Introducing Two Game Security Settings: Third Party Sales & Cross Game Teleports

I mean, that’s a good question. If you have it turned off it should work.


Great new security options!
Just a quick question is Third-Party Modules/Requires blocking in the works and will Roblox staff modules such as ClickerModule or a Roblox Intern’s modules such as Sharksie’s gear module(GLib) be permitted?


Is it possible for my game to remain secure, as well as a friends but still allow third party sales or cross game teleport to them as a whitelist? Or would one game need to remain insecure for this to happen?


This is very useful for when you are using free models because of the viruses hidden in them! I’m happy to see these kinds of updates being added to ROBLOX.



This is amazing! Finally a fix to the backdooring problem!


This is a very amazing update! No more worrying about those nasty little viruses, for they won’t be permitted in the place! Though eventually, I’m fairly sure there will a way to bypass this type of thing.


Expanding upon this, can we expect application-specific permissions (for plugins, models, etc) going forwards, similar to what popular app stores, such as Google Play, do?

In short, a developer would specify which restricted services they wish to use (such as TeleportService, MarketplaceService, HttpService, etc), then when a user adds their application in via studio, a pop-up appears to verify this, similar to the example above.

At the moment, it feels as if Roblox is generalising all software as ‘malicious’, despite there being a plentiful of legitimate applications which often depend upon these services to function. A more ‘specific’ permission system enables users to have their desired applications work fully as intended, without compromising their security by disabling these settings globally.


This sounds like a great update! I’m happy to hear that a lot of developers won’t have to worry about things such as backdoors and malicious plugins. The problem I see here is that a developer may make a game with free models as a fun thing to play on with their friends where you can be teleported to your favorite games - similar to the new Party Place. We need some sort of setting panel that can only be accessed by the developer of the game (NOT scripts) so that you can set which scripts are permitted to teleport players and regard the rest with uncertainty. I’m not sure if this has already been suggested, but it would be a great addition, especially for beginners.


I think this is great! I’m excited that Roblox is taking some large steps for the better of development. I can’t wait to play around with this in studio later.


This is INCREDIBLE! I’ve had so many viruses from using plugins in my games prompting to buy a “Free Admin” gamepass that was not created by me, ALONG with teleporting players to a “Loading” place.

Thank you so much for this update! Will REALLY improve Anti Virus!!!


This is an amazing update! I can’t wait to see the downfall of Viruses! This will improve gameplay so much for those who just want to play and not have to worry about disruption.


At first I thought third-party meant other games, until this topic came along. Now I know that third-party means by a different person!

Anyways, this is a great thing you’ve given us! I’ve seen “allow third-party sales” as a property in the workspace but I guess it is now in the game settings.

The downfall of viruses have started!

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Finally! People won’t make money off of teleport scams and model scams anymore! Thank you so much Roblox!


OMG! This is amazing! I cannot believe they added this! It’s going to help so much! Thank you admins! I hate it when I have a bad plugin, this will save everything!

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Will this stop third party player botting? Is it possible that you can add a feature that disallows games to teleport to yours?


I really like this feature. It may help a lot of developers to have maximum security on their games. An amazing update for this platform.

I’m relatively new on development on Roblox and I have this doubt… Why is this ID the limit or the max “security” ID?


I greatly appreciate this change! free-models often times add unwanted purchase prompts (and sometimes a place teleport). Hopefully free-models will become safer to use as a result of this update.


Now this is a really cool addition although I’ve seen a lot of understandable reasons why this might not be the best update at the moment. In my opinion, I think this is pretty nice.


This update is great in one-hand, because it will stop in-game exploits always making a popup for a model.

exploits go byebye


Please do the same with the require() function to stop backdoors for once and for all.

Ok until they find anoher method , but still , it will break a lot of server sides(backdoors).