Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello! My name is ms_chillwoman!
I found Roblox by videos on Youtube, since Roblox’s growth was increasing!

My development journey started when I first found out about Roblox Studio, I didn’t know what it was back then, I only knew that it was to make games, which making games is my favorite! So I started looking for tutorials, get the basics, and practice to improve!
Still to this day I still didn’t made an actual game, probably in the future I will.

My goals are to be active in the community and make a original game with active players on it! Since I still want to make games, why not make one?

I am a builder, I make creations on Roblox!

Seems like we reached the end, thank you for reading this introduction about me!

Hi everyone! My name is Thom and I started playing roblox when I was 13 years old. I am now 23 years old, so that means I have 10 years of experience with roblox :sweat_smile:. I have always been interested in making my own games. Games on roblox are easily accessible and easy to boot. That’s why I love roblox.
My current goals are just to have fun and build games that I want people to play. Building a game is more of a hobby for me. It would be nice to get something out of it, but I’m not fighting for that.
My role in the developer community would be anything. I love programming, building and making UI. I do everything myself, so I don’t have a choice :sweat_smile:.
In real life, I am a web developer, so building games is not my expertise

I’m Altez, also known as Altez. I’m like cool and stuff and tryna get good at programming and landscaping even though I suck, ok thanks bye.

Hi! I’m new to the dev forums and started ROBLOX in 2016. I got interested in studio since 2018, but I prefer to design clothing and logos in a cartoonish style. My main focus right now is my group, circus!

That’s all I have to say, thanks!

Hey fellow Robloxians, I just wanted to say that I’m so glad to finally be able to access the forum.
I found the Roblox gaming platform a few years ago. I made an account and saw it was an awesome game. Unfortunately, I never used those accounts because I did not like the username I created. So I made this account.
I got into development like this: I was playing games and then all of a sudden, I thought, how about just make my own game.
My current goal on Roblox is to finish a game I’m working on “”.
I would say my role is 3D modeling and I’m a digital artist.
I hope I’m a great addition to the forum. Thank You again!

I’m new here, I have just been promoted to a member, which I appreciate.

My name is delvuur, used to be known as Aesirq, but I recently changed my name. I have had a few different accounts, but I started playing ROBLOX in 2015-2016, I don’t quite remember. I have been a graphic designer for over a few years now. I recently have been trying to become a game developer. I like scripting and building, but I’m not sure for which one I will fully go. I wouldn’t like to create a game, but I would like to make GFX for other games and maybe design UI’s. We’ll see what I become or not.

Thank you for reading, good luck on your path into the future.

Hello, I am an aspiring game developer who has been playing ROBLOX for the past eleven years. Lacking the dedication, discipline or time required in making games on ROBLOX, I have failed to create a complete game on the platform.

This shall not be the case anymore.

Thank you for past and future help through the Developer Forums.

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Hey, I’m Void Frost. Happy to finally be in the DevForum, I’ve done a lot of help on ScriptingHelpers.
Uh, I’m pretty bad at Building and I do more Scripting/ GUI stuff. I’ve never really made a game, because I have problems committing to work on a game for a long time.

Me too man, me too. Never made a complete game over about 5 years.

Finally I got introduced into the platform. I’m so exited to help others (and get helped too!)

Hey, I’m SatanDynasty.

I am a Builder.

I joined ROBLOX back in 2008 but have moved accounts since then. I’ve been building ever since I basically started my time on ROBLOX. I also know a little bit of animation.
I have been a regular Developer and Project Lead of for a few decently sized games through the years but with smaller communities.

My goal is to be a known Developer mostly.

I’m happy to be able to have this experience given to me and I will try to make the best of it.

Thank you for reading this and good luck.

Hello there, I’m XSugarBunnyxX and I have started scripting maybe 2 weeks or maybe a month ago. Before I get into detail, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for inviting me to become a Member.

I have started ROBLOX around 2014 on my other account which got hacked and so I created this one, I’m getting used to the scripting but I still need a lot of help and need to do more research. My friend also hoped to become a Member so she can share her thoughts and opinions! So im wishing her luck.

Anyways, I told my friend (@serene1421) about this and she was interested in scripting too! So we started texting eachother, giving ideas to eachother and at the end we decided to make a game. The game took us a few tries, but we got there at the end (We are currently working on the game and so far it’s looking good) and I have watched tons of videos and they really helped me! I will be using this Dev Forum very often for opinions or for support. And again thank you for inviting me.:grin:

:wave: hi @TheCasuals, how are you

  1. How did you find Roblox?
    Not sure, but I think it was off some YouTube video and I got intrigued

  2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    Mostly YouTube tutorials and sometimes just going onto the DevForum and finding out how things work

  3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
    To finish my current project, I’ve been working super hard to get everything to work.

  4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I actually do multiple of them, Programmer,Builder,GFX but I mostly consider myself a programmer.

  5. Anything else you would like to include
    I’m glad to have found Roblox :slight_smile:

Hello. My name is AESTHXTH1C, aka Riley. I’ve been really excited ever since I’ve got promoted to Member.

I found out about Roblox when I was little, by just searching through the App Store on my old iPad.
Later in 2017/2018 I got my first computer that when I download Roblox, it also downloaded Roblox Studio. I started making games (not that good tho :expressionless: ) with free models, which back then, models were kinda safe and didn’t have much viruses as now.
My current goals right now is completing my new game I have made call Misery’s End, hoping to start my own development group with my great friend from Kindergarten/1st Grade. We have great plans for the future of our game.
I currently don’t have a role, I’m kinda good at modeling and GFX, but not that great in UI Designs and Scripting.
I’ve been on the Roblox platform for a coupe of fantastic years.

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How did you find Roblox?
I found Roblox through the Windows 10 Store, and the first game I played was Stickmasterluke’s natural disasters.
How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I got motivated to start developing after Arcane Adventures got discontinued, so I wanted to make a game of my own.
Current goals/achievements on the platform
Gather a team, and learn from others.
What is your role in the developer community?
I consider myself a Programmer and Team Leader

Before I answer the questions I would like to introduce myself a little bit. My name is powerdud and I’ve been waiting to get into the dev team for a while now. I wanna do some things on this site and finally I can do it!

  1. I found roblox from a friend who told me about it way in 2016.
  2. A friend also introduced me to developing games and thought me all I needed to know.
  3. Right now I’m trying to create a game which I’m releasing the beta of some time soon.
  4. I am a programmer and have been doing so since 2017.
  5. I really hope I can just fit in with the devforum team!

I am not really new but ill contribute to this threat

  1. well i don’t exactly remember how i found roblox but i’m pretty sure i was on my grandpas Kobo and i was on the app store looking at games i saw this game called roblox so i decided to download it and once i was downloaded i joined as a guest since i didn’t want to make an account and remember this was in 2013, the first game i played was work at pizza place and 2 years later on new years day i went to a friends house for a sleep over and i told him about roblox! he made an account named Oweniscool789 and i made an account called samgladiator67707 and take note i made over 20 accounts through out the years because i forgot all of my passwords but then i make my first account and got robux in i think 2016 the account was superdudewithobc but the original name was lightningbolt1134 but when i got a gift card i bought robux and obc but then it got hacked some how and i ended up creating the account im on now GodzGaIaxyy

  2. on the account lightningbolt1134 i made random games with a bunch of free models, i was very bad at developing but then i got into scripting donation buttons and making outline art but once my account got hacked and i made my account im on now thats when i started to take developing seriously, thats when i bought a gaming pc and i downloaded blender and photoshop along with after effects and now i can do advanced scripting, decent blender work and pretty good 2d cartoon icons and decent Ui’s but im still working on improving everything

  3. my current goals on the platform are to go to RDC, make enough robux to DexEX it to help my family, make a positive impact in the roblox community

  4. my current roles are Builder, UI Designer, Programmer

  5. Have a good day thats all and i wish you all best of luck


  1. I first discovered Roblox when I was in need of a new game experience. It was actively searching through Youtube when I discovered this platform.

  2. I first began development when I was inspired by some top earning developers at the time. Observing their creations made me wish to do the same.

  3. No current goals to achieve at the moment.

  4. I am a builder.

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  1. I found Roblox through a Youtuber, it been awhile so I don’t remember who.
  2. I started building on Roblox because I was inspired by Bloxburg. I like to challenge myself with Bloxburg limitation but at the same time I don’t want to be hold back by though limitation so I started building.
  3. I don’t exactly have a goal, even if my dream job is become a roblox developer but as of right now I just want to keep building and keep learning from other builders as much as I can.
  4. I am a builder.
  5. Nothing much, I just hope that I can improved on building as much as possible. I’m not an easy person to satisfied so this will be a long journey but I do hope I can reach my satisfaction in the end.
    (Sorry if my English is bad, English not my first language)