Introducing Today’s Picks - A New Curated Sort on Home [Pilot]

You know discrimination doesn’t just take place in western countries right? Most people do face discrimination and it is very true.

Discrimination: the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability

Firstly, I can guarantee that everyone here has faced discrimination at least one nameable time due to their age. That settles that. Secondly, discrimination goes so much further than just race and ethnicity. To say that most people don’t go through with discrimination is so hurtfully untrue.


Equity and inclusion by themselves are good concepts, but unfortunately, in the modern day they have a big bias, defeating the purpose of the entire concept.


I think this is great, and would be fantastic as a regular feature going forward. A curated list of upcoming games that Roblox thinks is quality would go a long way to launch games with potential that might otherwise been unable to reach an audience.


Brilliant! Will there be opportunities for non-English speaking developers in the future?:thinking:


Hi everyone,

The question has been removed from the survey.


This turned into a X ripoff pretty fast
Aside from that,
Good way to recommend games that need some love, hope this goes well.


Twitter ripoff*.


Those thumbnails makes me think Roblox is gonna be overrun by cats… if this is true. That’s a true apocalypse


The AI art is unsettling, but it feels more like some poor intern had to throw this together, rather than a company based thing.


Same here, IDK why everyone has to use AI to make images.


It is extremely irrelevant. Games should be featured only on the base of merit. Everyone deserves an equal opportunity, regardless of personal background.


Every single person is a minority somewhere. You don’t even name a place you just say “minority.” , that could mean literally anything. People who develop games that use AI art are a minority. In fact, I’d say they have an advantage over those who support real artist.

Nice update i really like how roblox take advantage of this update keep it up community.

i agree AI should be banned its ruining people’s jobs.

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This is one of the most disrespectful and outright wrong statements you’ve made thus far. Nobody is fighting for non-minorities or minorities to win. We are fighting for equal opportunity to win. You’re shoving words in others mouths despite OTHER minorities including myself countering your points.

You are one being discriminatory here.


I think its more of why should there be boxes to select for these kind of things. Equal rights means equal opportunities, not boxes to check so you can get an advantage.

Without a box, there is no advantage to anyone. If you dont like it, cry.

As part of the demographic covered in those boxes, I strongly dislike having a box to select that gives me an advantage. Its not inclusive at all


I 100% agree with your statement. This is what AI art should be used for.

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i can’t wait to find this under the never ending scrolling of recommended games

thanks roblox :+1:


As a trans female I find the appearance of this question on the survey to be a bit of a sting.

My own transition does not affect my quality or production of my projects (or of any other projects I work on), so why is this even considered? If any of my projects were ever nominated on the basis of being transgender, I would feel offended at the fact that my existence is minority bonus-points to a company that otherwise advertises equal treatment to all.


Roblox has removed the question due to the blacklash, so they’re no longer considering it. You will no longer have to deal/worry about this.