Introducing WinterWizard7

Welcome to the community. I look forward to seeing you around. :slight_smile:


Welcome to the Dev Forum! All :snowflake: hail :snowflake: WinterWizard7!


Dude, It’s not winter yet…
Anyways, hello, my good sir, and welcome to the community!


You and @lvl100superburrito will make an unstoppable team of burritos and wizards!

Welcome to the forum!


I’m sure you will be a lovely asset to the Relations Team. :roblox_light:

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hello winterWizard7 I hope you are doing very well and that you make our community better and it was a pleasure to meet you a greeting

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Welcome, Winter!

I don’t believe we’ve met before, My name is helperobc.

Make yourself comfortable; also, do you like Hot Coco? I heard the café has some great Hot Coco.

Between you and me, I personally have never tried their Hot Coco, only their coffee.

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Sorry for getting mad each time i got a post taken down with a message of you :frowning:
Late welcome! Sorry for being a hardhead guy sometimes, i hope you stay here for a long time! :+1:
Also, sorry for the Micro-Bump, i needed to reply this :wink:

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Did you know that there’s a appreciation thread of you going on in Lounge?

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Welcome to the Developer Forum Winter! Sorry for the late reply!

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)

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Thanks for letting us know. We agree there is an issue and we’re looking into it.

^^^ A phrase that none other than WinterWizard7 says. (well yeah the other DET members say it but ye)


Welcome to roblox! We’re incredibly happy to see what you can bring to the table for developers like myself around the world!

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Welcome Winter! Nice to meet you! :smile:


Hello Winterwizard7 We Both Have Mastered Magic! :smiley:

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You are a great person you help me with all of my question thanks you so much

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Welcome to the community. Enjoy your stay!

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I didn’t know my favorite season played Roblox!

In all seriousness, welcome Winter. I’m glad to see you like it here.

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Yeah, I know this is a late response. But I totally agree, WinterWizard7 is a wonderful person. Totally understand with everything, and takes time to deal with problems. Etc.


Really, @WinterWizard7 is a good mod, if i flag a post breaking the rules, he taked any action to this users. Keep it up!


I don’t really know what to say other than welcome, so welcome!