Introducing the Crazy Fast Coding plugin! (SALE 50%!)

I have created a plugin a while ago and noticed it was very wanted by my friends so i came with the idea to release it to the public.

Introducing the Crazy Fast Coding plugin!

This plugin gives you a menu where you can create custom snippets and paste them at any time in a script.

You can easily cycle between the values from your custom snippets or official libraries by pressing arrow right or typing like you’re used to.

You can also Select or click any word or code in your script by clicking and add it onto your cursor in the pasted snippet.

It also creates services, requires modules and even creates modulescripts for you automatically so you dont have to waste time on it anymore.

This can easily fit in your workflow and makes it a lot faster.
It takes little effort to get used to due to the predictable custom algorithm.

Videos of some of the features:

Show More Videos of Features

Sharing snippets across multiple devices is easily done too.
Simply copy and replace the folder from serverstorage when the settings menu is opened and the plugin automatically updates itself!

It took a long time to create this plugin and i hope you all enjoy it!

More updates are planned for the future to add even more ways to speed up your workflow.

The sourcecode of the plugin is currently about 7000 lines of code.


View Documentation

Type the snippet shortcut (the text on the left in the menu) somewhere in a script and press enter to insert the code.

After pasting a snippet, Press the right arrow key to move to the next set pointer keys/words if assigned.
You can also type the next character to move to the next item such as a comma (,) or quote (")

If a word is connected on the right side of the snippet without a space and your cursor is on an aligner key, if you press the right arrow the connected word will move to the set location of the aligner key.

When you have a value in the snippet after the pointer key or aligner key and your cursor is before the value, if you type it will remove the value so you can directly replace it without manually removing it.

Place the pointer key in the snippet script from the snippet plugin GUI to move the cursor there when you paste the snippet

Place the aligner key in the snippet code to move a connected word on the right side there once you paste the snippet

In a script, double click any word or click while holding left shift to paste the word / code onto your cursor in a pasted snippet.

The full table, string and math library is supported, type the name of the function (gsub, clamp, etc) and press enter to spawn it quickly and use the plugin logic to cycle quickly between the available values.

Some shortcuts exist in multiple libraries under the same name, if this is the case use the first letter of the library before the name of the function (tfind / sfind)

The custom algorithm predicts what your next move is and tries to help you with it.
Its easy to get into from your muscle memory.

You can have multiple pointer keys but only a single aligner key.

The aligner key does not need to be placed first, it can be placed after pointer keys.

If the variable icon is assigned to a snippet it will not suggest the snippet when its found already.
The other icons are decorative so you can memorize the snippets better.

It is recommended to write snippets in scripts and paste the code into the snippet code highlighter.
The snippet code highlighter is mainly used for making quick changes and displaying the code, it does not have autocomplete since its not a core script.

To copy and paste the snippets across devices, open the snippets menu, navigate to serverstorage and copy and paste the snippets folder to the other device and open the snippets menu on the device.]

Get the plugin here!

(There is currently an early adopters sale active for a limited time.)

  • USD option: (50% OFF)
  • Robux option: (50% OFF)

You have to purchase this gamepass in order to gain access to the robux version plugin:
Purchase Plugin - Roblox

  • Lite version: (free)
The lite version only has the snippet pasting functionality and the notetime, localplayer and userid special snippets.

if i have an existing code with let’s say 200 lines, would the snippets break the code when using?


No they would not break your code.

It uses the new ScriptEditorService and does not modify anything else in the script except the part on the line you’re currently working on.

The plugin also supports undo and redo properly.


I have added the option to purchase the plugin using robux for comfort beside the USD option.

To gain acces you have to get a copy of the plugin and purchase this gamepass.

Once its purchased the plugin will grant you access.


127 DOLLARS FOR A SCRIPTING PLUGIN??? wow, thats expensive


Both the USD and robux options are 25 dollars after tax.

Due to the tax the robux option can look quite expensive.
I would recommend you to get the USD option since its cheaper on your end.

I spent a long time creating this plugin and will be supporting it for a long time.


Version 1.0.1 has been released! :tada:

  • Fixed some bugs,
  • Added some QOL improvements to the algorithm,
  • The command bar is now supported!

Using snippets in the command bar can improve workflow even more as you can create custom code for doing something on a big scale quickly.

This demo video demonstrates the pasted snippet turning all parts under the selected instance with the name “ToColor” to turn green:

The sample snippet is included in the plugin now and selects the parts instead of coloring them.


This is generally a snippet generator plugin that allows you to easily create snippets.

What makes this different than other plugins? And personally speaking, that is way too absurd of a price just for what this plugin does.

But besides that, it looks good so good work👍


This plugin allows you to create your own snippets instead of being stuck to only services.

you can add the code and also tell it where to move the cursor to, read more above.

Its a snippets + workflow improver + services autocomplete plugin.


The USD link you provided doesn’t work:

Was it moderated by any chance?

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It seems i have to update my stripe, might take a bit. sorry about that!

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It should work now! Thank you for letting me know.

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Interesting plugin. However, I have a few complaints:

  1. The pricing is outrageous. $24.99 is way too much for the purpose, features, and visual quality of this plugin.

  2. The UI is very basic for such a crazy price. If I were to release a plugin that costs $24.99, I’d at least add more features and better UI.

  3. Having the Robux version of the plugin at 9,999 R$ seems good on paper but it hurts young and new developers that aren’t able to DevEx due to their age or revenue. While yes this unfair exchange is mostly ROBLOX’s fault, the price is actually more expensive when paying for with Robux instead of money. Using a calculator, I was able to determine:

    Direct Deposit /ACH: 8,568 R$ = $24.99 USD
    Wire Transfer: 14,568 R$ = $24.99 USD
    Check: 8,853 R$ = $24.99 USD
    Paypal: 7,425 R$ = $24.99 USD

    Your 9,999 R$ price is more expensive than 3/4 of the payment options.
    Sorry, I forgot to include puchase tax. Ignore these statistics!

If this plugin was a bit cheaper, say, $10-$15, I would definitely buy it. It’s very interesting and could save me a ton of time. But I simply don’t have the money as a passion developer. This is just my opinion though, there’s definitely other people that would pay $24.99 for a plugin like this.


Direct Deposit /ACH: 8,568 R$ = $24.99 USD
Wire Transfer: 14,568 R$ = $24.99 USD
Check: 8,853 R$ = $24.99 USD
Paypal: 7,425 R$ = $24.99 USD

I dont understand how you got these prices.
If the gamepass gets purchased, roblox takes away 30% due to tax so i receive 6999 robux.
6999 robux * 0.0035 = 24,50 USD without transfer taxes included.

This option is intended for creators who have a lot of robux or devex and prefer comfort or dont have a credit card.

I can definitely see the plugin being expensive for you but at the same time the plugin took a really long time to make and will be supported for a really long time in the future.

I do consider dropping the price to 18,99 but i dont want to go any lower than that.
Would that be good enough for you?

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My bad, I forgot about the purchasing tax.

Yeah, that seems good enough considering the effort, however I do wish the UI was worked on more, so the price appears more “worth it”.



The price has been changed.

I might do an UI rework in the future but this isnt a high priority atm.

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What are the other alternitives?

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Version 1.0.2 has been released! :tada:

  • Fixed issues where replacing text or moving to the pointer was not working properly when typing fast.
  • Fixed issues where replacing text and moving cursor was delayed or couldnt catch up
  • Improved autocomplete algorithm when using libraries (string.“autocomplete”)
  • Fixed issue where the cursor would not get placed properly for libraries with no set values.
  • Improved algorithm updating multiple local names and fixed issues on certain situations.
  • Made everything more reliable
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Yeah I agree, especially since you get all of this for free when you adopt the vscode + rojo workflow. I personally wouldn’t pay for something like this. The UI feels very thrown together, but other than that, the plugin works as expected.


Version 1.0.3 has been released! :tada:

  • Added (Top) function type which auto moves the snippet to the top of the script which is helpful for things like requiring modules or services automatically.
  • Added Auto Services option which automatically adds all services to the autocomplete list and moves them to the top of the script.
  • Improved autocomplete algorithm.
  • The plugin will now automatically add certain keywords where its guaranteed to be required.
  • Bug fixes and reliability improvements.

If a snippet contains multiple services like if you want to require a certain module but its under replicatedstorage, it will automatically remove it from the snippet so you dont have any duplicates.

You can easily require modules via this by just typing the name as if it was there already with the top function.