Introducing the new Creator Store!

Yeah after reading into it a bit more I can see how this isn’t more investor based and more just for the sake of convenience and maturity of the platform. Cool feature, I plan to use it just wish it was optional.

That was never confirmed. Please do not spread misinformation.

Do you know why the higher quality plugins cost money? It’s because the people who make them deserve to be compensated for the time they invest. Charging Robux for these plugins means the creators would have to price their plugins in the thousands just to earn reasonable pocket change. By moving the marketplace to USD, creators can be fairly compensated without massively inflating the cost of their plugin. This benefits you because there is significantly more motivation for higher-quality assets to be created.


This is starting to seem like ROBLOX is trying to defeat the whole idea of having robux as a currency.

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I dislike this change, everything was better before this update. I will still call it “Creator Marketplace” and will not use the word “Creator Store”.


This actually sounds pretty good, here’s some of the things I like and think could be improved.

Glad to see ID verification isn’t the only way/default way to roll out new features. Hope to see more of phone verification being used as a substitute in the future!

If spam can be prevented with this, should also be an amazing feature, especially for paid items. I want to know what I’m getting, and this would certainly help.

Mixed opinions on how you’re implementing the USD feature. On one hand, it’s great! It is definitely a good step forward to making earning from our work easier, though…

…like many others said, I believe there should still be an option to buy with robux as some people don’t have the option to use USD. Even if it’s just multiplying the USD cost by 285 for the Robux cost, it would still be better than nothing and you wouldn’t lose any more than if that Robux were devexed.

Even if it’s only in USD, THIS IS AMAZING NEWS. I myself don’t make assets for the toolbox often, though I’m sure this will encourage builders to post more high-quality assets to the toolbox. Amazing update overall, though really Robux should probably be used instead of USD.

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" After the new USD based Creator Store is live, you will no longer be able to buy or sell assets on Creator Store using Robux."

exactly what me and others who have been saving up our robux want to hear… LOL can see this becoming a problem already

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I believe short term this perhaps may happen, however, I believe the platform must grow and begin to shape an interest for outsiders. Additionally, you also have to think about how many artists currently on Roblox are just simply not pricing their work appropriately due to how DevEx works, the fees surrounding Robux exchanges, etc. I have countless artists, primarily builders, come to me about pricing their work and the amount of them who undercharge is nearly half.

This is honestly nonsensical to believe, the idea that someone who cannot devex means they wouldn’t be able to access the system isn’t a strong argument at all, lol. There’s more nuance to that position, and to paint it as if it’s black and white is naive. Plenty of these users already engage in the premium membership. Furthermore, you do understand that these same developers you talk about who can’t afford to access the system understand the Creator Store is its own way of earning, right? This would only add to the amount of ways you can earn a real-life currency from Roblox. After all, this Creator Store is made for developers and artists, people who create.

I’m going to take a bite here from Elttob’s post in that USD selling/purchasing just isn’t for those developers then.

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yay we still getting spam and copyright models! best update ever! :clap:


Certainly I can understand that, but the problem is everything has to be paid for and I think that’s not a good thing. Before we created out of passion, today it’s only for money. OK there is work and time invested and I understand that. But before people did it out of passion and with the aim of sharing and unfortunately that is changing. Afterwards everyone does what they want but personally if the models all become chargeable, I will no longer use them. I have already stopped using plug-ins for this reason.

I would have preferred a support system for creators, rather than simply blocking resources behind a paywall.

I find it really sad to see this kind of change, because for people who like to create games on Roblox without the aim of making money but just for fun, it will be more complicated for them.

The free templates that are in the Creator marketplace are a really great resource that makes it easier to create. And personally I find it discouraging to see only paying models!


Pretty sure we will still be able to make assets free, but if you won’t be able to make those free, this is gonna be really annoying to handle.

Plus having no option but paying for plugin with USD only is just gatekeeping those who can’t have debit/credit card and budget to start with.

I’m sorta fine with the fact people set Robux prices, but I’m NOT FINE when I’m under sanctions and I can’t DevEx just to use the Robux to purchase something for USD.


FWIW, I don’t think it says anywhere in the announcement that everything will cost money. Robux is being replaced with USD, but you will still be able to make assets free. If an asset ever costs too much, then I suspect some competition will come in to sell cheaper. That’s how a market works.


Little confusion when I said that everything was going to become paid, I was talking rather that people will put their new asset on paid rather than free.

And since all this is imminent (Because I don’t think Roblox is going to reverse this change and I sincerely hope I’m wrong) I hope there will be an option to hide paid content because otherwise it’s just going to be horrible (I I’m really used to using the resources for free and it helps me a lot. That’s why I’m a little annoying about this new feature.)


hahaha is this a sick joke? this is literally a terrible desision.


Roblox is hungry for Identification for some reason. They request Photo ID more than a crypto exchange hahahhahah


Im really disliking the move away from robux, notably for subscriptions and the new marketplace


lol i saw this post quoted somewhere and i thought it was a joke, guess i was wrong

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I would actually really like the update. But I don’t know if I’m the only one who feels that way, I just think that the marketplace, or as it’s now called, the Creator Store, is kind of broken for me because it only offers USD as an option to buy and sell. Wouldn’t it have been better to have both options available. One possibility could be: 100% USD and Robux 70 - 80% of the revenue, then the creator would have to decide for himself what he prefers. Another possibility could have been, you can choose how you want to buy your plugin, for example: I am plugin creator XY and want to have my revenue in USD, but the user can still decide if he wants to buy it in USD or in Robux, i.e. I as plugin creator decide that the plugin should cost 0,99$ and let’s say it will be in Robux as purchase price e.g. 400 Robux. Then the plugin creator can still choose whether he wants to have it paid for in Robux or in USD. (If it is not possible otherwise, you could also leave it so that you only earn 70 - 90%). If you have any questions or don’t understand something, you can always ask me.


Having more outside sources take Roblox seriously is a noble effort, but at the same time we can’t just magically snap our fingers and forget about the insiders that have built Roblox to what it is today.

Statistically, its safe to assume most people are not though both in the wide Roblox community as a whole and within the developer “community.”

Which are then bought by developers. And with no ability to be able to use Robux to purchase things like plugins (which can be very helpful for certain applications) in the future, a lot of people can very much easily be softlocked out of the system.

Unless Roblox starts magically paying experience developers in real fiat currency as well, there’s going to be a segment of people softlocked out of using the creator store since their Robux funds cannot be used to purchase anything within the Creator Hub.


i dislike the approach roblox seems to be taking to kind of “phase out” robux. i hope this isn’t their plan.

roblox needs to understand that robux (and other things phased out) is apart of the culture, makes their platform unique, and helps define the brand “roblox”.

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