Introducing the Ban API and Alt Account Detection

There’s one pro that’s missing and it’s that you won’t even get connected to a server before getting kicked if you use the native API.

To me, this is a huge pro since exploiters have no chance of doing anything nefarious within the few seconds they get before getting kicked with a custom ban system that relies on a yielding datacall. If your game has CharacterAutoLoads they can abuse physics, they can also save a copy of your game, and they can even fire RemoteEvents if you don’t have them safeguarded by making sure the player isn’t banned before letting them access the network.

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I’m curious how it detects which are ALT Accounts ?
I Develop with one, and have an Alt Account . for when need testing.

However, I have 2 kids that often play on my cell, when theirs is flat lol
Now they are kids, and also have alt accounts… only they know why… Diff Avatars… who knows.

Now my question is… if one of them get Banned… they will get banned with any alt to that same experience… if I am correct… and now there’s a possibility I would also get banned… seeing they used my device… for that same experience ?

It’s no biggie… since it’s an experience Ban, and not a Roblox one.
I assume there’s no other risk… across the Roblox platform… with them using my cell, while they jump from device to device ?

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Well ever since the release of Hyperion I believe roblox has been doing alot of logging and spying lmao. I think roblox records this data such as your HWID, IP and other data points thrn later cross compares them with other accounts to see which match in their database, and if multiple criterion areflagged then it flags it as an alt

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eh true but this probs seems airtight ngl

Alt Detection is technically possible with a custom ban system, since fingerprinting a device is possible within ROBLOX.
But the identifier won’t last very long (computer reboot changes the data and, if you’re using a hashing algorithm for the data, then the hash too).
ROBLOX’s system will be more permanent, but a custom one can delay rule breakers a LOT. (Espescially when ROBLOX’s alt detection isn’t actually working right now)
But basically you can compare the hash when a player joins with a banned hash and then you can kick anyone with the same hash. (Fetch the data on client, hash it on client, send hash to server using RemoteEvent as soon as they join, kick any player that fires the Remote twice, and now you can compare the hashes)
Suprised those fingerprinting methods aren’t more well known yet.

Doesn’t this issue apply with any ban system? (Espescially the first reason)
Third thing shouldn’t be an issue either, ROBLOX literally starts their own game servers for moderation (From what it looks like)
They’ve got an account with UserId zero in a game server with a JobId “GameSafetyReview” and ban APIs probably won’t work.
Not to mention it’s not really ROBLOX admins that do it, but rather hired moderators that probably don’t have a main account.

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Anyone else here still having an issue with :UnbanAsync not working?

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Seconding this! As an owner of a game with over 400,000 bans, it pains me that I can’t utilize ban notes at all with the current system since it will fail the ban if the note is filtered. I still will not use ban notes if the filter remains in place but bans do not fail, since most of my ban notes include appeal ticket numbers that would normally be filtered.

If the filter is still in place when my new moderation system goes live, all 400,000 of these banned players will flood my Discord server asking for the reason they were banned. It makes no sense for ban reasons to be force filtered when text labels, kick messages, and every other non-user-generated string value does not require filtering.


for some time i was using my brother’s laptop to play roblox because my pc’s hard drive died
im scared my brother might get banned from some game and since his laptop is logged in my account he might be banned if i troll at some game
(off topic thing : dont store important stuff on your hard drive if you have an ssd save it there espically if your hard drive makes any noise )


can we customize our ban screen?

Roblox added a feature for developer but their negligence to makes it work for developer is an overlook, you can ban someone with their alt bypassing of adding a filter of unbannable userid because I don’t have access to tell who’s who alt(you can ban the game owner by banning their alt, you can’t tell which alt you got ban from so you have to look for that alt account, if you can’t access your old alt you have to manually unban every of your alt just so you get unban), the fact that the api don’t works in studio make it so that studio is pointless to test so you can’t makes a plugin with this api.
If in-case you got yourself ban the step of getting unban is publishing the game with an unbanasync script of every desired userid which is very manual work, but I do hope roblox makes it easier to manage ban on their app or web.
Super abusable system? 100% yes, they neglected to add a filter for who to not get ban.
You can’t makes a plugin with the api but I manage to makes a version for live game.

For a non scripter you can basically screw them up by banning them, likes what they own the game and you can do that?
Extra edit: Since this feature is live that mean every game with a backdoor can potentially have a huge vulnerability risk against the creator.

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Hi @oopsiemachine

Would it be possible to give a more clear message for alternate accounts that are being banned?
It’d be great if it included the userId of the banned account(s) within the the join error.

We’ve had people with this message attempting to appeal their ban, but it is difficult for us to track the main account we’ve currently got banned that led to this ban.

This transparency would help our appeal process as we gain knowledge over alternate accounts in circulation as well as pinpoint evidence to properly judge any appeals for alternate accounts showing up.


Using os.clock to find alts I believe is against ToS and shouldn’t be used in that way.

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If a user suddenly has to be banned and the rules are not stated anywhere (like in a small game made just for friends) or it’s a case not specified in the rules, will action against the developer be taken after a single time or only if that happens repeatedly?

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Thats not exploitation. If you are banned from a game, you shouldn’t be bypassing a ban to enter that place again regardless of the reason. This was always a terms of service violation.

PS: It seems the only people who are complaining about the update (very small majority), are people who either break the rules themselves, or exploit, or both.

Sorry won’t be happening anymore LOL.

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yes this is stupid backdoors can now just ban game creators and they won’t be able to join their own game. (without having any way to unban manually thru studio)

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How accurate is the alt detection?, what if two users under the same IP have one of them banned?, is the other then automatically banned. Id like to keep innocent players regardless of the affiliations unbanned


This is a great update to the engine but also curious, how does the ult detection works? The post said that it will detect suspected alt account, what is consider to be suspected? Other than that Its a great update to the engine


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Apparently after reading a few other posts that it mainly uses IP and cpu, I believe i saw somewhere that someone banned the ult, and it immediately banned the main account which was the owner of the experience

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Nope, it is not against TOS, the privacy policy, or the community standards. They have undergone many changes and clarifying improvements since old posts were made about it, so I don’t know where you got that from.

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