Introducing the Maximum Framerate setting

Roblox is weird with how they release stuff

How did you get this type of setting layout?

if youre talking about the fps cap, that was old footage, but the old menu was fflags

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how so? framerate setting was locked behind the fflag before this public update, i clearly remember there was 30 FPS option i used to test how games perform at this framerate

An average user isn’t going to interact with Fflags.

not sure why are you telling me this.

just wanted to tell you from my experience that i had the now-removed option for the setting


For any value:
Navigate to your ROBLOX installation folder, commonly located in:

  1. %localappdata%\Roblox
  2. %programfiles(x86)%\Roblox
  3. %programfiles%\Roblox

Open \GlobalBasicSettings_13.xml with a Text Editor
Look for int name=“FramerateCap”
Between >< set your desired FramerateCap, any Integer works
Then save

Weird that ROBLOX doesn’t let us freely set the value in the menu.


More number option would be nicce

It’s about time to put our monitors in good use!

With the introduction of framerate changes, will we ever have the ability to change physics steps too as a developer? Such as changing the fixed 240hz to a fixed 60hz in Studio to publish?

We have adaptive physics right now, but given the speculation that physics is not longer tied to framerate anymore, can we expect physics rate being manually changed a possibility?


From a player perspective and not a developer perspective, what about 75hz, 165hz, 360hz 500hz, and 540h,?

(For those of you wondering, 30 was used to low framerate glitch and got removed)

If you were considering making it a slider then why not make it a manual input instead?

Also what about other common fflags people use, are they just going to get cooked randomly even though they are used to improve performance? Like what AdvancedOpenGL said as examples, "make rendering not go to 720p when using a high DPI scaling, changing the rendering engine used, exclusive fullscreen, 21bar graphics slider, change render distance without changing quality for more performance, etc

Removing fflags also puts people with nvidia gpus at an advantage for the second time (imo) and people with high or uncommon refresh rates at a disadvantage for the time being (even though that should give them an advantage, all that money…)

Some people wont even be able to hit 240 fps (the highest currently available option ingame) without these flags

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I don’t think Roblox is going to add a refresh rate option higher than 240hz anytime soon because the physics engine can’t handle more than that and there are other known issues.

Changing the rendering engine isn’t even useful or recommended, Vullcan engine is extremely buggy for Windows and it was never meant to be used on Windows, Metal doesn’t work on Windows either, DirectX10 and OpenGL lacks some graphical features and doesn’t improve performance in most cases and in some cases it even reduces performance. This is why the option to change the rendering engine in Bloxstrap got removed.

Ah, UWP might not be considered under the mechanism I used to limit this to Windows. I’ll look into it and enable if that’s the case. Thank you!

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Can this cause server to shutdown randomly?

Because you’re the host…
Studio runs both server & client on same machine.

If users want to change it and there’s an option, they should be able to. If it causes instability you shouldnt even be changing it in the first place without your specs in mind, but it can really help both low end and high end devices to get the performance their specs were made for

The other thing is a little sad because in competitive gaming where i am, its common to have 360-540 hz monitors

Also aware that exclusive fullscreen can cause issues, but if thats the case just use optimized fullscreen, it really just helps to have options for users that they can change anyways if they have problems, the option is just there and it helps

If your windows scaling is over 100% you still have to use fflags to get full quality and other stuff, until this stuff is introduced into the roblox client, people NEED these flags to even play the game (not the last mentioned one)

Your points are valid and i understand though, might be a little biased vuz fflags let me actually play when i had a lower end pc, if you want i can show some benchmarks with and without fflags to help you understand why i feel this way

These options should at least be there for power users at the least

P. S vulcan is sometimes better on nvidia gpus

Has anyone else experienced a ridiculous tank in FPS after this update? Before I was averaging 120+ but now I can barely crack 90


When using uncapped framerates you’re just wasting power, you can make the counter argument of less input delay but I think most people would rather not be able to fry an egg on top of their gaming pc

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Gaming pcs were built for least input delay and it will literally not overheat with a deepcool or thermalright cooler

That being said its common for gaming pcs to be watercooled with a watercooled gpu aswell so you’re kinda over exaggerating the heat here

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Mobile and console support and i’ll be happy.