Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

i guess that’s fair
but it couldn’t be that complex I’d imagine, they could just tell us if its hardware-based, ip-based, or something else entirely. I doubt this would expose much to exploiters, since exploiters already have to be fairly adept if they’ve got themselves hooked on an injector that bypasses byfron, or rather any alt detection bypass would be spread the second someone actually experienced in the security field discovers it

Let us report users to Roblox! And let us see every alt account of a user!

I doubt whatever carefully worded answer they might provide would yield much insight, given it’s likely using a combination of HWID (&/or MAC) or IP addresses, linked accounts, and e-mail addresses.

i guess we’re just gonna have to bruteforce the api to find the answer

Well, for one, they almost certainly cannot legally do this; if they did, they would be violating the GDPR, CCPR, and a host of similar statutes. For two, this would be, even if not illegal (which it almost certainly is), a privacy and liability nightmare.

YES YES YES YES YES FINALLY!! Have been waiting months for this!

Maybe if someone is banned add a survey thing wich the developer can set to their likings as a appeal system, as now appealing is almost impossible.

where do you view the current bans in your game? is there a panel anywhere on roblox?

Thank you everyone who worked on this feature!
This has been something I have requested for many years as moderating our games/experiences was becoming extremely annoying with banned players “ban evading” by using alts and there being no way of being sure the alt was theirs.
Really looking forward to using this!

Hey, if you’re interested I’ve made a npm package which wraps the new ban api endpoints.


get restriction (get ban):
update restriction (ban):
list restrctions (list bans):

npm i openblox
Typescript Example


import "dotenv/config"
import { UserRestrictionsApi } from "openblox/cloud"
import { Identifier } from "openblox/types"
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"

// Put universe and place IDs here.
const UNIVERSE_ID: Identifier = 0, PLACE_ID: Identifier | undefined = 0

const banUser = async (userId: Identifier, duration: `${number}s`, privateReason: string, displayReason: string) => {
  const idempotencyKey = uuidv4(), firstSent = new Date();

  return await UserRestrictionsApi.updateRestrictionsForUser({
    universeId: UNIVERSE_ID, placeId: PLACE_ID, userId,
    idempotencyKey, firstSent, updatedData: {
      gameJoinRestriction: {
        active: true,
        duration: duration,
        excludeAltAccounts: false,

;(async () => {
  const { data:banData } = await banUser(0, "31540000s" /* 1 year */, "private reason", "display reason")
Javascript Example
const { UserRestrictionsApi } = require("openblox/cloud")
const { v4:uuidv4 } = require("uuid")

// Put universe and place IDs here.
const UNIVERSE_ID = 0, PLACE_ID = 0

const banUser = async (userId, duration, privateReason, displayReason) => {
  const idempotencyKey = uuidv4(), firstSent = new Date();

  return await UserRestrictionsApi.updateRestrictionsForUser({
    universeId: UNIVERSE_ID, placeId: PLACE_ID, userId,
    idempotencyKey, firstSent, updatedData: {
      gameJoinRestriction: {
        active: true,
        duration: duration,
        excludeAltAccounts: false,

;(async () => {
  try {
    const { data:banData } = await banUser(0, "31540000s" /* 1 year */, "private reason", "display reason")
  } catch (e) {

I figured, would it be possible to expand this feature to the dashboard of an experience by default?
It’d make the process of managing bans by a dozen times more efficient rather than having to go through opening either Roblox client/studio or by a 3rd party tool in order to do this.

I get your point and this isn’t a clear cut idea, but I’m also not talking about automatically giving out site-wide bans to players that got kicked in some simulator for being a nuisance in chat or for getting vote-kicked by other players in some competitive game.

If someone is constantly getting banned from various experiences it makes sense to flag that account for a manual review or a stricter moderation AI pass. Keeping platform of this size clean is an insane task and any additional data helps, so Roblox would be silly not to use this in one way or another.


This is really neat! Does it work for JavaScript? My bot is in JavaScript and I’ve had some issues in the past using package that are in TypeScript.

it should work in javascript but if you run into any issues feel free to message me. :smile:

I hope the “by the creator” part is removed from the ban message, as it might result in anyone appealing blaming the creator for their ban unless specified within the display reason. Also, for some reason, if you’re banned while in-game, it displays the regular kick dialogue. In some circumstances, I’ve seen it show the ban dialogue but then switch to the kick dialogue a few frames later. Otherwise, this is a great API that I’ve been waiting on for months and I hope it gets more support down the line.

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How do I get a players ban history?

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Is there a reason why we aren’t allowed view users ban history in studio or is this a bug (Enable Studio Access to API Services and HTTP Service is enabled)?



This is the best update Roblox has released so far

This is going to be incredibly useful for everyone. (aside from exploiters, obviously)

Thank you so much for this, Roblox! By far the best update all year.

I think it’s because it needs access to API services, since this should also count as an API service.