Introducing the new Creator Store!

I am incredibly excited to see the transition to USD! It is about time we get some actual maturity on the platform economically!

Fantastic brief video here from Elttob, breaks down everything clearly for users to understand why USD is critical to bringing interest to people outside of Roblox.

For me, being able to sell assets for USD is a tremendous net positive. Earning worthwhile amounts of money for assets I’ve worked tirelessly on is quite refreshing. Far too many developers and artists alike on Roblox are underpricing themselves due to how Robux is perceived in value on this platform.

With this transition of making Robux obsolete on the Creatore Store, and hopefully soon other avenues of earning on Roblox, actual industry artists will come to the platform. It’s awful to see so many industry AAA artists get laid off so hopefully with Roblox offering USD and maturing the platform, those artists can find comfort on Roblox.

It’s honestly ridiculous to expect USD and Robux can co-exist on the market with how Robux is forced to go through more fees, devex, etc. So many developers wishing to earn something for their hard work would continually be forced to sell for pennies due to the Roblox community’s current perceived value of Robux – it would also completely keep away outsiders from ever entertaining the idea of moving platforms to create here.

I have many plans to sell realistic stylized assets on Roblox for comparable prices to the existing GameDev industry. Allowing an option for both would destroy those plans as due to previously mentioned, the Roblox community’s perceived value of Robux.


I thought you wanted to promote young crators? But this is going in the wrong direction with the USD.

it’s both it’s good - They see the True price but much of them can’t pai with USD but with Robux

Make it so we can chose how we pay. That’s better


While it’s nice to see some sort of update to the Creator Store, this certain change seems neat but at the same time a little unjustified.

The main currency of Roblox is, well, Robux. It’s how some of us get paid. Roblox should be endorsing their own currency and try to make more uses for it rather than shying away from it. I do think the idea of being able to purchase items from the Creator Store with USD is neat and can bring some convenience, but I don’t think it’s an update that should be forced. It should be optional.

Although it is cool to see Roblox make a change that increases the maturity of its platform. It’s nice that they allow users who prefer spending USD to spend it, although it should be an option to spend it as some prefer to use Robux as it’s their main income.

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Robux is one of the core ways developers make money on this platform (premium payouts, gamepasses, clothing items, etc), most developers do not earn enough Robux to DevEx.

Not allowing people to buy assets for Robux is the most terrible decision you guys can make. It causes us developers to have to spend our own money instead of the money we earn on the platform.

So unless you start paying us all in USD, this is a horrible change.


So about that,

I’m absolutely in favor of the creators of store assets being able to more fairly price their work. That said, there are probably lots of people who would have otherwise used the Robux earned through their games to make purchases on the creator store. Removing the option to sell and therefore purchase things with Robux entirely means that if somebody has a game earning Robux but either does not quite reach the minimum DevEx amount or simply would prefer not to DexEx, they cannot directly fund creator store purchases through the games they make on the platform. That just seems weird to me, it both limits the amount of people willing or able to buy the assets being sold and creates a store that’s less accessible to developers that are just starting out.

I agree with this.

Having it work in a similar way to the current ad system would be better. The currency used to actually purchase the assets would still be unified, but there’s at least an option for those who’d rather spend their Robux even if they have to convert them first.


And how do people with sanctions transfer this money to someone? I am Russian, I have no possibility to pay someone in the form of real money, because of the sanctions, or it is very difficult.


Cool stuff overall, but please reconsider not being able to use Robux. That’ll leave a lot of people out of being able to use the store (including myself). At the very least let people use credits like with ads.

But not anyone have conditions to spend real money, for example: Parents

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Roblox should cancel this update
And like you said, why not make both or region based, this is so stupid


I will continue saying it as Creator Marketplace, not as Creator Store. This is an bad idea and no one agrees it to happen. I will not pay for assets. This is pointless and useless for the creator community. We’re all wasting money on a game. Expected to happen, cuz we all know that roblox is greedy of money.


They can go through a certain amount of assets with scripts manually like let’s say 1000 or 2000, and then use that data to give a very accurate percentage. And for the assets without scripts, well they already know those are safe.

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Yes Roblox so greedy with this idea! Except they’re not taking a percentage so…

High quality assets cost money. I’m sure there will still be plenty of low quality ones you can get for free.

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Sorry what? Roblox is literally giving 100% of asset/tool proceeds to creators this way. This has nothing to do with investors.

Yes it’s incredibly cool that Roblox is willing to make this big change to up their creator ecosystem by actually giving people a chance to make a living off of selling assets/plugins/tools.


Did you not read the part where it says that Roblox will not take a percentage of the purchases?


But doesn’t restricting it to USD kind of result in the opposite happening. Instead of keeping away from outsiders, it’s now keeping away from insiders. Developers who have a decent amount of Robux (from their experiences) but not enough to DevEx wouldn’t be able to access the system.

Currently a USD-only payment method to purchase stuff on the Creator Shop harms small developers who aren’t able to DevEx their Robux funds into real fiat currency.

Imo the best option would be to allow creators to choose between either accepting Fiat currency or Robux. Because otherwise where are those developers meant to go?


The post you linked includes require() which is used in things like HD admin, will it ban all assets that include it or only assets ‘flagged’ as bad?

Lets hope this works better than the automated moderation system for decals…

Overall I welcome this change as the creator marketplace has always been a complete mess (I also hope genre search comes back)

Oh… but why? I mean I’m happy we are able to finally sell models but why limit it to USD???

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Well, another very disappointing update for me…

I’ll explain to you why I’m disappointed with this update.

First of all

I find this decision horrible! All models will become paid! (Because in this modern era people only think about money and when they create a model it will definitely pay off!)

Before the plug-ins were free like the models, then we added the possibility of making them paid and here is the result:

As you can see, everything is paid for (So someone will tell me "Yes, but you took the first page, there are free plug-ins…) certainly there are free ones but… in terms of reliability and quality… (Or it’s a lite version)
And I think that by adding the possibility of selling the models I am almost sure that the same thing will happen! Afterwards there will certainly be free models (well… things that won’t really be great) To get a picture of all this we can say “that the cake becomes paid for and that there are free crumbs left…”

Then on the other hand I can understand that the creators who create models would like to be paid for their work. But personally, small creators find themselves with less and less free resources created by the community (After hours since Roblox has put tutorials and some resources in place for new developers)

This is the first thing that greatly disappoints me, the next is:

Already the models will become paid but in addition would they have to be paid with real money?
Quick question how this will work in other countries (like France for example).
I find it really unfortunate because Robux is widely used! An example: Some experience creators receive Robux via premium payments or game passes, and they had the possibility of purchasing plug-ins with their earnings.
And then we will be forced to pay only with real money… it’s really a very bad decision… As I noticed in another message the 2 could coexist.

The last point on all this is an assumption.

Please note, this is only a hypothesis and in no way an official announcement!!

I wonder if Roblox might be getting rid of the Robux currency, I’ll explain why:

Roblox recently launched subscriptions in the experiences (Personally I hate it and I think it’s a scam, but hey that’s just my personal opinion) and in the subscriptions there is no possibility to pay with Robux, you have to pay with real money.
And there he changes the Creator Marketplace (Oh no Creator store? Is that right?) where Plug-ins and models can only be purchased with real money! It’s really up to you to ask where we plan to go… but I repeat again, this is just my point of view!

Thank you for reading my message, you can obviously reply to my message if you do not agree but please remain respectful.

If there are errors, or part of my message that is not correct I will update.

My message was made with the help of Google Translate, there may be translation errors.


I’m sorry but this trend of forcing everything off roux and onto real world currency is gonna put me off from buying stuff on here. What’s the point of robux if it’s not going to be usable?

Also, if models can be sold, what even is there for copy protection? If I can’t audit or edit what’s in a model that was sold then it’s useless to me.


Something that came to mind;

Roblox already has a limiteds and exploit black market. What is going to stop developers from doing their own, especially against a biased system that will not be offering localization due to the difference in cost of currency (Roblox will lose addtl. profit by localizing). There’s a reason why vpns may be $2 in Pakistan, and be $24.99 in the U.S.

Genuinely, what even is this update other than a way to force younger creators to abandon the platform. One step forward, one mile back in this situation. Understandably, the cut from company scrip is beneficial. 100% of the profit is amazing.

There needs to be a separate opt-in market for this, or allowed mixed currency payments. Why should I put my physical cash into the platform rather than use an arguably safer alternative? If I have to have my bank cancel a transaction, I’m permanently banned. With robux, at least there’s a refund given if case is proven. What is the policy for refunds going to be, and will we get a dedicated support team for this, because as it stands, the Roblox support team often doesn’t understand developer lingo and doesn’t pass stuff on.

The problem with shifting engines is that Core is UE, and unity and UE have paid marketplaces which dominate their core market… due to being an engine geared towards studios and experienced professionals.

I typically support updates, however, I’m seeing a lack of major engine updates in place of “hey, more money!” and that does not keep me interested. All I’m seeing is a lack of resources being allocated to the updates we all desperately want and beg for.


Robux as a payment option NEEDS to stay, for accessibility reasons. Not only do most younger developers not have access to USD payment methods, but people who use other currencies don’t either.

I am an example of younger developers not being able to use USD purchases on roblox. I’m 17, but don’t have a credit card due to IRL reasons. My parents have banned spending real currency on this platform, due to moderation being too harsh for innocents. Before, I could use Robux earnings to buy plugins, ads, and sponsors. Nowadays, I’d have access to NONE of that.

Now, it’s not ALL bad. USD based pricing allows for products to be sold for their real value. This is good, Roblox’s developer market has been bad for developers who publish. Now? Asset developers will get fairly paid.

Let devs set a Robux price AND a USD price, along with informing them on the USD value of the Robux before setting prices.