Introduction thread for new forum members

Wow, so many new additions to the DevForum since I last read this topic. Welcome to the DevForum. :smiley:


Hello! I just got accepted into the DevForums this morning and Iā€™m procrastinating getting ready for work so I figured Iā€™d introduce myself now.
My name is Katelyn and I just turned 18. I joined Roblox back in 2011 after my cousins showed me a few games on here. I originally thought that I was only making an account so that I could play TwoShueā€™s Hide and Seek, but somehow I ended up designing virtual clothing. Iā€™ve always been intrigued by Photoshop and I wasnā€™t satisfied with the clothes on the platform back in the day. So I taught myself how to use photo editing programs and eventually started designing tons of clothes.
As for my goals, I really want to help Roblox implement a system which allows all users to protect their work from plagiarism.
Iā€™ve achieved a few things within my 7 years on Roblox. I have reached over 2.5 million clothing sales, I made the current #1 and #2 bestselling womenā€™s pants of all time, and I created clothing for NPCs in the 2018 Egg Hunt.
My role in the community Iā€™d say is fairly minor. Iā€™m not online as much as Iā€™d like to be. But as previously stated, I make virtual clothing. I also make cringy YouTube videos but we can talk about that later.
Iā€™m excited to be accepted to the DevForums and canā€™t wait to see what I can offer to this great community!



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Oh look I know you

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Welcome everyone new to the devforums!



From England

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Hello, Iā€™m Mrplunkett. I just noticed the email right now and I was shocked on how I got in. So should I get started.

I simply just typed the letter ā€œRā€ on my birthday in 2013 and ā€œRobloxā€ just came up. (ā€œstrange way you might sayā€)

It all started in 2014 when my friends where on studio most of the time I got influenced by them to go on studio and make a game. They have given me lots of tips and tricks to help me getting started and within a few days I was making simple houses. Around late 2015 or early 2016 I started to learn by searchingredients youtube for tutorials and reading Roblox very own wiki. This year I have made a gun engine which still in development stage which is lacking of development because I have taken a break from Roblox because of life issues and been on ROBLOX nonstop since 2013.

My current goals are

  • Learn more programming skills
  • Get a game on the Featured page
  • Work with a developer team or other developers to create projects in the future.

My current roles are Builder and Programmer in the developer community.

I am irish if anyone wants to that.


Hello! Iā€™m vanilla_wizard, an 18 year old from the midwestern US.

I learned about Roblox from one of my classmates in fourth grade.
After years of playing games and messing with free models, I started learning how to script in 2013.

Since joining Roblox in 2010, Iā€™ve grown both from a child to a young adult and from a player to a developer.
My projects over time have ranged from ā€œinsert warsā€ to turn-based RPG battle systems. My long-term goal is to create a game with infinite replayability. My role as a developer is being a scripter.

Thank you for accepting me into the community! :smile:




Hey there! I just got in this morning.
I found Roblox in 2011 through my sister. Sure enough she was looking for a lego game so you could build stuff and play games. Roblox popped up and she checked it out then showed it to me. Around late 2012 I actually started building, but it wasnā€™t until 2013 where I purely focused on building. Then around January 2017 I started scripting! I got set on developing because I kept playing these awesome games (such as Sandbox) and I told myself that I had wanted to be able to create a game. Some of my achievements are that my plugin ā€œCustom NPC Makerā€ is now on the front page of plugins(!!) and I finally got accepted into the Dev Forums! My goals are to complete another game and hopefully dev-ex another time, or even more often. Along with scripting and building I do UI design and I animate! Excited for my adventure on Roblox for years to come. :slight_smile:


Heyo, Brendon! Welcome!


Hi! Iā€™m Repilee, and I found out Roblox in late 2011 through some online game sponsored ads. I was curious about Roblox so I clicked and I was interested in playing so I created my account afterwards.

I started developing items in late 2012 when I get familiar with Roblox Studio. Before Roblox Studio, I always use stamper tools to build my own city. I was a role of builder back then, but since I am continuing to learn scripting and designing GUIs, scripter and designer are my main roles. I started scripting in around 2014. I wasnā€™t active at scripting until 2016. 2016 is the year where I started to know more about scriptings. To this date, I am still a scripter, designer, and a builder.

My current goals/achievements are to have more knowledge into scriptings, designing GUIs, and building. I am still currently developing a game named Team Knockout, where people will have separate teams between red and blue. I expect it to be successful game in future, hopefully!

I am looking forward to help and contribute parts into this community. Canā€™t wait! :heart:


Your Dictator (jk) has Arrived!

I am so happy to finally be a part of the RBXDev family!

I first heard of roblox back in 2010, when I was on a playground and a friend of mine told me of a game he was playing online.

A couple months after, which was then early 2011 I joined Roblox on my first account lolsonic132 and I would play it on and off. After years of playing I eventually became a admin in a game called BYM and finally became hooked on Roblox, and decided to make a new profile, which was Lolsonic1234, which eventually became Suggyiem. As time passed I made friends and got into Universal and built one of my first maps. Which was a forest. Eventually I became a staff member for Universal as well.

About 2 years passed as Universal got new owners and lost their only programmer. Eventually they had gained a new programmer however who didnā€™t seem to do much. As a admin for Universal I got bothered by it as I did enjoy Universal and its community a lot and went out of my way to learn coding to make sure Universal progressed. This is where I learned how to initially started developing games on the Roblox Platform.

I had many goals on roblox and I still do have most of them. I intend to make a game in which kids can be inspired to learn how to code and build. I also wish to make kids happy, or help them come out of depression. I have done that with a game on my profile which was ā€œWorld Behind the Mindā€. I also wanted to make a great Sonic roleplay game as I was inspired by Kaiserion with his game ā€œSonic Project Reigniteā€ and I have successfully done that with my game Crossover Sonic.

My role in the Dev Community is Programmer, Builder, GUI Designer(Not the best but I am learning), and Artist.

I hope I can meet many people in here and make many friends! Thank you all so much!


Hi, Iā€™m Principalis, formerly known as TickTactical, Mikey_Pence, FlorentiusKaisarius, and Tttt7858.

Iā€™ll be honest, I found Roblox when I was just a wee lad, searching for of all things, a Ninja Game. The first game I ever played was some Ninja Tycoon. I started fooling around with the studio build functions because I wanted, of all things, to be in a Clanā€™s Development division, after that I just never stopped experimenting with new features, building in tons of different styles, and just having a blast. My goals currently on Roblox are to make The Nighthawk Imperium one of the best clans on the platform. Iā€™ve been an avid clanner since 2011, but I took a long hiatus to have fun in some RoNations. My role is a builder. Iā€™m a Patriot at heart, Iā€™m quite interested in enlisting with the United States Navy after I graduate High School, currently Iā€™m getting a Lifeguard Certification with the Red Cross via my School. So I guess that is about it.



Welcome to the forums, glad to have you!


Welcome to the forums Eventive!


Thank you! :smile:


iā€™m an aspiring lego coder on the roblokes platform


Hey, Iā€™m Frenzzyy.

I found Roblox back in 2012 when one of my friends originally showed it to me. Even though Iā€™ve played since 2012, I didnā€™t really start developing/building until summer 2016. Believe it or not, I started building due to a broken arm, not being able to play games regularly with two arms. After recovering, I still found myself building. I have a couple of goals for myself as a builder on the platform, including starting development on a game of my own, or even just working for pay (Minerā€™s Haven Building is voluntary). My role in the developer community (if not apparent already) is being a builder! I love spreading my creativity into my builds! Iā€™m currently working on smaller self-projects and Minerā€™s Haven Submitting.

I canā€™t wait to be a part of this great community. Thanks!


Welcome! My sis and I used to love browsing your clothes! Itā€™s great to have you here!