Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

i hope we will be able to get some sort of hash thing for each player’s ip address, mac address or something to identify them so we can ban them from different games too


player:GetHash() --> f1412386aa8db2579aff2636cb9511cacc5fd9880ecab60c048508fbe26ee4d9
if table.find(banlist, player:GetHash()) then
    -- insert code to ban (i already forgot how to do it lol)

dunno if there would be a better way but it’s just an idea. i’d rather not join an ip grabbing game but it would be cool to keep a list of exploiters for multiple games


I really think this update is too harsh for roblox games. Instead of making a solution to the source of the problem, devs will just have a quick fix to ban all alts which won’t stop the source of this at all. In somewhat way trolling and glitch abusing added a charm to roblox, there were just no games like this. But now roblox became a generic platform which doesn’t differ in any way from others. Also there were people who made a living on this type of behavior.


As stated in this article: this api is available via OpenCloud, which allows you to perform bans using http requests

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Fantastic update, thank you Roblox :clap:

If you’re using HD Admin I’ve updated the internals to support the Ban API! You can also find a ‘Ban Alt Accounts’ toggle now (enabled by default) under the ban menu:


Hey Ben, been using HD for a while now, I can’t see the new ‘Ban Alt Accounts’ option, do I need to update anything?


Change server(s) to ban from from ‘Current’ to ‘All’ - I’ll potentially change the default behaviour to All shortly in the future.


Now I am asking myself.

We are three to play Roblox, me and my little brothers.
Thing is they we play nearly the same experiences but one of my brothers got banned in multiple ones, so now, if my brother is banned, will I and my other brother get alt banned?


Awesome. Thanks for adding that, will be useful against trolls


Some games take advantage of trolling and glitching, though. I don’t believe those games will prevent alts for most users.
I plan to migrate to BanAPI but use the alt detection as minimally as possible, only as and when I feel it’s absolutely unavoidable, other than that it’s just more convenient to use this system now over the previous. I think it’s better to go on a case by case basis with suspected alt bans.

I don’t believe they’ll be affected too harshly to be absolutely honest with you. Most of the people that make a living that way cover games who are created by people they have behind the scenes deals with nowadays because it makes it easier to create the content they’re looking for. A lot of games don’t typically ban trollers, and those that really cared about trollers alts already had custom alt detection or minimum account age requirements. It’s not like trolling will cease to exist because of this.


This is such a good update after we waited for so long, I might be able to use this API for one of my games im working on and it is really useful for combatting exploiters and trolls, thank you so much🙏


It does work buddy, roblox is bad at doing HWID bans lmao, and no IP is not included.


FINALLY! This has been needed for so long! Nice update!

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I don’t think developers should view players’ IP and/or HWID. That’s likely because of the rules about revealing personal information.

If Roblox decides to give developers the ability to view players’ IP and/or HWID, then there could be horrifying consequences to this, like a game that leaks your IP address, for example.

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TYSM. I have been waiting for this one since it got announced at RDC a while ago.

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Roblox is getting so much better. I was gone for like 2 days, and boom! They have cooked up so much stuff that will benefit me so much.

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I suggest they change it to something like:
“This experience has banned you for 23 hours, 56 minutes. Here’s a message from the experience:”

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Alt account/suspicious accounts detection don’t work for me, I even use Switch Accounts, but I can still join into a game where I’m banned with an alt account. :frowning_face:


Its 5:11 am I was making an update for my game then I checked my social and saw that barneyhunter12 posted a video about this and i immediately went to devforum



get ready to fake being someone’s alt to actually ban him ez

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I can’t tell if it’s fully out yet because I can’t ban or unban anyone on live server, it will yield forever
In studio I can’t get ban history even though I have https access enabled