Introducing the new Creator Store!

Why is there a rate limit to put on and off sale stuff all of a sudden?

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Removing the ability to buy things with Robux on the Creator Marketplace is a horrible idea. Think about all the developers who would be unable to do this- almost all of them. Let that sink in.

I think I can speak for all of those developers, and even the ones who can pay, when I say that nobody wants this.



Look as a 3D modeler I see this as a huge win becuase Iā€™d love to actually get paid selling my models.

However the problem is USD ONLY?! Thatā€™s bonkers! Iā€™m a YOUNG developer if that means anything to you guys (14-15 years old) and I donā€™t have the money (or an online banking service like PayPal to even do this.

This is, at most gatekeeping developers who donā€™t want to pay any real life currency (Which is a lot of people from what Iā€™ve seen) whether US Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Yen, etc. Iā€™d like to use robux and maybe cash that out as real money with DevEx

So whatā€™s the point trying? Either make it robux oriented. Or Iā€™m going to go back to selling my stuff via external apps such as Discord and whatnot

Real shame Roblox :confused:

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Can anyone confirm : Will our players still be able to buy Gear in-game with Robux ?
My main point is selling our own gear in-gameā€¦ so it must continue to do so in Robux.

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This is literally, one of the WORST ways to kill Robux over time.
Itā€™s been getting worse after Tix was removed, then now roblox wants to remove Robux altogether.
Just because ā€œthey thinkā€ it will be better for the community.
If you want to make it easier and or better for the community.

Let us do BOTH.
Most OG players, use Robux instead of having to pay USD or local currency since that is also on the other end unfair.

Because people in smaller countries with ā€œbetterā€ Robux balance, or currency, will have a better advantage, than people in the USA or Europa, that would have a LOW amount of Robux, based on USD conversion from the local currency.

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I have to admit, the fact that I had to go to a devforum post to complain about a NSFW model after two of my reports on it were ignored for months says a ton about not only the state of other ROBLOX features that need more attention and focus, but the quality control of the creator marketplace store that will probably become an issue later down the line with these new additions.

ROBLOX will continue to push forward features and additions that cater towards a capitalist idea of this brand and platform going forward while ignoring older features that still need work (coughmoderationcough) is not a good look for this platform as a whole and will mark a slow, but sure, downfall.

Also, again, ignoring the fact that you guys have perpetuated the use of ROBUX for years, even removing TIX to strengthen it, just to go and use IRL currency/ies for two new features that have no use nor need for them. Yeah, this absolutely bodes well for our future on here.


I can confirm that appealing the moderation is horrible. Iā€™m on this account and not superdimensionmaster because Iā€™m still trying to appeal. I think they need better moderation AI though. I would like to work on that. I originally mostly just wanted to work on like place-generation AIs, and I still want to work on that, but I donā€™t see ROBLOX having any future at all if they canā€™t get the moderation under control. As some other people have said, thereā€™s basically no motivation to develop on a game where your account can be deleted at any time. I have some faith in them though, I donā€™t want to believe all the bad things Iā€™ve heard about them on the Internet. Anyone else want to help develop moderation AI for them?

I think they see it as a security issue to be honest. I donā€™t think I personally agree with it since it basically locks out younger developers and thatā€™s true, but I think theyā€™re trying to get rid of hackers, exploiters, and people who make illegal games, or who want to do bad things to children. I have learned thatā€™s rather prevalent on this platform, sadly, and I donā€™t think the ROBLOX admins and moderators support it contrary to some rumors, but at this rate ROBLOX is just going to lock everyone out and die and getting rid of ROBLOX isā€¦ certainly not the solution we want to ROBLOXā€™s problems. I still remember this site fondly despite being currently locked out of my original account. I understand why I have to be locked out for now even if I hope it can be properly appealed ASAP. It woke me up to just how bad the moderation problems are if you arenā€™t in your little bubble, which took off my rose-colored glasses about ROBLOX (ROSEBLOX? Heh.)

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I think the goal is to remove Robux entirely for security reasons. I think keeping around Robux would defeat the intended goal. I donā€™t want them to get rid of Robux, I want them to pay me I mean pay someone for better AI moderation. Sadly, so far ROBLOX only really advertises people making Experiences and only really rewards people for that which I think has been a lot of the problem. On my old account which is currently temporarily deleted I had lots of other assets and I made a decent amount of Robux (hence why itā€™s currently deleted, someone wanted those Robux) but very little of it was from making Experiences. I think I basically quit once ROBLOX switched from a model based on selling goods to one almost entirely centered around Experiences. Incidentally Iā€™m studying a lot of programming now, but itā€™s mostly AI and not video game development. And lookie what ROBLOX needsā€¦ better AI and a little less emphasis on video game development, since it essentially has a surplus of that. Of course I have to relearn all my video game development stuff to get started in that anyway and thatā€™s been rough for me. Itā€™s not like AI on ROBLOX has any value if you canā€™t make a basic game, which I mostly forgot how to program. I was using CFrame for Size literally yesterdayā€¦ Ugh. I appreciate knowing this forum is a thing now though, so you donā€™t have to get your advice from shady people who want into your account like I did.

Might be worth pointing you to this thread, there is none.

Roblox has no intentions of removing it, this was to satisfy the demand of fellow developers who were moving off of the Roblox Marketplace to sell their plugins due to the fees being too high.

I still will argue itā€™s too high with the DevEx fees (as Iā€™m guessing weā€™ll still be subject to 65% of our money disappearing) compared to other platforms but things could be worse if this didnā€™t happen.

This update will almost certainly kill off many studios and even individual developers.

Iā€™m nearly certain that the studio this account was created to represent, for example, will likely collapse because of this.

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Yeah predictions that ROBLOX will die in 2024 are probably going to come true if they actually do this. Robux sadly allows a lot of illegal and horrifying things to happen, but the solution isnā€™t to get rid of it, the solution is to improve moderation even if that costs money. I hope I can help develop better AI moderation and processes for using AI moderation, which is much less expensive than hiring a lot of moderators, and hopefully the extant AI moderation bugs that are causing people to just randomly lose their accounts in many cases can also be fixed. I can think of lots of better ways it can be done but I still need to brush up on my programming since itā€™s been a long time since I programmed for ROBLOX, even if programming an AI is mostly different from developing a game.

I was never that much of a game dev anyway, which I think is why I ended up leaving in the first place. I mean I made lots of content for games but I didnā€™t really design entirely new games, I just designed objects for games mostly. I wish my old account werenā€™t (hopefully temporarily) deleted so I could show people more. Iā€™ve seen a lot of trends in ROBLOX over the years though. It seems like people are back to making more viruses and I think people make viruses because content developers basically get mad at experience developers and try to sabotage them. Guys, donā€™t do that, youā€™re not some kind of noble Robin Hood breaking the rules if you do that, just talk to ROBLOX about the unfair prioritization over Experience content compared to other types of content. Maybe Iā€™ll start a thread about that.

Making people pay USD for content other than Experience content will make the problem orders of magnitude worse provided it doesnā€™t kill the game within probably a couple of weeks before they even get the chance to potentially roll it back, which I expect it would.


They donā€™t allow virtual numbers like Google Voice. (I can neither confirm nor deny how I came across this information :wink:.)


Ik I already commented on this post but I took some time to think about it and I just want to point out how [redacted] this is, WHY DO Yā€™ALL CONSTANTLY PUSH THESE UPDATE AND NOT GIVE THE DEVELOPERS A CHOICE??? How hard would It be to give us a option to sell a model for USD or for Robux (or even for both?!?) Will we be able to make models public for free? If so will it require a credit card? Oh and one last thing would you like my social security number and the name of my first born child?

Roblox has sealed its own fate with this. Unless Roblox comes to their senses and stops this before itā€™s too late, Roblox will inevitably come crashing down.


god please dont do this you realise like half the devs on roblox arenā€™t even old enough to own a credit card

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roblox is going to phase out robux. i suggested this when subscriptions were announced as USD-only and people called me crazy, and yet hereā€™s another new product that doesnā€™t support robuxā€¦


A little dramatic, but they are most definitely on a path where a lot of their major creators are moving platforms to UE and taking their current projects off the roblox website.

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They likely want to reduce the amount of inexperienced/small developers that are flooding the Talent Hub since many of them can only make failed projects that arenā€™t valuable to the platform.

And employers who are perfectly fine with using real currency to pay developers are usually experienced enough to make successful projects that benefit everyone, so thatā€™s likely another reason theyā€™re doing this.

Thereā€™s also the fact that poisoned robux exists unfortunately, which can get players wrongly banned if the group owner decides to give them some via group payouts.

So it does make sense for them to start slowly phasing it out, although I wouldnā€™t mind if they found a way to keep it somehow.

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If youā€™re mad about this update then youā€™re just greedy. Many plugins on the marketplace cost less than 5 bucks where FWIW it would be over 20 anywhere else.

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