Introducing Videos in the Marketplace!

Every frame in a video will be split up, then I assume some OCR will be running over each individual frame to stop anything you highlighted


hope it wont cost a fee to upload content.

do you plan to add support for screenguis in the future?


A video thumbnail costs 500 robux for a 30 sec video. I hope it wont be much more than that for a video.

Aren’t ScreenGuis already supported? I tested VideoFrame with a BilllboardGui, SurfaceGui and ScreenGui in studio, all of them worked.


sorry i meant surfaceGuis, just woke up aha, i did not know that they were supported ill check that out right now


if you change VideoFrame video id from properties it does not change to “rbxassetid://id” like decals and images do

Made a quick plugin for that bug until Roblox fixes it. Feel free to use It if you want.

Quick advertisement: if you use this plugin, to use It, you must select a VideoFrame, paste a VideoID at the TextBox and press the apply button.


Currently it doesn’t work, but it sure would be nice if the AudioEffects can support the audio in the videos!



Actually such a good feature. Gonna be great inside games like Work at a Pizza Place which use TVs in rooms. A few questions though:

  1. Is the volume customisable in these videos?
  2. Is there a file size/video length limit?
  3. Will there be a seperate program or will UGC be used to roll out this to the public

(Hoping it’ll be introduced to beta list users, probably won’t though)


I made a quick test place to see how well it works

  • It works fairly well but the resolution is weird
  • Sometimes it freezes while loading a Video
  • I have to say that I discovered many bugs (that will be reported)


There shall be an age restriction option if video is 13+ so these videos won’t be played on a 13- client. But other than that, will we be able to upload HEVC, 4K or HDR videos in the future? I think that’d be awesome.


I feel like making our own videos would be kinda like a video for your thumbnail. 500 Robux to make, and has to be a youtube video. And any bad videos will be moderated. And maybe it could be like you can’t see the video if it is a 13+ video and your account is <13, BUT people fake their age, so a 9 year old might see something inappropriate that is only for 13+.

EDIT: Because I just realized videos could be different lengths, so it should cost different amounts of robux depending on video length.


If your going to make videos it has to go thru manual moderation approval, due to bypasses.

If there was not a manual moderation approval there will be bypasses.

But I like the update


  • Manual Approval
  • Automatic Approval

0 voters


There’s a few issues I could see happening that will upset the majority of developers…

  • To upload custom videos it’ll cost robux
  • It will be part of the UGC program

If this does occur most developers will most likely lose interest since “UGC” stands for “User Generated Content” but it’s being limited to those who were approved into the program and having to wait for both catalog and videos to release to the public would be a pain. Hopefully it’s free of cost and not part of the UGC program.

Edit: If it were to be paid how much would it cost and would it have the same system as the audio does, basically the longer the video the more you pay.


This looks awesome, just hoping the price of uploading videos (if there will be one), won’t be as expensive as the audio. :sweat_smile:

Here is a quick suggestion, if uploading a video is free (highly doubt it) add a minimum account age limit to upload videos to reduce spam. As videos is most probably going to be a really hard thing to moderate. I’d see it would let down other users who are developers and are using their new alt for development, for example if the account has been hacked etc, but maybe a minimum of 20 days, or 15 days?


I really like it, but it would be nice if the VideoFrame would be added to the ui section.


I have approached a potentially critical bug. The TimePosition seems to set itself back, when set to a defined value between 0 and TimeLength. I made a slider that I’m pretty sure has it’s calculations correct. The output says the value correctly:
It jumps back in a handful of places.
When slider is being dragged is when it’s set to TimePosition, however, it seems that the VideoFrame jumps back a lot of frames, that’s annoying. :frowning: Why can’t it just set the time to the nearest frame?



I used this for my update log, works great!


I’m a bit confused as to why Roblox is adding on things like videos or layered clothing yet the existing filtering program has major gaps in it still allowing certain swears and such and then I turn around and multiple things are inaccurately censored. Recently I complained (via support) about how it seemed a large amount of Scottish heritage/cultural words were banned (things like ‘Jacobite,’ ‘Highland,’ ‘{House} Stuart,’ etc.) and then things like videos are being added on likely making it even more difficult to monitor stuff. Exploited videos and pictures still exist also on top of text… I just don’t think it’s the right priorities.


Suggestion, maybe make this a Beta Program only feature to upload content for now?


Odd question, do videos right now support transparency/alpha videos? If no, when do you think they might support videos with transparency/transparent?

Seems to be a problem when you can collide with the blocks. It messes it up an glitches your character…
How to reproduce:
Make a part CanCollide true Anchored false
insert a videoframe into a surfacegui
then collide with it with play solo and then it kinda glitches your character.