Introduction thread for new forum members

Hey everyone!

I’m a Visual Designer by trade, working on digital products and services for almost 10 years. I’ve always dabbled in front-end web development too.

I’ve joined up here because my kids have loved Roblox for a couple of years, and my son wants to have a go at creating games.

While he’s dabbled away a little and making a few things in Studio, he’s also outlined a plan for a pet-based game that he’d like me to build. We’ve aimed high for what we’d ultimately like to create, but he knows that might be a long way off what I can manage!

I’ve got the basics going for a game, and have built plenty of confidence in Studio and Blender. So my goal here is to keep on learning Roblox development, and see how far I can go.

Also, because my profession is as a designer, I’ll hopefully be able to spend a little time offering opinions in the graphics support forums.

Hello I am E44ORSANS, I found roblox during 2016 when my freind toll me about it, played as a Guest at first (wasn’t expecting anything special about roblox) but got addicted to the game and signed up weeks after. (This is my 2nd Account tho, forgot the password to the old account lol) And now here I am!

Was playing around the computer and noticed Roblox Studio. Opened it up thetried to make a game from Free Models…

My goals on this platform is to create a game which everybody can enjoy! Hope new comers can enjoy the work of being a Roblox Developer, Don’t quit on a project you never now what it can bring you :wink:

Hello, I’m kitty_0675, most people would call me kitty. I’ve been on ROBLOX since late 2017.

I’ve started animating a while ago, with Stop-Motion animating. I recently started animating on ROBLOX about a month ago. I am hoping to expand my knowledge to Lua scripting!

I am honored to be accepted into the Developer Forum. I’ve been trying to get on for a few days now, and I hope to become an excepted part of this community!

Hello! I’m Anquilis!

I’ve been playing Roblox on and off since 2011, where I probably found it through an old ad as a kid. (it’s free! hehe)

I built stuff here and there, but now I found myself more time to build and improve on my skills.

I really want to create realistic showcases on Roblox and push the engine to its limits and I aspire to make games on this platform too. I’m looking forward to posting in the Developer Forums and learn from this community!
See you later!

Hello y’all I’m Cyrexal and I was just recently promoted to member and I’m very excited to be able to finally reply to things! :smiley:

Anyways just gonna make a quick introduction about myself(never made an introduction post before) I’ve been playing Roblox since 2013 so I think I’m a pretty old player and I’ve always had a thing for creating games on Roblox even though most of my games from 2013-2015 were just free models I yoinked from the toolbox I still had fun doing it and now that I’m older I’ve actually started to learn how to code and it’s a lot of fun and I enjoy doing it as a hobby.

Anyways I’m happy to finally be more a part of the devforums hopefully I can talk and meet some awesome people here.

Ello! I’m SpidermanIsFancy101! I don’t even remember how I found Roblox… Anyways, I build, script, mesh, animate, rig, make GUIs(terrible ones) and draw. I’ve been building for around 3 years and have been playing Roblox for 5. Currently, some of my goals are to get better at scripting, make a functional game and get at least 50-100 visits, and to actually finish my game that I’m working on with my dev team. Well, that’s all! Bye!

HI :grin:! I’m Blue.

I joined Roblox around 2011 at a time when Minecraft was also recent, as I was coincidentally looking for substitute building games. Eventually, I stumbled upon this platform and ended up sticking to it more than the latter for over 9 years now. Wow.

A hard gamer to heart, I developed a passion for recreating games and virtual works of art. Around 2016, I started working around studio and experimented around game development.

Right now, I’m rekindling my creative passion by pledging to create a functional game and translating my ideas into masterpieces in the coming months, also because of the quarantine giving me a lot of time to spare.

With my initiation into the forum after a long time waiting and ambiguous promotion rules,
I hope to gain collaborative experience in creative and analytic skills, and meet other persons who share the same aspirations with me in creating beautiful experiences for others to share!

Hi, I’m Wooley! (Formerly Brat1648)

My Roblox account is as old as dirt, since 2012, I’ve been exploring the world of ROBLOX. Playing new games, learning to develop, and meeting new friends. I currently am a Novice scripter, learning to become better. I also do create meshes during my freetime. Anywho, thank you for reading!

I found Roblox from my friends at school.
I found out that I could make my music on a gaming platform.
Front Page Game
Top Contributor
Get My First DevEx
Music Composer
Nice to be here! :slight_smile:

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  1. I found Roblox around 3-4 years ago when a lot of my friends were playing it.
  2. I became interested in Roblox Development when I saw a lot of games I enjoyed and wanted to make a spin-off of it, and when I saw some games on other platforms that I wanted on Roblox.
  3. I currently own a bakery group/game that is currently in dev. It is not your average cafe game. I also am making a Mafia/Flicker combo game.
  4. I am extremely talented in making GFX, but I can also do decent building, and decent scripting. I am currently trying to get better at scripting.
  5. You can call me Blu, and I just became a DevForum Member! You can find my Roblox profile here: BluD3V, and you can add me on Discord here: Blu#2226. Thanks!

Hello, I’ve been here a while watching and reading posts, and just today I have received the member rank. :partying_face: I’m honestly really excited since I’ve been waiting patiently for soo long; and to celebrate my membership rank, I will answer the format questions down below:

  1. How did I find Roblox?
    I found Roblox a long time ago, when I was like 9 years old. I remember playing the games that would probably be pretty boring to me now, but I thought they were the best thing at the time; like the game where you had to fend off the troll npc’s with weapons you bought (but was sadly not working because of fireworks).

  2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I started doing a lot of things that were related to game development; modeling, creating music, graphic design, and eventually coding. I originally started attacking Unity to make my first game, but slowly I was drawn to the old game I loved. Today I’m still learning, like I always will be, and something that will always keep me anchored to roblox is that I get to grow with it.

  3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My only goal is just to make a game… with certain criteria. To make a huge game that doesn’t just only get the attention of existing players, but players that join roblox for the experience of that one game. I want to be part of making that game, and if I can, I want to be the only one making it, or the leader of the group that makes the game.

  4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I kinda stepped my toe in all of the waters, and I don’t really specialize in anything because of it, but if I had to choose the role I was given, it would be Programmer.

  5. Anything else you would like to include
    I’m tried from typing all that already, I think I will just en it here. But thank you all for allowing me be part of this community.

P.S. I’m horrible at planning and editing my sentences, so sorry if that was difficult to read.

Edit: Didn’t realized game designer was a role. So I would have to change my answer of programmer to game designer

  1. How did you find Roblox?
    A friend of mine showed it to me back in 2012 and I thought it looked interesting. I stuck around until now, leaving and not playing recently but coming back to meet up with some friends again
  2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I actually just recently started building and programming, a group of mine was letting devs apply to help out and I figured I’d give it a shot
  3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
    I wanna use Roblox as an opportunity to teach myself the fundamentals of coding and to even try making a game
  4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I’m both a dabbling builder and programmer!
  5. Anything else you would like to include
    Glad to be here!

Hi! I’m new here, and I’m known as StudsWorthy on Roblox- I’ve been playing Roblox since 2011 (Different Account though…) I’m decent at building, and building is just a hobby for me right now.

I am honored to be in this forum.Thank you. :smile:

Hi devforum users! I’m Mr_RainBowsYT, a starter game designer, scripter, builder and i’m french. I can speak english german chinese and obviously french :sweat_smile: i’m best at building and scripting. I like to make games and i joined the devforum in 2019 or 2020.

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Hello All,

I am a programmer who is interested in creating games that invoke a competitive spirit. I hope to one day see many more of these kinds of games take a presence on the front page, as those are the kinds of games I remember very fondly from my childhood on this site.

I’m glad to be apart of this forward thinking community and look forward to not only using this website as a resource, but to making my own contributions as well.

I found roblox because my friend and i were trying to find a bootleg Minecraft game in 2014.
I just wanted to know how to make a game
My goal is to make a game
I am a programmer, one that you probably cant afford, so i have to be benevolent
Idk if this was mandatory before I could post, but i just wanted help in Collaboration. idk why i still cant post there

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Hello everyone!

I am honored to become a new member of the DevForum. I’ve read a lot of the introductions and I am blown away at how amazing and skillful everyone already is. I have been playing since 2011 but just recently decided that I also want to make something for people to enjoy. I’m not really skilled in much like the rest of the community, but I’m constantly teaching myself something everyday to achieve what I want to do and hopefully contribute a bit for the community. :grin:

Hey guys! I’m a “new” DevForum member(I joined in 2019 but was inactive for a couple of months) I found Roblox from a couple of my friends. I joined in 2017 when I was a kid(that explains the username) and got promoted to member around 2 weeks ago. I’ve been on Roblox for 2 and a half years now and have recently grown an interest in 2D art and logo design. I also know HTML, CSS and JS. Thanks for reading, have a great day! :smile:

Heya, I’m Alex.
I found Roblox from a friend back in 2016. I fell in love with it. I met so many new people and had such good times. I made so many memories on this platform, and I can’t wait to make so much more. I got started with developing on Roblox with taking inspiration from other games. I challenged myself to try and re-build/script these games for fun. Of course, they didn’t turn out to well. I wasn’t going to publish them anyway, but I wanted to test my abilities and try to get involved in the Roblox Developer community. I kept practicing and got better. I am still practicing to this day! I went back and forth between scripting and building and now I think I am settling on scripting. Practice makes perfect everyone. Some of my achievements on the platform are:

  • Owning a group w/ 4k+ members
  • Meeting so many kind new people!
  • Gotten over 100k value!
  • Got 10k+ followers on the platform!

I am somewhat still trying to find a place for me. I am an okay scripter, and a minor builder. I am also learning how to do GFX.

I really do look forward to learning more about developing on Roblox!

Hi, name is ViroGatYT, I’m a Malaysian, and have been in Roblox for not that long. Nearly a year now.

Its awesome being a member of this amazing platform, so lemme get this straight-forward :blush:
I’m kinda good in modelling and building in Roblox…

Here is some of my builds:- ---- A simple tall wooden ladder ---- A green flag

Here is a game made by myself​:grin: (Ya, about the logo and thumbnail… :confused:)

I’m sorry if there is any mistakes or anything like that in it. I will always try to improve myself.

Anyway, Thank you and looking forward for your replies!!:smile::+1: