Introducing the new Creator Store!

also it just makes everything so much more inconvenient like alright have a huge pile of robux but cant even use them on the main selling point of the platform

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idk about being greedy its just that using a actual currency just makes things much more inconvenient most people can agree stuff like rate limits and human evaluation is good but the currency thing is really dumb first of all not everyone owns or can get a card to even use plus what if you dont use usd can you not buy stuff? or will the price change to your currency, if your currency is weak compared to usd can you not buy stuff do to it being to expensive for you also whats stopping someone from placing down/downloading a model and reselling it also theyve had a set currency for over 15 years now theyre changing it

Hi everyone,

We appreciate you taking the time to share your comments and concerns surrounding the changes we made regarding the Creator Store.

Many of you had questions about these changes, specifically around assets and implementing USD (United States Dollar)/real world currency into the purchase flow.

Let’s dive in.

What’s the reasoning behind USD? Why not Robux? Why not offer both Robux and real-world currency (USD)?

  • The motivation for moving Creator Store to real-world currency is to maximize the revenue share we can provide to creators while more accurately representing the value of these assets.
  • By pricing in real world currency instead of Robux, asset creators can maximize their revenue share without being subject to platform fees (30%) and the DevEx rate.
  • However, we understand the feedback and will continue investigating more payment options to keep the Creator Store accessible to as many creators as possible.

But I can use Robux on Avatar items and in-experience purchases. Why make the change here?

  • We are always looking for new opportunities to deliver more earnings to the creator community, and this was one of the opportunities we uncovered.
  • Most development tools outside of Roblox are priced in real-world currency. Using real world currency for developer tools in Roblox allows developers to more easily understand costs, while enabling Roblox to provide creators a higher revenue share.
  • In the case of avatar items, dev products, and game passes, we’re continuing to use Robux, which allows us to make it as frictionless as possible for users to purchase these items.

Roblox has said 100% rev share minus payment processing fees and taxes. How much will you be deducting?

  • The Creator Store fees are intended to cover part of our costs while maximizing revenue share to creators to accelerate creation in the community overall. Roblox will use an approximately 10% fee to cover costs associated with payment processing, which may include onboarding sellers to Stripe, monthly account maintenance fees, card processing fees, and seller payout and tax filing fees. The remaining amount will be paid directly to the Creator of the asset. We will continue to assess our costs and evaluate our fee structure to maximize creator earnings. These fees do not cover our costs to build, maintain, and support the Creator Store, including the team building new technology to keep our community safe and drive the discovery of the assets you need to create

I don’t live in the United States. Why am I being forced to pay in USD?

  • While the assets will appear in a USD price, our payment processor, Stripe, will calculate taxes (sales tax, VAT, etc.) based on your location and convert currencies when charging your payment method.

  • We will also investigate displaying prices in local currencies in the future.

Why did you rename it to “Creator Store”?

  • We wanted to avoid and clarify any confusion with the Marketplace (Avatar UGC) and to make it easier for new creators and users to differentiate between the two solutions. The Creator Store enables devs to exchange models, plugins, audio, fonts, images, meshes, and videos.

Are you phasing out Robux on the platform? Will I start getting paid in my local currency?

  • We are using real-world currency in areas with third-party platform requirements or dynamics that make the use of real-world currency more suitable (like ads, subscriptions within experiences, and Creator Store). However, there are no plans to phase out Robux on the platform, nor to move additional existing systems from Robux to real-world currency.

Will free assets still be accessible?

  • Yes, free assets will still be able to be listed and millions are available to be acquired on the Creator Store.

Will I have to upload new assets to price them?

  • No. Creators will have the ability to price both existing and new assets if they qualify to sell on the Creator Store. We’ll be providing an API to update your assets in bulk.

Will this affect assets I have already bought?

  • No. You will maintain access to any assets you have previously acquired from the Creator Store and will not need to repurchase.

Will I be able to easily find free assets?

  • We are working to enable pricing filters and sorts to ensure that you can find the assets you need.

Thank you.


Thanks for the transparency. The costs here look pretty standard for any payment processing, which is good - this puts Roblox right in line with which has historically been my platform of choice. This should help me project what I expect to earn from the new marketplace.

I do hope you can figure out payment options for those who can only pay in Robux, though. It’s a non-zero segment of the community, which definitely will be felt in the sales volume for the plugins I sell today. I understand that it’s not so simple, especially considering stipulations around money laundering and not wanting to open avenues for bypassing marketplace fees elsewhere on the platform, but hopefully a solution can be found.

I’m really looking forward to this update! This makes Roblox competitive with the entire wider industry as far as fees go, which was one of the biggest sticking points for a very long time. The bureaucracy seems to be clearing :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for taking our feedback seriously.


Calling it a 100% share seems weird when there is a flat 10% fee taken for credit card processing. With that being said, for anyone reading and thinking Roblox is being greedy - this 10% fee is pretty normal and it is good you guys are explaining it a bit instead of just handwaving 10% like I’ve seen other people mention.


Does Roblox cover any exchange rate fees in the 10%, or is that outside of the 10%? (difference from mid-market exchange rate)

Also, can you ensure mid-market rate is used? Otherwise, we lose significant money to these kind of “hidden” fees due to picking a different rate. PayPal does this where they double-dip on a fee on conversion as well as picking a more favorable rate.

It would be more fair to include the exchange rate fees in the 10% and ensuring that everyone truly gets 90% at mid-market rate of current exchange, regardless if USD or other.

(This is not a huge problem for myself, if Roblox doesn’t cover the fees, I’ll just use e.g. Wise to receive in USD and get the best exchange rates and minimize conversion fee)


Well they’re using a payment processor, like stripe so I am sure it’s perfectly safe. Also you wont have to keep providing payment info, since again it will be through stripe.


I do have a question. Why is The creator store using stripe? Stripe is only available in 46 countries out of 195 countries across the globe. I am eligible, but I can not establish an account because stripe is not available in my country. What am I supposed to do about this?


I don’t know a ton about Stripe, but see if you can set it up to pay to a virtual bank account (e.g. Wise) hosted in the US in USD, and from there you can pay out to wherever you want if Stripe doesn’t directly support that.

IANAL and this is not financial advice


yk there’s a super cool fix for this… LOWER THE FEE! or you could give us the option to buy in robux and it converts it into USD for the roblox dev. For example if something cost $25 then you could spend $25 worth of robux and the developer would still get the “full” amount in USD.

(also kinda dumb to claim this change is to give us a 100% share but still include the 10% fee taken)


I’ve come across a problem that will affect a certain % of creators. The service that will be used provided by Stripe is apparently not available in Brazil and Russia, which are the 2nd and the 3rd countries with the most Roblox developers according to some statistics provided a few years ago.

Blocking 2 of the largest devs communities from selling plugins is certainly not a good choice. Robux sales should still be allowed.
I can understand Stripe not being supported in some countries, but knowing that, the Roblox team should think about not forcing everyone who wants to sell plugins to use the service.


Tell me if I’m wrong, but what is the point of “maximizing profit” if nobody is gonna pay 8K robux for a plugin? Won’t this just make the profit even less than it already is? Plus having the option allows the entire world to buy these things instead of only Stripe supported countries. In my opinion I don’t think this is a good idea at all. Removing the option for everyone using Roblox to buy with Robux just destroys the entire point of Robux. What’s next? Letting us pay 20 dollars for a hat on Roblox?


100-10% will come, but it is still better than 70%

15 times 5 bucks with a 10% fee is more than 500 times 50 robux when DevExed.

Not everyone is the intended target audience for this change and that’s totally fine. There will be still be good free plugins and resources for you to use.

It’s pointless to sell plugins for Robux because we tried that over the past couple years and it has produced basically pennies for its creators, it’s proven not to be sustainable vs. letting the people with money to spend send it directly to the creators like this. (and it’s fine if that’s way less people, see example above)

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It’s expected not to see Russia due to unfortunate events but there is no reason whatsoever to block Brazil… I know a former plugin developer from Brazil and I would imagine they would be pretty annoyed if they couldn’t make money off of their plugins.

Can someone at Roblox clarify this for me by the way?

Do you need to be over 18 to continue selling on the Plugin Marketplace? If you do, I will be exiting the market.

I’m unsure as Stripe is 13+ with parental permission but as I was just scrolling through, the Roblox website says 18+…


I totally disagree what happened to the new creator store. They didn’t think about people that live outside of the USA, and forced the use of USD, that makes the marketplace too expensive for people like me, that US$8.99 is BRL45.71 and that is not just the case for Brazil creators

Yeah, 5$ for a plugin = 50Kr in Norway, which is like 3-5 cheeseburgers at McDonald’s or so.
No one here is going to spend that much money on a small plugin, that they perhaps will use once, just to try it. (Unless you’re rich and have parents that buy you everything).

Even if I could pay for such, I would rather not.
Since I am a long-time player on roblox, it is more common to have more robux, than real cash to spend, and because the tax rates to convert into $ is too much, it’s not worth it.

I also saw in Roblox’s initial example of payment, that it will decrease the income for developers.

Here’s roblox’s example when they changed from R$ to $:

3rd April when using R$ = 12$
10th April when they changed it to USD = 7$

The developer then in reality loses 5$ (250kr) for each sale, now that people don’t buy using R$ anymore.
Roblox’s “Hint” is “Fewer buyers, pay more”, but that isn’t always the best case.
In case roblox hasn’t noticed it.
Many things that sell “Cheap”, sell more, and the dev earns more over time.


With a Government ID can It be a State ID?

Roblox has become all about the money. They pay developers in Robux while keeping the profits for themselves. The decisions made over the past few years have been terrible, and they still refuse to listen to the community.

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