Introduction thread for new forum members

Hi I am not new but not old so today I am here as a builder.

Ok thanks have a great day.

Ok I don’t know what to type, I am that casual Developer looking for game success and friends.

Hi! I’m SuperAnja13579 (not the biggest fan of that name, but I don’t have the robux to change it). I’ve been on Roblox since 2017, which is about 3 and a half years. I joined the forum a few days ago, and I just got accepted as a member about 15-20 minutes ago.
I found out about Roblox when me and my cousin used to watch some Roblox Youtube videos (I don’t remember the videos or creators). I didn’t really know the name of it back then (not sure), but some time later she told me that she started playing Roblox, so I joined her. I found it very interesting, and it quickly became one of my favourite games.
I’m fairly new to developing, and I have a lot to learn, but luckily I have previous experience in programming with C++, so it should be quite easy. My main focus right now would be scripting, but I’m also interested in building. My biggest goal would be to make a good, functional and fun game that can get to the front page. Some other goals would be to own a successful clothing group and a studio group, and earn at least 500K robux from development.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day! :slight_smile:

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Eyoo I just got in and im so excited!
My name is Veori and gonna change my roblox name to that as soon as i get a reply from the UGC application.

Anyway I joined around 2014 but started to make games 2020.
Ive always been interested in game developing but was always scared to get into it. Unity just looked confusing to me, so i focused on roblox. I started to 3d model and make animations. As much as i want to learn scripting, its a bit too confusing for me. So i stick with literally anything else lol.
My goal is finishing the game im currently working on. Its my graduation project and when im done moddeling everything, i need to hire a scripter to do the rest for me.

My role is Artist, 3D modeler, builder and animator.

Only thing i want to add is that im also working on becoming an UGC creator. You can find some of my work here!

Hello, I am just a casual Roblox player and I started playing Roblox in 2018.

Hello there, I’m Garchly and i’m new here.

  1. How did you find Roblox?
    I originally found Roblox back in 2008, when I was just 5 years old, due to an ad i found on a flash game website and i’ve been hooked ever since.

  2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I first started developing back in 2011 when i made some basic games which me and my friends would join and hangout in but nothing too major, i recently got back into development with more of a want to create an entertaining Experience.

  3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My main goal is to become a QA tester as i have been enjoying public QA sessions recently and would love to take it further some day.

  4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    Mainly Building and QA testing.

Hi! I’m new here, thanks for accepting me as a member.

I found Roblox when I was like, 8 years old I believe, I think that was 2013. During that time Minecraft was really popular but my parents wouldn’t let me buy it, so I spent most of my time looking for free alternatives, then at some point I came across Roblox. I started development last year for fun but now I’m taking it more seriously this year, 2021. My current goals on the platform is to be able to create something people enjoy, and be able to make some money from Roblox as the situation in my family isn’t that good. I currently don’t have a role in the developer community, I’m most familiar in building than other roles tho. Currently trying to become a scripter so might change some time in the future. That’s pretty much it about me, I’m coming back here to see if I successfully become a scripter next year.

  • How did you find Roblox?

I discovered Roblox back in 2017 when I seen a commercial for it. I as a young kid thought it looked so cool! I was so excited to start playing.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

My interest in development on Roblox grew over time after playing so many famous and outstanding games! After a few years I decided to learn LUA.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform

Today - 12:30 pm [Became a DevFourm member]

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

  • Anything else you would like to include
    I am so excited to be posting more and super stoked to get the chance to hangout with the community! Can’t wait!

I am TheAbstractKitten, I found roblox a long time ago around 2012, I found it by seeing my brother and sister playing it, and I decided to play it as well, I have been through many lost accounts, and have now finally kept this account for the longest time so far, and I am not planning on changing that either,
My goals on roblox are to grow a big community of people who just enjoy my game, not much else, my role as a developer is a Builder and kinda decent scripter, This is my very first post on the dev forum, and now I’m out of things to say.

Hello, I am Jibuno. Known for liking posts and comments for no actual reason.
I am a new member here in the forums and I would like to introduce myself, here it goes.
I found Roblox randomly in 2015 I started as a guest (A female one) and started to get addicted to this platform. I created my first account and started to make new online friends, which were still in 2015-2016, good memories these days.
Making me find out what Roblox studio is, I started learning what the mechanics used for a game, it can be random in any form, but practicing made me started developing games in my desire.
I currently 13+, but was still a young little child when I first joined. And of course, being a successful developer is my goal and I am far away from achieving it, further a-do!
Anywho, I do want Builder as my role, but I 3D model too, but I can only get one this time, so I am sure for Builder, I am amateur with 3D modeling.
That is all and thank you for having me in the developer forums! :dove:


Sup yalls, I’m nabil_gaming123321tho everyone ask the question NO MY NAME IS NOT NABIL… I started playing roblox at 2015 but I don’t remember, at first my mom didn’t allow me but my brother actually signed up for me secretly but since I signed up my mom is ok, I learned programming and building from my brother… I know my brothers cool :heart:

Hello! I am Great_Bird, though most don’t see me as much great as Bird just yet. That’s okay though!
A few years ago, my brother and I decided to try out a new game, so we found Roblox, and downloaded it right away. Tons of fun times have led to the point where I started developing a few months ago after being inspired by some YouTubers who make marble racing programs in Algodoo, of all things.
My current achievements include… nothing! But I’m just starting out, so that’s fine, right? Right.
My current long-term goals are to create Roblox games that I enjoy making and for players to enjoy playing, and learn tons of different coding languages so my full-time job in the future can be programming.
I do a variety of things when it comes to developing, but my all-time favorite has to be programming, which is something I have this remarkable burning passion for that I’ve never had for anything else.

You can expect me to try my hardest to live up to my name. :3


It feels awesome to be in the developer forums after reading and reading and making more discoveries, I am thrilled to have more help with my coding and more!


Hello, I’m SirOswald and I’m super excited to join this awesome community!

I joined Roblox in May 2015 after being appealed by an online advert. The first game I played (as a guest) was Welcome to Roblox Building and I instantly enjoyed the community and events. My passion for building began when I started playing Pilgrim Islands Reborn. Although my passion for building arose before I discovered Roblox, the platform enabled me to create anything I wanted to without a limit to resources. After returning to the platform in 2019 from a break, I experimenting around in Roblox Studio to continue my passion for building. I then proceeded to work on small builds.
As a member in this esteemed community, I seek to expand my horizons as an aspiring developer and I look forward to contributing to the platform and meeting some awesome people!
I currently work on small builds and music projects in my free time.

Random facts about me: I’m Canadian, currently 18, and I enjoy participating in public speaking and music competitions

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My name is DancingPelican612… Yeah, it’s complicated but you can call me Pel! I’m new(ish) to the Developer Forum and started Roblox mid 2018, meanwhile I had made a guest account back in 2016. I’ve been a sort of active player throughout the years, and now, I’m happy to announce I’m apart of the DevForum, where I myself can release my talents into the forum-verse (that was terrible) Welcome all and future development teams and/or Developers! Glad to meet you all,

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I am grandiosav4 my name is referring to a Norwegian frozen pizza. I joined Roblox in late 2016 and just about 1 year ago i got into developing on Roblox, but after scripting for about 4 - 5 months I stopped due to lack of ideas. I recently got back into scripting because I started getting cool game ideas I wanted to make. I would say that I probably have about 6 months worth of experience as a developer on Roblox. My motivation at the start was that I wanted robux and wanted something fun to do, but about 1 year later I am mainly doing it as a hobby that I can potentially earn money from later. My goal as a developer is probably to one day get above 1 million visits for a game and I am fully aware that this goal is probably going to make a lot of time and effort to achieve. I would say that I am decent as a beginner scripter, but I am terrible at everything else in Roblox studio as gui designing and modeling etc. The main reason I decided to join the devforum is because I want commissions that I can do to gain experience.

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Hi guys! I’m an amateur developer. I have limited experience over many years on many platforms including the Unreal Engine and the Unity Engine. I have successfully produced one game for the iOS platform almost 10 years ago on UE 3.

I started playing Roblox games with some of my younger family members and have been impressed with the wide variety of games found on the platform. I started getting interested in developing games on Roblox when I saw how useful and efficient Roblox Studio appears to be. I became glued when I realized that I could go from writing a game to “releasing” it onto roblox in under a minute via publishing and various settings. After programming, this would have taken weeks on my previous platforms.

I’d love to learn to develop more and experiment on the platform, hopefully producing some fun games for people eventually. I primarily enjoy working on overall design and scripting, so I’ll be focusing on those while seeking collaborations with those who are more into modeling/animating etc.


Hey I am nk1915 I got into the developer forum today so the way that I found ROBLOX was when a friend begged me at school to download it so I did it and found this massive platform. I got started with development as soon as I found out about the free templates then I downloaded ROBLOX studio on my laptop. Then I learned myself how to script and build. My goals are to make a game just like Emergency response Liberty County. My role is a game developer that includes building and scripting. I just want to say this on Emergency response Liberty County how do you script the quick radio? I don’t know if the developers are going to see this but let’s give it a shot.


I have just been promoted to a member and I have been using this a lot lately trying to get promoted to member. But now to answer some of the questions!

  1. I found ROBLOX on the mobile app store, but moved to the computer instead.
  2. I am a Graphic’s Designer not a developer.
  3. Current goals is getting my GFX out there. I want to also be in the star program.
  4. GFX.
  5. Nothing else, but want to say I enjoy ROBLOX a lot like a lot lot.

Im bugervant! or buger,
I am a GFX designer
Hope to see you around! :grin:

Hello! I am Pixel, a mid experienced scripter. I develop at ROBLOX as a passion and for fun. I learn coding every single day and turn it into a creative masterpiece. I use the Roblox DevForums to get help and find some answers on things I am stuck on. I also use DevForums to help other people and answer peoples questions and such. I do build a bit. I am also friendly and kind.
I play roblox games and enjoy them with my friends etc.

As in for ROBLOX, Thank you for accepting me into the DevForums, I will use it for necessary use and to help other people in need.

Have a nice night/day everyone!