I believe it has to be a single meshpart
Hey @spelled_ayayron , in the known issues section of the beta importer post, it lists layered clothing as not yet being supported. If the avatar does not have WrapTargets with cage meshes for each of itâs body parts, you wonât be able to put layered clothing on it.
As far as I am aware, the blocky rig that you get from Rig Builder is not caged, so layered clothing will not display properly on it.
However, if you want to use the blocky character in Preview for determining the attachment position, you can actually add any avatar you want from your workspace by clicking on the first tile in the preview grid (with the + thumbnail).
I can look into getting a caged version as a default preview option.
Blocky avatars inserted via third-party plugins seem to not work too I even tried rigging a jacket fitted especially for blocky avatars in the editor only for it to look like virtual spaghetti
Are you certain that the blocky avatar you are trying to use is properly caged?
You can check each of its body parts for a WrapTarget instance. Those wrap targets have to have the CageMeshId property filled with a valid mesh id, and those meshes need to actually be the cage for that specific body part. (You could check by just copy/pasting the id into a MeshPart mesh id property to see what it actually looks like)
Okay, if you would like to send me a PM with the avatar and piece of clothing you are trying to use, I can try to figure out the issue.
For example, i could go and upload a hat without being in the UCG program
Oh, I missed that while skimming the original post. Thank you for the clarification.
What exactly is this âMeshâ slider for? As far as I can tell, it only seems to change the transparency of my MeshPart in the previewer, although that transparency doesnât seem to stick after generating my final accessory. Is the slider solely for seeing the mannequin under the MeshPart, or am I missing something? If thatâs the case, then I think âMeshâ should probably be changed to something more descriptive.
Will it be possible to add more kinds of clothing?
For example I can now make a shoe for the left and right foot but I donât see any options to create gloves, a watch, bracelet or even somethings like socks.
Being able to create our own kind of accessory would give us a lot of creative freedom and customizability for the players.
The Beta Mesh Importer currently doesnât support skinned meshes or layered clothing imports. These are being worked on as we speak and you will soon seen an update with support for these additional items as well.
Yes, you are correct it is to change the transparency of the MeshPart. We have plans to tweak this UI to make it clearer.
Any possibility Roblox will support Tools next for skinned meshes?
Even though im not a UGC Creator or anything, this looks amazing!
I tried it out myself and i have a question: How does Layered Clothing work with this excactly?
(Like how to make it so a bundle which isnt in the menu will have Hair on it and that you can save it as a model then)
Great update! Now making accessories and o=positioning h=them will be much easier. Although there are bugs right now, the plugin going to be so useful in the future
Even though I am not a UGC creator or anything like that, amazing update!
I have a feeling that I may have misread, but
Why wasnât something like this released with Rthroâs initial release? One of the key things we were promised was that current items and future UGC would fit Rthro, and currently a very slim amount of items do. Are current UGC items going forward going to go through a scaling process in order to make it fit users, or will it be to the creators discretion? Will current items have to be retrofitted with this new plugin?
This only does apply to certain body shapes
OP probably was talking about being able to reposition accesories.
In my case i have a badge that is hidden by my jacket, i canât move it to be in front of the jacket because accesory moving is not included in avatar editor.
This is how i want the badge to be positioned, currently it is hidden under the jacket.
UGC is already fully completed, Normal users are not allowed to publish hats since UGC is a dellicate thing due to people potentially uploading copyrighted assets, stealing models and running scams with these, Roblox made it so you need to apply for the UGC program when they open applications to get in.
Does this tool only work for R15 bones? Trying to create accessories on custom characters with 20+ joints.