Introducing Talent Hub Open Beta - New Platform to Find & Post Work!

Talent hub is spamming my emails, even after I turned off email notifications :frowning:

Someone made 1 change to my application and I have received about 35 emails about it, and they are still coming


Roblox is not Roblox :weary:



I’m not sure why people aged 13 would have a driving license, and other ID verifications are something I wouldn’t trust unless handled by a different company as how VC was rumoured to work like.

Why does having a PIN restrict what content I can see on the Talent Hub, when the age on my account is set to over 18? I use a PIN as a last defence safety measure if someone gets into my account because they can’t change my email/password without my PIN. I don’t use it as a parent safety feature. Considering Roblox knows my age (and I can’t imagine a parent purposely locking their child’s account at 18+) I shouldn’t have to remove my last defence safety measure to take full advantage of the talent hub.

Edit: Unrelated to above, but you should add “Writing” or “Story Development” to the list of skills you can put on your profile.


As EU citizen, I use my GDPR Right of Access often at platforms that contain potential private information.

Roblox uses IDology for ensuring these requests are legitimate:

Roblox has partnered with IDology, a third-party independent company to verify the identity of account owners who wish to proceed with a data privacy request. Information uploaded to IDology is retained for a period of 14 days. After this period, the uploaded data is removed from IDology. Roblox does not retain this information. For more information on IDology and the service they provide, please click here.

Additionally, it is also required for DevEx, as you can read here.

Would be strange if they used another partner for Talent Hub / (rumoured) Voice Chat verification.

Know that most of the YouTuber claims about voice chat are either intentionally or non-intentionally false and not based on official information. I’ve seen many pictures of “screenshots” with a random ID verification screen pasted in.


This is awesome, I don’t do work for others or get people to do things for me but the creation sharing part peaks my interest. It would be nice to have an official roblox platform to share creations to as well as social media etc.

One question though, because it’s not 100% clear to me, is this being only for select invited people (more added over time) or will this open up for everyone after a period of time. (I’m assuming it will open up after a period of time).

Absolutely incorrect. You don’t need posts or be a veteran. You just need to be a Regular rank, whose promotions have been stopped since last year.

That’s right, the subdomains on are not fully managed by us, so for completeness we warn you before forwarding you there. In this case that site is the event platform managed by our partner Bevy.


Clicking the category on job listings should show a list of jobs in the same category


Also the job listings container should expand with the page. When scrolling and hovering over the topbar, it will scroll the entire page but when over the page content it will scroll the job listings. These 2 scrolling containers should be combined


Idea: in settings when you set up one of those pins there can be a setting that says something like “set up by parent” so if people set up the pin for security reasons it’s unchecked but if a parent sets it up they check it. The parental pin limitation only counts if the “set up by parent” is checked.

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This pin?
I use it for a more secured account.


I am very, very excited about this. It has been a real struggle to find other developers to collaborate with, and I think this will allow other developers to be successful.


I think this is awesome! Really looking forwards to see it being opened up to the rest of us.

However I’m disappointed that people who have built portfolios with thousands of views and vouches over the years will get their portfolios deleted on here.

As that’s how unknown creators such as myself get customers, it’s our only shred of credibility when we don’t have a name yet.

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Yes, that wonderful pin that keeps your account secure but apparently roblox restricts users from having a secure account


Yes it is this PIN. It’s apparently not a safety feature but a parental feature for parents to make sure kids don’t mess with the account.


yes. sadly to use this you will have to sacrifice your security just to use this. i have a pretty good team for my game already so i dont need it really. dont remove your pin ever. its important for keeping your account safe.


I stated just above you:

How do I know that? It is mentioned by staff themselves:

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Very cool, nice to see it finally rolled out to Open Beta!


im aware of that. i was telling him. i think roblox doing this is dumb.

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Will this talent hub include the ability to send files and pay for them using your group funds/account balance? This can be really useful for commissions, considering group payouts have the restriction of having to be a member for 2+ weeks, and being able to pay with your own account balance would be awesome and would definitely replace the current practice of using T-Shirts.

Its only insecurity I can think of is scamming, but maybe (if this wouldn’t be complex), a small preview of what the place would look like in Studio can be included within the .rbxm/.rbxl file. And GFX commissions wouldn’t be a large issue as people usually just put a watermark over it before sending the file without it.