Introduction thread for new forum members

Hello! This introduction is 4 months late, but I’m going to write one anyway.

I found roblox back in 2013 through a friend and thought that the tycoon games were really cool. My first “development” was adding a roblox audio into my game with a simple “game.Workspace.Sound:Play()” and I thought I was a pro for doing that lmao. My goal as of right now is to be able to code a functioning game entirely on my own. Currently, my role is a programmer, but I’d like to expand to more roles in the future.

Hello, I’m Stea_my, my main skill is Progamming, which I am fairly good at.

I found Roblox from an old ad back in 2015, and I started developing in 2016, I wasn’t good at it but it was very fun to just create and have fun.
I started when I figured out Roblox studio existed, and started messing around, I didn’t know anything on how it actually worked so I just spammed free models into my games.
My current goal is to finish a game I’m working on to the way I want it.
That’s about it, and its been very fun making games, just hope people have fun playing 'em!

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Hello, my name is Bamza2012.
I found ROBLOX by playing flash games and seeing ads back then. I’ve started developing in 2013 by using free models and creating places for groups. My current goal is to mess around with features and create a game or model that I am satisfied with. I’m currently a builder but I understand basic programming and can create great UI’s. Just wanted to add in that the developer community is AMAZING!

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I am new here on the forum like most.

when I was little id watch albertstuff and dantdm play roblox thats what got me here

I am rogue_vip3r
I like to be called rogue or JJ

I started off putting tons of free models into games and trying to follow youtube tutorials but laziness got to me. I then started using less free models and actual followed the youtube tutorials then I got lazy again. Now im trying to learn how to script and so far im not doing to bad.

My current goals are to make a obby that is super hard and almost impossible but still possible. I want to make my first roblox fps gun some time. I hope to get good a developing

I am currently trying to be a scripter or programmer( I dont know the difference yet)

I am going to try my best and hopefully reach my goals

  1. How did you find Roblox?
  • Joined since 2015 when a friend introduced the game to me.
  1. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    Sort of when I decided I want to make my own game/community.

  2. Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My main goal is to successfully create a working game that people can enjoy, preferably a 2d game or a 3d open-world game.

  3. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    Game Designer and sort of a Builder.

  4. Anything else you would like to include
    Super Mario fanatic lol

Hi, I’m Moon! Glad to be accepted into the forums as a member!

  1. How did you find Roblox?
    Heard about it from social media and decided to check it out back in 2019, been here ever since then messing around.

  2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    Started by looking up tutorials, used the devforum for my questions and issues, and got help from other fellow devs. It’s been about a year of learning and I’ve made great progress!

  3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
    I plan to make random silly games/creations and share them with the Roblox community, and in the future hopefully open source those games so people who are beginning to learn how to develop could use my projects to start off. :grinning:

  4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I’d say I learn more of being a Programmer, but I am trying to become a Builder, Modeler, and more, a jack of all trades somewhat.

  5. Anything else you would like to include?
    I am also learning other coding languages too! Soon I will be a big programmer :smirk_cat:

Hello, I’ve been a Roblox player since 2013, started getting in Roblox dev about a month ago, and I plan on continuing my growth as a programmer and eventually release a game I’ve been thinking about making in about 2 years from now. See you then!

welcome everyone, ofc you already no me as olpumes but why not make a intro post

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Hi!:wave: my name is Lag_eri (i know it is a weird name). I joined roblox mid 2020… there i meet someone who lately become my friend, he was a scammer and have lots of robux. Only then i started wishing having same amount of robux, but it wont come that easily, than i started searching how to get rubux on roblox, so i found out lot of ways to get it and chose creating game, but for that i needed to learn language of Lua, it was harder then i expected and started learning how to create maps and after that i needed a place where i was able to sell them. So here i am…:man_shrugging:

I would be a builder and help others to create games. btw it’ll be honor to help big developers :partying_face:

Hello there!

From YouTube sometime <2015, kept making new accounts which makes finding my actual join date a bit difficult! I was very excited to play at first and I “conscripted” some of my friends into making accounts to play with me when I was much younger. Still have good memories of Tradelands and other older games from that.

AlvinBlox and peaspod got me a first taste of scripting. Most of my interest came from making games with my friends that we always dreamed of playing some time. None of these came out as finished products, but it left a good taste in my mouth on developing in the platform which brought me back.

Just completed CKStudio and other documentation. My main goals now are creating projects and systems to learn through project-based-learning and building a portfolio.

Lightly touched building, GFX, and UI, but my main passion is programming/scripting.

Nothing yet, glad to finally be a member and able to participate here.

Hello, my name is Cerulean and I have been playing Roblox since 2014

  1. I found out about Roblox from my older brother.
  2. I have messed around with building on Roblox since I joined, but I have just now begun to take it seriously.
  3. I want to make an actually complete and fun game.
  4. I am a learning programmer and builder.
  5. (:

Hello! I am new to the Devforum and I am glad to officially be a member of it now!

I started playing ROBLOX back in my first years of elementary school. That was 12-13 years ago, haha.
As years went by, I got caught up in the developer aspects of things. I developed for the largest Star Wars group on ROBLOX, making their lightsabers. That’s where it all began.
I now develop for this new game called ZOぞ [WIP]. Currently under major development, but doing well as it is on ROBLOX’s front page! I specialize in making the models/weapons in that game.
Some future goals I have in mind are getting my own personal project started one day and on top of that, getting accepted into UGC.
I am currently pretty fluent in the art of 3D-Modeling and I am going to college later this month for Computer Science.
ROBLOX has been an amazing platform and a big part of my life for almost all my life. I am honored to be a part of it in such a big way.

Heyo everybody!
I’m TheKillerDev (Killer_MMIX)
You can call me Killer.
So excited that I got accepted into the devforum.
So lets fill out the format!

*How did you find Roblox?
I found Roblox from a YouTuber I can’t remember the name of, one day I decided to install it on a crappy pc, my friend came over and showed me how to install it and sign up.

*How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
A few months later after I installed Roblox, I found Roblox Studio and tried making some games.

*Current goals/achievements on the platform
I wanna make an actual game, for now I have been making only practice games.

*What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
I’m learning to script right now, I am decent at UI Designing and planning to learn building when I somewhat understand scripts.

*Anything else you would like to include
I’m so excited to start making actual games, thanks for finding time to read my introduction. Have a nice day!

Hello, I am GreeneTM I like to make scary games. Currently working on a cosmic horror type game, hello everyone!

Hey, I’m Dan, thank you for accepting me into the forum!

I found Roblox around 2012 on my mom’s laptop browsing for games to play, joining as a guest. I didn’t have an account on Roblox until around 2013. I ended up losing the password to that account and arrived at my present-day profile of DanvVoy created in 2014.

I first began by just experimenting with free models in Roblox studio throughout the years, making silly games for me and my friends. At one point a couple of years ago I tried to tackle scripting full-on but eventually gave up. Recently around two weeks ago my ambition to develop for Roblox reignited and I am now learning how to code and build Roblox experiences full-time.

My end goal will be to become fluent enough in Roblox Lua to finally build that dream game I have always wanted on the front page of Roblox.

My current role is a programmer in the community. Although I would love to master both programming and building in Roblox.

I will continue editing this throughout the years, maybe months to document my progress as a Roblox developer.

Hello, im David.

I found roblox from youtube around 2014, when i got my own Ipad in 2015, i decided to download it, thats when i became a guest. Then i made my account in 2016 (lost it), then in 2017 (lost that one too) and then in 2018 (this one).

The more i played, the more i wanted to make a game, when i discovered roblox studio in 2019, i just kinda started experimenting with free models. Gave up, but then found out how to use studio properly and started again.

My goals are to make a good horror, story and maybe FPS game. Learn how to animate, get better at building, learn how to script and more. My main goal right now is to finish my hangout game.

My role i would say is building, but i would like to learn pretty much everything.

Just want to say, thanks for accepting me into the devforum, hope i can help some people in need, when ill have more experience. Thanks for reading my indroduction. Have a nice rest of the day.

Hey there! Before anything, I’d like to say thanks for accepting me into the DevForum, it’s a pleasure to be here! My name is Sally or as most people know me, iiSqlly/iiSqllyx. I’m a Filipino Roblox player since 2017 and a GFX artist since May 2020. =)

1. How did you find Roblox?
I found Roblox through some YouTubers back in 2017. I was super interested in it as a kid and played through a ton of old games Roblox had.

2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
Developing things and creation has always been something I’ve been interested in on Roblox. I started GFX back in 2020 for my channel thumbnails, which I then grew from into a hobby and commission work.

3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
I currently am proud to say I’ve worked with a few different star creators with my GFX and even some with 3D Modeling. My current goal is to DevEx and improve some aspects of my work, which I hope to be able to achieve before the end of this year.

4. What is your role in the developer community?
I am a GFX Artist and novice low-poly 3D Modeler. I do hope to improve of course in my work as improvement is always key. I do also play around with different things and hope to be decent at them.

I would like to give my personal thanks to some of my good friends who have helped along the way and gave me good advice on everything Roblox.

I hope to be a great member of this forum. Thanks! :heart:

Hello, I’m Arthurs0909
I first found Roblox in an ad from YouTube and then another ad on Newgrounds, I later made an account and the rest is history.
I started getting an interest on developing on Roblox when I saw all the cool things you could do, I tried making a house from the Simpsons and later tried to develop it from there, but I’m still learning to program so I haven’t really done much.
My goals is to at least have a few of my creations in the front page or recognized
I am currently a builder and studying to be a developer
Any tips on programming is aprreciated!

Hello my name is Probloxed123 (dont ask why i chose that name) and I am really happy to be accepted into the Developer Forum :smiley:. The system message encouraged me to write an introduction here so why not?

Q1. How did you find Roblox?
A1: I kinda just stumbled upon Roblox. :sweat_smile: I was looking for free games to play when I came across Roblox on the “Top Free” lists on the Microsoft Store and App Store. I later switched to the web version.
Q2. How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
A2: At first I was just interested in playing the countless community-created games Roblox has to offer. Later became interested in making my own games.
Q3. Current goals/achievements on the platform
A3: I have 1 achievement: Being accepted into the Developer Forum :upside_down_face:. A dream of mine is making some robux off one of my games.
Q4. What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
A4: I don’t think I qualify for any of the community roles as I am still learning how to script and build in Roblox Studio.
Q5. Anything else you would like to include
A5: Not much.

edit: grammar correction

Hello, I’m Severnawa.

Q.1 ) How did you find Roblox?

  • In the 1st grade my after school program made us take a short ROBLOX coding class. It lasted about a week and a half, and they let us keep the accounts we and past students had used since they were no longer going to continue the program. Been on Roblox since 2010, but my account references 2008.

Q.2 ) How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

  • Like I said earlier, through an after school program.

Q.3 ) Current goal/achievements on the platform

  • I’d like my upcoming game to hit 100,000 visits after I pour money into advertising it. Keeping a steady CPC is always the goal as well.

Q.4 ) What is your role in the developer community?

  • I mainly do game designing, but on and off I can program lightly, and build pretty mediocre animation.

Q.5 ) Anything else you would like to include

  • I’m only finding this thread now. I’ve been on the forum for a few months, but I thought I’s put my two sense in.
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