Introduction thread for new forum members

Welcome @BxPanxi and @iknosabuk!

Hope you enjoy your Stay at the Roblox Developer Forum.

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Welcome to the Developer Forums @iknosabuk and @BxPanxi! You both put a lot of time into your responses, this community is built on people who are dedicated like yā€™all seem to be.

@iknosabuk There are multiple threads adressing that issue already. One of my personal favorites would be @Cinderingā€™s. Despite some issues with moderation, being a ROBLOX developer is a safe and fun career/side job/hobby to pursue. If you obey the rules, you wonā€™t be banned :wink:

I have linked a helpful resource for figuring out how this website works. Feel free to read it through if you havenā€™t already.

Best Wishes!

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Welcome to DevForums. I hope you enjoy this community as much as me. :slight_smile:

Hey guys! Iā€™m Defunix. Before introducing myself, I would like to say thanks for accepting me in the Devforum and letting me the opportunity to introduce myself! Thatā€™s amazing!
Iā€™m from Canada and I was interested a lot in games when I was little. I always wished to make my own game. Then I found ROBLOX. ROBLOX is the best platform to make your own game. I started to build a year ago but Iā€™m not a pro builder. Iā€™m going to use Devforum as a source for my future games. Thanks for reading and have a nice day! :smiley:


Welcome to the DevForums @defunix! This community is one of the best for advancing your skills in developments, so I wish you the best of luck! I have linked a helpful thread that can get you started here. Please check it out if you havenā€™t done so yet.

Have a great day!

Iā€™m Rocco just recently got promoted to new member
I found roblox back in 2014 i saw a youtuber playing it and it looked enjoyable; so i gave it a shot and i really enjoyed it. I joined military groups and then some friends in the military groups showed me Roblox Studio. It was my first time using it so i was putting down tons of free models and i was really excited when seeing an aeroplane that i put down. They then started teaching me how to do the like basics of roblox studio; like not to use free models etc and be original. then the military group went down and i lost contact with all of them so then on i just watched videos on how to build and script n stuff like that, i was getting better and better then i tried building for military groups. Some liked it, some didnā€™t. and then from then on ive just been creating differant things in roblox studio. I have also found blender back then they taught me a bit how to use it but iā€™ve only recently been using it again i find it really cool the designs i can make on there. I want to try to make a game like vesteria (I really like the physics of that game) by the end of the year hopefully in ALPHA and maybe the start of next year in BETA. Iā€™m mostly a builder and 3d modeller now. So yea, If you read all this, youā€™re awesome! :smiley:

Guess Iā€™m awesome! Welcome to the DevForums, @RoccoIII! Keep up the hard work, and please let me know when you release your game. I have linked a thread that will help you understand further how this community works! Feel free to private message me if you need help or advice on this site or with your game.

Best wishes!

č¦Ŗåˆ‡ć«ć—ć¦ćć‚Œć¦ć‚ć‚ŠćŒćØ恆 :bowing_woman:t2:,
I was accepted as a new member unexpectedly while looking for a post to help my friend who is learning how to make plugins.

I donā€™t remember how I found Roblox, but I do remember getting started with building on a variety of those old building games around 2008-2012.
I also got into a bunch of other development outside of Roblox such as coding with java, CSS and Lua mainly for exploiting. As I matured I grew out of it and swore off exploiting as I started to appreciate developing more.

Right now I just play Roblox as a hobby, helping out people from my community, creating things or helping people create things at random, and looking out for my clan.
I donā€™t play for credit, profit, or recognition. Nor do I care for any of those things unless its to help someone else with them. Iā€™m just really familiar with this platform and Iā€™m stuck to it now.

I can speak, read and write Japanese Hiragana, Katakana and some Kanji through living my parents and grandparents.
I am Japanese American, born and mostly raised in the GREAT U.S.A.
Iā€™m not from japan, but my family is largely spread across Western U.S, Hawaii, Eastern U.S, U.K, & KyÅ«shÅ«.
If you want me to do translations I will probably decline unless you are a friend. I spent nearly five years helping people with translations and Iā€™m tired of being asked.
Iā€™m also somewhat of a historian, primarily on Japanese and American history. I studied personally through high school, and I have studied through college. I have an obsession with history :nerd_face:.

Lastly, my role in the developer community isā€¦ :thinking: well everything and anything at this point. If I Imagine I want to make it, I can make it. Thats all thanks to having such a nice ever-progressing platform.
To list some stuff off the top of my headā€¦
Iā€™m really good at:
Programming(Java, Lua, UnrealScript), Animating(2D Frames, 3D Rigs and beyond), GFX, UI Design, Building,
Iā€™m good at:
Teaching, Organizing, Video Editing (havenā€™t done that in a long time), Programming(C++), Modeling(mesh), Poetry? lol

ONE MORE THINGā€¦ I am a big big big advocate of loyalty, duty and honor in that order. Please donā€™t message me with any shameless requests or drama Iā€™m not up for it.:nauseated_face:

Forgive me if I typed way too much, I was going to skip this but I suddenly got really enthusiastic about making this reply.

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Thank you for the help :smiley:
Much appreciated
And if i need any help i will for SURE come up in your dms :smiley:

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Welcome to the DevForums @ladyaka! You seem like a smart and charitable person, and weā€™re glad to have you here! I have linked a thread that gives more information about this community, feel free to check it out if you havenā€™t already.

Kind regards!

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Hi! Iā€™ve been on the DevFourm for about 2 months now, and familiarized myself with its policies. I will properly introduce myself to the community here.

My story

Iā€™ve always had an interestā€”a passionā€”for development. My dream was to code games, unaware of its complexity. Letā€™s travel to January 2016: a young boy invited to a friendā€™s party. This friend is playing on a platform by the name of ā€œRobloxā€. Originally, I had Roblox mistaken for a LEGO game.

Immediately becoming addicted to this gaming platform, I started creating games. These games contained no form of programming whatsoever, and primarily simplicity. All of these creations were limited to friends particularly.

From here I was majorly obsessed with development, learning effective methods to build, and tactics to consume minimal time. My interest in programming was taken over by building.

Now traveling to 2018, I received multiple building offers. However this experience was not one to remember. My first major opportunity was the secondary builder in a cafe. Here, I felt unaccomplished - like I was unable to show my true capabilities. In the end, I was not productive, and the revenue share was no longer existent.

After this poor experience, I decided to voluntarily build for a hotel group. The hotel group was owned by an 11-year old, which made me feel like the institute I was working in was improper. I joined this group mainly to gain skills in building.

Fast forwarding to present days, my wisdom has now increased, and my building skills have been polished to ā€œthe maximum.ā€ I plan to release a building portfolio once my computer is repaired. Unfortunately, I only do contracted work after my catastrophic experience with revenue share.

I now have welcoming friends which include young family members and cousins. Currently, I am gaining slight recognition from developers and community members.

I have started making amazing friends like @YoIobeans and @Runiros, and I tend to gain healthy relationships with developers like these.

Thank you for reading, have a blessed day.


Hi Roccolll!

Iā€™m so happy you are a New Member here, and I hope to see more work from you! :smile:

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Hello, Iā€™m Matko and Iā€™m happy to have joined the DevForum.


I joined ROBLOX Mid 2013 and have been enjoying playing and developing on this platform. I discovered ROBLOX by searching up simulator games on the internet and stumbling across ROBLOX. I am very happy to have found this platform.

About 3 or 4 years after joining, I started developing on ROBLOX. Obviously my games were VERY simple when I first began (I didnā€™t even know how to turn collisions off) but eventually got better.

I have a few goals in ROBLOX but have one main goal which is making a successful game on ROBLOX. I have been thinking and hoping for good game ideas for too long and still donā€™t have any! Iā€™m going to keep thinking until I get one.

I am a Programmer. I have been programming/scripting on ROBLOX for about 8 months now and have been enjoying it since the beginning. I hope I can help others with their code now that I have joined the DevForum.

Thank you!

Welcome to the DevForums @ItsMatko! Keep thinking of game ideas, it can take years to generate a winner. I have linked a helpful resource for getting started here, feel free to check it out if you havenā€™t already. Feel free to PM me with any questions.

Have a nice day!

Welcome to the DevForums @histo_rical! Love the username btw. Thanks for posting your introduction, itā€™s always convenient to know stuff about people I see posting ;D. I have linked a thread that provides helpful information on how this forum works. Please check it out if you havenā€™t yet.

Best Wishes!


Neat! Thank you very much for the info :smiley: I will surely check it out later when I have the time to do so.

I found Roblox when I was 9 years old and saw someone playing an obby in the library(I am 16 now).

2 years prior when I first started playing Roblox I decided to use Roblox studio and make my own creations.

My current goal right now is to code an engaging and fun/complex game on Roblox.

My role in the developer community is a programmer. (I also know other languages like node js(Popular java script server development library) and of course java script.)

If you have any developer questions; do not hesitate to message me.

Hey, Iā€™m Leuuq. I was just recently accepted here as a new member, Iā€™m glad to be here. :slight_smile:

I mostly focus on building and sometimes make models in blender. I have absolutely zero experience in scripting but hoping to get there some day hehe.
Making maps for games is usually what I do, I do not think that I will ever successfully publish a game alone or with someone else, but who knows?


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Hello im new member :3
itā€™s a test text because im new

Welcome to the Developer FOrums @K1mK1, @Leuuq, and @forbrad! Iā€™ve seen people playing obbies in the library all the time lol, guess thatā€™s where people do it! I love the art Leuuq, idk if you made that but it looks awesome! I wish you all the best of luck with your development careers - if you ever need help with something, feel free to private message me and Iā€™ll do what I can. I have linked a helpful thread that can enable you to jump into this community. Please feel free to read it if you havenā€™t yet.

Kind regards!

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