accou nt safe as well as an extra layer of security.