Introducing the Maximum Framerate setting

This is fixed in the new Studio Camera Controls beta, though apparently they may be a bug with the rotating which will be looked into.

I think Roblox could use Unreal Engine’s approach to shadows, which is to make them distant/screen resolution based or relative to the camera.

I recall that zooming in on a shadow in Unreal Engine “increases” shadow resolution because it’s screen space based.


I won’t lie, how are you even telling the difference? I swear the human eye can’t even perceive that.


This is also not the case for the Roblox regen script. I believe it was coded before deltaTime existed.

Amazing metaphor 10/10! Also amazing update, also 10/10!!

It would be interesting if the regen script didn’t work, but either way that runs on the server so this update won’t mess with it (outside of testing in Studio).

great news after decades! however… not for users who are still stuck on 60hz monitors just like me

also looking forward for the following options:

  • 30 FPS (why was this removed?)
  • 75 FPS
  • 90/100 FPS
  • 160/180 FPS
  • 240/280 FPS
  • 360/380 FPS
  • 500/540 FPS (overkill framerate for a game like roblox???!!??!!??!!??)

now since this has been announced, time to rewrite a bunch of framerate-dependant client scripts…


Let me see if I understand, I have a 60Hz monitor, generally my PC runs at 60 fps on low graphics, if I set a higher fps rate, the fps rate will increase, for example, to 65 fps??? or something like that?

I’ve heard this many times, but whether science thinks I can see the difference is no matter. As users we should have the privilege to customize our experience? Especially in roblox studio, it doesn’t affect anything to allow users to customize their experience.

This update has not arrived for me, any reason why?

What platform do you play on? Are you up to date?

Is there a way to disable V-Sync on this? It’d be amazing if so.

that was an improvement, but its not hard to improve on garbage
thanks roadblocks :pray:

I’m curious to know if this update will be coming to Roblox Studio. It would make the development workflow much faster when everything else is running at 240hz. I know there’s certain things such as the camera that act funny when increasing studio’s refresh rate, but if that can be figured out it would be great. Overall, a great update, and I’d like to see this expanded upon.

It was never there in the first place.

Is there gonna be a way for developers to disable this option for their game?? (cap it to 60 fps like it has always been)

Currently I’m working on a project which does basically almost all of its calculations on RenderStepped and Heartbeat, I have previously attempted to implement deltaTime, however it always led to weird results and modifying almost every calculation I have coded seems like too much of a hassle.

It was there in the older versions of the fps unlocker (before it was officially rolled out). In the first implementations of it, a 30fps cap option was available but it lacked a 120fps cap option.

Also if you take a look at the release notes of version 611 you can notice that there was was a 30fps cap option but there wasn’t a 120fps cap option.


I don’t see the option to adjust FPS!

I’m using the Microsoft Roblox app and looks like the update hasn’t dropped yet?

And for some reason I’m not able to play any game using the launcher, it says loading but never opens. I tried contacting Roblox but they didn’t giva a shit about it. I’ve been experiencing this since the Hunt event and contacting Roblox since then, following up but OOF, I got fed up, they didn’t care about it. And one more weird thing is that I’m not able to play anything on my Mobile too!

Please update the Microsoft version ASAP!!

Attaching a screenshot below, No FPS adjustment option, I re-installed the Roblox app from Microsoft and it looks like this:

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It hasn’t been released yet for the Microsoft store version of Roblox for everyone not just for you. The Microsoft store version of Roblox often gets features late and sometimes doesn’t even at all. But I hope that they would release the fps unlocker for it soon.

You should probably create a bug report for your issue and if you don’t have access to that then you can message @Bug-Support with a bug report like format. Roblox support is the worst when it comes to technical support and I personally never got any help from them everytime I reported an issue or a bug.

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