Introducing the Verified Badge!

Where did you get this information from?

As far as I know, Roblox profile followers won’t be taken to account.


I believe so, Because they are the one who like make the idea or work for the studio

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Oh, I think I’ve mess it up by mistake.

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Really good move by Roblox.

I’m sure this would help prevent impersonation, which in many cases can be a major issue. However, this prevents that from happening. I really hope that this isn’t treated like candy, and everyone gets it, or the people that receive this decide to abuse it.

Overall, I think this is a really good move on Roblox’s end, and I look forward to seeing this roll out.


This is good but What if someone Got Place visits on a alt from a game which they just put a bunch of free models in, If you use like 90% Free models will this still count? or will it just ignore the game since most of it is free models.

Thats cool!
Does it apply to all developers of a certain studio that is qualified to receive the badge?

I think it would apply if you made your Studio Assistants Known greatly upon making the game instead of just ignoring their work.

Hey, I think it does apply to all developer who make game, but the clothing developer, and ugc creators is different then experience developer

About time this update became a reality. I’m wondering if a verified badge is awarded to a group, does the owner of that group also receive the badge?

I think it’s awarded to a group, and owner of the group. I do not know that more information about that

Why aren’t the badges visible in-experience? I feel like that’s where you would have the most issues when it comes to impersonation and scams.


What about plugin and module creators like myself?

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this is amazing, there finally will be some sort of distinguishable difference between authentic users and impersonators. Cannot wait for it to be rolled out further to more and more creators

However I’m quite skeptical if this feature will only be used for more bigger creators such as big scale content creators or well known game owners on the platform leaving out the minority of us who still put in a lot of effort into making our assets from being unable to qualify for the program. I’d like to see a much better system than from what we had on UGC’s launch where only content creators or very few people were able to have access to it.


After a year of seeing this type of badge on Twitter, it appears that it became something very interesting for the community!

However, I am quite confused as to why it needs to be only distributed for those that have a “huge” value of contribution on Roblox due to being in programs or partnerships. Feels like you do not have the trusty to give for verified creators, as well known for the majority, developers that are verified.

Moreover, why do we need this type of badge icon? It would be better to have the ones we get from the platform “Talent Hub” and the game engine Roblox Studio, in case we are verified… (I do not hate it, although, it does not combine with the platform and the style)


Having this new feature for players is good to indicate who is the real creator, as there many who tried to copy the username, its actions and claim to be the real one. However, having for groups is a bit exaggerated… From my perspective, it would be better to moderate the title and give suggestions for alternative names to comprehend it is fan-made. Few examples would be:

  • “KreekCraft’s Fan Club 011”;
  • “Flamingo’s Group for Fans”.

I wonder if in the future there will possibly be a verification badge for certain clothing creators, due to the large amount of copying within the catalog? Could prove very helpful for showing who may have been the first to upload a shirt and prevents people from spamming the catalog with copied clothes - or stealing sales from people who have worked hard to create an original design.

Loving this new feature. Now, developers / UGC creators as well as content creators can stand up more from all the accounts that are trying to impersonate them for malicious reasons!

I have a group with 217k members and a game with 176 million visits, i hope i get the email into the program later today (i havent got it yet) . If thats not good enough for the program it must be really strict at the moment.

I think the plugin will be soon in verifed badges, but not sure about right now.

Not everyone thinking they’ll get it for having the slightest amount of clout :joy::joy::skull:


I love this update due to it allowing for a better indication of specific types of people who could be impersonated!

What sort of other categories are you guys going to enable to be able to verify themselves onto the platform in the future?