Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello everyone, I finally made it and I am glad to be a part of the developing community. I hope to see a brighter future for Roblox and wish to continue my journey, as well as advance as a developer.

Hi everyone! My nameā€™s Red.

Iā€™m a beginner builder and modeler and hope to learn a lot here!

It is an honor for me to become an official developer,
In 2015, I met roblox from a friend and games started doing in 2018 first I devoted myself to building, then programming and finally designing the UI
and Iā€™m currently working on Zombie Attack Beta and thinking about other projects and thank you very much for the success of my game Atek Nuclear Power Plant

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Hello! Vistiaire here, Iā€™m so happy to become a member! Iā€™d happily introduce myself!
Sooo I didnā€™t really find Roblox, an old friend introduced it to me back in November 2015! So by time I was getting into Roblox more and more, I got to know what you can do in the community besides playing games! (Such as building, scripting, modeling, designing etc.) By then, I fell in love with the idea of making clothes! So I bought BC to upload clothes and by then I made my first shirt! It was so bad haha! Thatā€™s when my designing career started! Iā€™m so happy that I did not give up despite the hate I was getting! Iā€™m glad Iā€™m getting my name out here too! I just achieved two goals of my many other ones! And Itā€™s getting the member rank, And almost getting to 2k members in my group! One of my biggest goals is to achieve 10k members by the end of 2020, I believe I can do it. My role in Roblox is making clothes! All kind of clothes, armies,streetwear, uniforms, costumes, anything youā€™d like! :). I wish everyone new to the designing path a great luck. :heart: And have patience!
-Stay safe and wash your hands.
Sincerely, Tamara~

:grin: Hello, Iā€™m atatakaiz! Iā€™m quite new to the DevForum, as I joined on the last day of 2019. I havenā€™t really tried becoming a member until recently, and well, here I am!

I found Roblox years ago from YouTube, as all of my favourite YouTubers were playing it. I thought it looked interesting, so I tried it out for myself. I loved my first experience! I kept playing for days until I discovered that you could make games. This was incredible to me, and I jumped into Studio with 0 knowledge on how to use it. Hours later, I was placing parts and using tons of free models to create a terrible zombie shooter game. I have since abandoned the project.

My most recent achievement was learning basic Lua, as Iā€™ve never been able to pull myself to do so. I got a sudden inspiration from reading code and pulling snippets from it to make something new. I can now do very basic things with Lua, which is amazing to me, but probably not many people whoā€™ve been doing it for a while.

I personally love building and modelling in Roblox Studio, but I also really enjoy making GFX, working with UI and also doing a tad bit of scripting every once and awhile.

Thank you for making it this far in this long reply, and feel free to follow me or check out some of my attempts at games on Roblox. Sayonara! :wave:

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Hi! Iā€™m Odd_s! Iā€™m so glad to finally be added to the DevForum!

  1. How did you find Roblox? - I found Roblox when DanTDM played Roblox in 2016!
  2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform? - I started moving the keyframes of animation, and it all just clicked!
  3. Current goals/achievements on the platform - I hope to get noticed by Roblox and hopefully attend RDC sometime!
  4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc) - I animate for people in need of them for their games!
  5. Anything else you would like to include - Nope! But I wanted to thank everyone for this opportunity and I hope everyone will be there to support each other along the way! Thank you!!! :smiley:

Hey, I am new here and interested in aviation and schooling.
I own an airline and school which are growing comfortably.
Iā€™m always interested in ROBLOX discussions and keen to provide feedback in regards to the platform.
I canā€™t wait to get started!


I am ā€dontmesswiththisgestā€ or ā€œGestā€ for short, Iā€™ve currently been on Roblox since 2015. For the past couple of years, Iā€™ve been playing Roblox as a regular player, then I decided I wanted to actually do something then just play games.

So I later became a GFX artist. I started back in 2017 but later stopped because of school and personal reasons. Then I started back again in 2019 - 2020. I wish to improve my skills and be able to create realistic scenes.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this, and Iā€™m thankful for the people whoā€™ve brought me to where I am now! Thank you!!


Ps, If you want to contact me just send me a DM on Twitter ā€œ@GestRBLXā€ or here!

Hello, I am a Graphic Designer and I have been trying to join the dev forum for a long time to showcase my work through Roblox. I am glad that I can finally do that.

Hello, My Is Nehoray I Just Wanting To Say Hey To Everyone!
I Saw A Some Good Games Out There I Thought Why I Cant Just Create A Game On Roblox? So I Started In A Baseplateā€¦
My Current Goal Is : To Release A Good FPS Gameā€¦
My Role As a Developer Is : Scripter
I Just Wanted To Say Hey!

  1. I found Roblox several years ago, and played its games for quite a while before realising anyone could create games such as the ones I enjoyed.
  2. The first time I tried Studio, I had no coding or building knowledge of any kind, and gave up after a few weeks. Two years ago, however, I gave it a second try, found I remembered something of Lua from the last time I was doing it, and became involved with my first development group (luckily their standards werenā€™t very high - either that or I managed to convince them that I was actually some good). Over a long succession of groups and failed/mediocre games, I finally settled down in one or two of them about a year ago, hugely improved and able to begin making games as a head of development, having realised my passion for this sort of thing. I canā€™t thank Roblox and the community enough for the support and my experience here :smiley:
  3. While I still do scripting commissions, my main goal is to finish a large, still evolving single-player game exploring potential problems with artificial intelligence. Iā€™m constantly challenging myself and trying to improve my skills as I go along.
  4. Commissioned programmer, and builder for my main projects.
  5. Iā€™m glad there is a way for me to post here without some kind of subscription! Iā€™ve been looking for a way to post for basically my entire time using the forum.

Hello! Huge thanks on allowing me into the Devforum. Iā€™m surprised after al this time, now is the time Iā€™m actually in the Devforum!
1: How did you find Roblox?
Iā€™m not sure how it happened exactly, but as a kid back in 2008, I was big on Legos, so after seeing an ad about something that is pretty similar to 3D Legos, I quickly made an account on that same year of 2008.
2: How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I got started with development by fiddling around like everyone else on Studio. I got into development big around 2013-2014 when I was in a particular PvP group I liked. From there on, I refined my skills (with a lot of unfinished projects) to become the developer I am today.
3: Current goals/achievements on the platform
My current goals on the Roblox platform are to revitalize the minibuilding community and to present myself more as an incredible builder. My achievements on the Roblox platform mainly revolve around building milestones, where Iā€™ve been able to make intricate decorative architecture in a few builds.
4: What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
My main role in the developer community is as a builder. Iā€™m slowly learning Lua little by little for off-platform projects.
5: Anything else you would like to include
I hate meshbuilders, and I hate using meshes in any build that could easily use regular parts or unions.
I am also a pretty good sprite animator, composer, and artist overall, but I am HUGE on building and architecture.

Hello! Iā€™m FizzyColas. Iā€™ve been on Roblox for around 5 years now. I can build, script, and design GUIs. I began learning how to use Roblox Studio after wanting to start my own cafe. But I was broke, so I learned how to DIY!

Thank you for accepting me into DevForum, Iā€™m excited to meet the community!

Hello, Iā€™m nichinator. I am glad to be added to the DevForum!

  1. I found Roblox when my bother showed me it.
  2. I got started with development when I wanted to make a game on Roblox studio for a group. I had no coding or building knowledge at the time.
  3. My goal is to become more familiar with Lua and designing complete games. My main goal is to get more experience in designing a game from start to finish.
  4. I am a programmer. I learned programming from python and then I switched to Lua so I could make games.
  5. I am glad anyone can join the DevForum if they want to.

Hey! Iā€™m new to the Dev forum so I thought Iā€™d check this out.

I honestly forgot how I found ROBLOX.

When I first joined ROBLOX, one of the first thing I saw was the ā€œCreateā€ tab. I thought it was neat that all the content here was user-generated so there really was no limits. I started with small builds and took me a while to get the fundamentals of it.

My goals are to learn some building tricks, improve my GFX skills, and maybe even learn a little scripting.

I currently only know how to build and the basics of GFX.


Iā€™m new here and just wanted to say I have been trying to get in a long time. It is great to finally be in the Forum/
I am aguilarrover, I am a Terrain Artist and also a Builder for almost 3 years.I hope to know or even work with some of you in the future!

Hello! Iā€™m Maia, new(ish) to the forums and a long-time player for 7 years!

I found Roblox ages ago just google-searching for games that allowed me to create in a way that wasnā€™t restricted- I was used to playing Minecraft and wanted more options to make stuff! I always wanted to be a developer from the beginning, but my forte is more focused on building and all things art-related. I just started building in the studio (I was also like 11 so I played at the time more than I developed things, lol.)

I donā€™t really have any achievements Iā€™ve made yet, Iā€™ve done art here and there for some developers and community members. Iā€™m a college student/student pilot now and Iā€™m looking forward to collaborating with Robloxā€™s many developers to provide a unique approach to the visual aspects of game design on the platform. My main focus is art-direction, illustration and occasionally building.

Nice to meet everyone, and hello again to some of those Iā€™ve worked with!

I found Roblox when I was a 7 year old boy when one of my best friends showed it to me, I was very confused when I first played. A year after joining Roblox I found out about Roblox Studio and I fell in love with making games the second I started. My current goal is to reach a steady stream of players for about two days. I am primarily a scripter, but I also do building in Roblox. I would just like to say that I am extremely happy to be finding out about this platform known as the Developer Forum and I hope everyone has a great day!

Hello, My name is 8BitColours.

I started playing Roblox back in 2013, and I did the usual. I played some games and I had a great time.
Some years later I started to get the feeling that I wanted to make something for myself. I started playing with the roblox studio and I enjoyed it a lot.

I started working on my first game which I quickly scrapped and I started on my current project. I started to read the Developer forums a lot (Thatā€™s you guys) to learn how to overcome all my problems.

As of right now, all I do is just make what I think will be fun. I guess im a builder and programmer even though I know almost nothing about programming.

Iā€™d love to see how my games will look in a year or so. I know that Iā€™m not that great at creating games but everyone has to start somewhere.

Thank you


Hello guyā€™s I am new here, I just wanted to say it is a pleasure to meet you all. I am Akira, a clothing designer, beginning building, beginning scripter, and a aspiring developer hoping to become something. I hope to make alot of memories searching the forum for the answer to alot of things