Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

It’s most likely gonna be, IP and/or HWID related.

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Thanks this should be easier now.

It should be better to have a few more options to play with and a few more APIs, included but not limited to:

  • Modify a ban (reason, duration, …)
  • Own way of handling bans (teleporting to another place to handle appeals for instance)

So this would translate via:

  • A new method! Players:ModifyBan(), to modify a punishment log. I have no idea how you would be able to achieve that with the current configuration.

  • A new optional field in BanAsync (Kick, default is true): allows customized handle.

  • A new event Players.PlayerPunished or PlayerBanned, or PlayerBanStatusChanged, made to allow users to implement their own logic (as mentioned, teleporting to another server, …)


Small question.
Would appreciate if a Roblox Staff can clarify this.
Will it kick users if they have a active ban even if they got banned from
A: Another Server.
B: The API itself.
Would be awesome if it did!

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We don’t have any in-experience specific rules as we just enforce Roblox Terms of Service as the automated system fails to ban them. We deal with multiple instances of this per day and I won’t divulge what goes on exactly as it is awful. But are we actually able to do this? Majority of our bans are of an extremely inappropriate nature so we will continue to ban where we see fit, but this API should make it much easier. Cool.


I dislike the wording “by the creator” and “message from the creator:” as they are toxic parasocial relationship inducers.

While that sort of wording is benign to an adult, a child will take it literally as “the owner of this group has PERSONALLY banned you, they hate you, they are now your sworn enemy”.

It is essential for digital civility and developer safety that internet anger does not get directed toward specific individuals, it instead should be redirected towards a company, entity or object.

I will not be using this API until the wording on the ban message is amended.


we got banservice before gta VI
on a serious note, this is genuinely great

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I am indescribably happy about this, I finally don’t have to worry about data stores and ban modules. Un-bans are much easier to deal with now. And alt detection is a big step forward. Thank you roblox

I think experiences under groups should be okay with that kind of wording (like you said, in that case it’s directed toward an entity rather than an individual) but I completely agree otherwise.
There are some really unhinged people that will go far out of their way to use that ban wording as a justification to maliciously attack the creator individually without realising it probably likely was not the creator that personally banned you. Maybe replace creator with “moderators of this experience”?

No, if you get banned from a game and you try to join that game with a alt account your alt account won’t get let in either.

Finally! I think this is an update that everyone can agree with

U only need the userid, as mentioned in the FAQs

This is such an amazing feature that I look forward to using :slight_smile:

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how do you use the ban api, do you do Player:Ban() ?

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It is actually game.Players.BanAsync:(). [1]

[1] (n.d.). Players | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub. [online] Available at: Players | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub [Accessed 26 Jun. 2024].

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Awesome, I have high hopes for this.


i hope we will be able to get some sort of hash thing for each player’s ip address, mac address or something to identify them so we can ban them from different games too


player:GetHash() --> f1412386aa8db2579aff2636cb9511cacc5fd9880ecab60c048508fbe26ee4d9
if table.find(banlist, player:GetHash()) then
    -- insert code to ban (i already forgot how to do it lol)

dunno if there would be a better way but it’s just an idea. i’d rather not join an ip grabbing game but it would be cool to keep a list of exploiters for multiple games


I really think this update is too harsh for roblox games. Instead of making a solution to the source of the problem, devs will just have a quick fix to ban all alts which won’t stop the source of this at all. In somewhat way trolling and glitch abusing added a charm to roblox, there were just no games like this. But now roblox became a generic platform which doesn’t differ in any way from others. Also there were people who made a living on this type of behavior.


As stated in this article: this api is available via OpenCloud, which allows you to perform bans using http requests

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Fantastic update, thank you Roblox :clap:

If you’re using HD Admin I’ve updated the internals to support the Ban API! You can also find a ‘Ban Alt Accounts’ toggle now (enabled by default) under the ban menu: