Introduction thread for new forum members

  1. How did you find Roblox?
    Grabbed by the 08 “Why not two?” trailer as a kid. Created an account in 2008 halloween, though I was a guest for much longer. My account is a teenager, and I’m now 20. Been with roblox longer than I haven’t.

  2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    Same as everyone else from that era. A gray toolbar with copy, delete, and move. Tinkered with scripts in my youth, only got serious about scripting now. Used to be a dedicated builder, however despite years of practice my skills hit a very low ceiling.

  3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My ultimate goal is The Void Star as an achievement, however game design is satisfaction in it’s own right. I’d like to build several games that players can enjoy, hopefully with a modern twist on some old classics (like Shakara’s Zombie Defence, Reason 2 Die, etc) and some flash classics like The Binding of Isaac. Ultimately I’d also like to design a combat system almost identical to that found in the Dark Souls series, as I’ve personally found it extremely satisfying and enjoyable.

  4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    Currently my biggest strength is building, however my scripting knowledge is growing exponentially by the day and will soon overtake building as my primary skill. I also dabble in animations and UI design, however it’s extremely amateur.

  5. Anything else you would like to include
    I’m very excited to join the community of developers, and establish a network of skilled, goal-oriented, likeminded induviduals.

Cheers for reading, feel free to send me a message!

Hello, i’m Simpleintrest. Ive been developing for a little more than a year now. I found roblox through my siblings. Seeing the games on the front page and seeing the cool creations people made got me into development. My current goal is to get at least 1 million visits on a game I’ve made. At first I started off building and modeling, then I started to script and it felt more right with me.

Hello, I’m Stenstone! I’ve been poking around in Roblox Studio for maybe over a year or two, but have only now started diving deeper into development.

If I recall correctly, the first time I learned of Roblox was some time during grades 1-3 when I was at my local library. It had a few dark grey tables with metal upside-down “T’s” as legs. It hosted several worn black computers and a printer at the end ( all of which I think are still in use at the time of this post).

I remember observing a boy, who was a few years older than me, playing on one of the computers while waiting for my mother to finish checking out our books. He was playing with another boy who was sitting on the opposite side of their table and one seat to his left. Both were communicating with lowered voices, as this was a library, but it was clear that they were playing together.

At the time, Minecraft was in one of its peaks in popularity. I myself was one of the many kids who grew up with it; as such, I didn’t actually have much exposure to other videogames and thus was uniterested in most. At first, I thought they were playing Minecraft, but on closer inspection it was clear that they weren’t.

I don’t really know why (maybe it was because the buildings were made of standard parts), but I did actually enjoy watching these two boys (who are probably both nearing their end of high school or are entering college by now) play this block game that was different from my limited comprehension of what a videogame was.

I can’t remember exactly which Roblox game they were playing, but I think it was either Prison Life or Natural Disaster Survival.
After that, I can definitely say I remember so many occasions of kids playing Roblox on those computers that I have more than simply lost count.

I’ve wanted to make games in general since I was in 3rd grade, even boldy stating that I would immediately start making videogames for a living after college when I was younger. Now I know better though, and that betting my entire life on the videogame industry with little experience is maybe a little bit on the risky side.

Though I could’ve chosen another platform for making games, I’m on Roblox because of familiarity, moderation, and ease of access.

Currently, my goals are along the lines of learning the basics of most different roles, make a very basic game (such as an obby), and then go on into making a more complex game such as a simulator. I also have my own ideas for specific games that I want to create one day, but they are still in their early planning stages, far too complex for me to currently tackle, and may not even be on the Roblox platform depending on the circumstances. I am mainly hoping to learn the basics of game development in Roblox through small projects, then explore other engines and platforms. Whether I will leave Roblox for something else in the future is still unknown, but for now I think I am here to stay.

I haven’t determined a role that I would fit in currently, but most of my experience has been in building and modeling. I also just take lots of time to think and write about game ideas and draw occasionally.

I like to make punny jokes… haha get it 'cause “funny” and “punny” rhyme? Ok I’ll stop.

I’ve finally got into this I’m basically a GFX, Terrain, and Interface Artist and I also build I don’t know why this message kinda feels so special to me maybe because it’s my first message

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Howdy! I am Gear_Dev! One day my sister was playing ROBLOX which was 6 years ago and I wanted to try it. So I tried it and I fell in love with it! And how I started making games was a few days/weeks after joining ROBLOX I saw a create tab so I clicked it and opened a baseplate and then started using free models and that’s how it all started. My goal on the platform is to become a well known developer because when I was younger some people said I will not be a developer, but I am now proving to them I can be a good developer. My role in the developer community is a Builder, Animator, and Terrain editor (I am learning how to script). I would like to include that I am glad to be here!

Hey everybody.

I’m just here for the run, meeting other people, finding new interests, and trying to make something out of it really.


Hey there! I’m Awesome Dev and I have been scripting for about two years now. I recently switched to a main developer account (this one) and it’s great to be accepted in this forum :slight_smile:

As I said, I am a scripter, I have quite a bit of experience. I hope to futher develop and possibly share some knowledge and work here :slight_smile:

Hi, I was just accepted into developer forum and this is just a quick introduction
I found roblox because my brother started playing it and I decided to give it a shot.
I got started with development because I was interested in seeing the process that goes into making games, I really enjoyed it so I started doing it more often.
I am primarily a programmer
I have made games by myself but they take a long time and I would like some help.

Hello! I make games! I like keeping tabs on the devforum for the new stuff and etc. Glad to be a member now.

Greetings. I am iamfriendswithnoone (a username I created when I first joined the platform and now regret).

  1. I discovered Roblox through a friend about five years and six months ago, and I created my account shortly afterwards.
  2. I have always been interested in game development, and created my first game the day after I first created my account (with no programming or building experience whatsoever). Needless to say, this game was not successful.
  3. Currently, I have a goal of creating a successful game (a goal that I hope to achieve in the near future).
  4. I consider myself an amateur programmer and builder (although I am also required to design terrain and UI elements frequently, as I am the sole developer of most of my games).
  5. I am often far too ambitious.

It’s a pleasure to be invited to the DevForum as a member.

Although I have only been using LUA/Roblox for a month or so the help in the forums has been invaluable.
Thanks to everyone who spends time posting and answering questions other members ask. It’s also good to know that the problems I find are similar to those other people have and there is almost an answer on the forum

Special thanks to zblox64 and Egomoose for all the help in making a placement system and TheDevKing for walking me through the basics of Roblox.

I am a little late to the party having just retired but I am finding it fun (and often frustrating) learn to work with Roblox. It’s a long way from the legacy IT systems I used to work on but it is really cool to sort your first lines of code where a model moves from A to B avoiding the obstacles in their way

I have played board games and computer games for as long as long as I can remember. I can still remember during my first days at Uni being asked to join in a game of D&D in 1970 and still playing it from time to time even now. Then there was World of Warcraft which kept me up for many a long hour PvPing with friends

I hope to be able to bring some of what I have learnt into Roblox. Who knows some of you might even play one of the games I code.

Once again lots of thanks to everyone who contributes on the DevForum and good luck with everything you do

Hey, names greilor you can just call me grey or grill B), I mostly code and I guess thats all lol.

Hello, I’m Nikki and I’m the owner of a Roblox group called “Nebula | Studios”.
I found Roblox through YouTube videos, I saw some YouTubes playing games on Roblox and wanted to do that as well. My current goal is to make my own dream game and to make it be on the front page of Roblox. My role is basically game designer. I’m currently working on a giant game called “Space Society” along with my team. Thanks for reading! Have a great day!

Hi, I’m funnybosslegoboss. I am a Roblox user that hopes to make a successful game, like many other people.

Good luck to all the developers!

Hello, I’m Boaz and I’m the owner of a “BB Studio’s”.
I found Roblox because of my brother, when he started playing some games, I wanted to play those games too and thats where it all started. My current goal is to finish the game I’m working on right now and I would like to make some profit with it. My main role is basically game designer. I’m currently working on “Butterfly’s Difficulty Chart Obby” along with my brother. We are planning on releasing the game at the end of this month. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading about my experience and I hope to write on some topics very soon!

Hi! I’m Phaladox and I am excited to be a part of this forum! My friend introduced me to Roblox in 2018, and I got into developing games during the summer of 2020. I’m not that great, at building, programming, GFX, or anything else, but I’m certainly improving. I am currently working on a map for a swordfight game I’m making. I’d say that I don’t have any role in the community yet since I’m a beginner, but I hope to improve. Anyway, this concludes my short introduction, thanks for allowing me to be part of the developer forum!

Hello I’m Hyphozonic
and umm I’m new in the developer forum.
Im a bit confused what to say and umm I started playing roblox in 2012 or 2017 and I just found out that I can make games so I started doing some games and until my friend started playing it and keeps motivating me to keep doing it.

My goal is to make my biggest game.

I dont really know what is my role.

(Sorry if my grammar is bad because Im a bit confused in the forum)

Dont worry I will be used in this.

Hello, I am octav20071. I am a Builder/Animator/Scripter and I am very excited to continue my work here. I am not new, but I haven’t made a post here so there I am. I am currently working on a Portal 2 inspired game, but it will take a while, because mechanics require physics and Roblox just doesn’t wants to work on physics. Anyway this is what I am doing and yeah. Welcome, everyone!

Hi, my name is cvf178 and i’ve been off and on the forum for a few years now though I only just got accepted as member. I am currently 17 years of age and I joined Roblox back in 2012 when I was looking for new games to play. I initially got into developing out of boredom but that slowly became a hobby. I am a (not so good) builder. Currently I have no actual goals to achieve in Roblox as right now development is only a hobby for me. I’d like to thank you for allowing me to become part of the forum, it genuinely means a lot and I look forward to sharing my content! :smiley:

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