Introduction thread for new forum members

Hey guys!

I’ve been trying to get in for a while and I’m glad I finally got accepted. I joined Roblox in 2011, and I’ve been playing it on and off ever since. I only got into scripting around last year, however, and I feel like I’ve made a tremendous amount of progress since then. I’m pretty excited to get to interact with the community here now



btw I love your art!


Welcome Skylar, it’s good to see you made it!


Thank you :smiley:


Hello! I’m a very active user on Roblox who spends time creating Decorations and sometimes bigger builds in Studio. Most of my builds are for fun, but I wanted to get more into development. I also animate simple rigs and a wannabe artist (Meaning I have a long way to go.). Most of my builds are small, but can be detailed builds. Almost all of my builds consist of pure brick building and never meshes Shown here.

My builds are mostly shown off via Twitter, and I’ve currently worked with other users with building, such as RussoTalks,ScriptOn, and two lesser known users known as SkepticLemon and xPartyhouse.17 years of age and I hope I can do and learn more here!


Welcome! I honestly thought you were already a member, as your work is amazing.


Hello, I’m ScottyMcPiper!

I first found Roblox after a friend introduced it to me in middle school, 2014. It wasn’t until 7 months ago, it felt like something magically clicked, and suddenly I was able to script anything that I wanted, now I’m an unstoppable scripter. My current goal is to release my current project within the next month and see that it makes it not only to the front page but to one of the first slides. I am an advanced scripter and have been for about 7 months. I’m really happy to be accepted and hope my contributions will benefit me and the platform.



I’m SigmaHD and I like to build and dabble into GFX. I began on ROBLOX in 2011 after being hooked on to some of the classic games that existed like Armored Ship Battle or Call of ROBLOXia. I got started with development on ROBLOX on the basis that I wanted to create something that was cool for other users to be able to enjoy and approach genres in which haven’t yet been approached. What propelled me mostly into development was the emergence of cities based off of real life, such as Rome, Washington, or London where I wanted to contribute my work until I strengthened my creations. My current goal for the platform is to be able to completely develop a functional game that others may enjoy and work on from there.



Thanks ^.^

Awe thanks, Des! :slight_smile:

Well would ya look who it is

Congrats on acceptance my dude :sunglasses::+1:


Hey, I’m MorganScripts.

I found Roblox back in 2011 and started developing on the platform right away at the ripe age of 10. I found Roblox through my sister who found it through a friend, back when word of mouth was the way.

My current goal is to release some front page games this year, and be able to continue with a monthly DevEx to support my work.

I am a Scripter and UI developer, I also do offsite work and I’m working on a deep roblox analytics platform since google analytics costs $150,000/year for over 10m events per month, and I’m working on a platform that will be free for small devs to use in their games, I already have a prototype working.

I think I applied for this months ago, I just got it today without receiving an email and noticing I had the role on a discord server. Can’t wait to join the community on here

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How did you find Roblox?
I’m not really sure anymore. 2007 is a long time ago.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
There were those games in the early days that really stood out because of their complexity and refinement. It motivated me to try and aspire for that same level.

Current goals/achievements on the platform
I’ve been absent lately because of outside commitments. I have plans to continue a project called “Distant Frontier”, which implements my work in AI and civilization building. We’ll see if this actually occurs.

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
Programming is definitely one of my strong suits. Lots of my work with integrated micro-controllers surprisingly carries over. However, I’m also quick to point out that I’m not on the level of some extraordinary developers, like those who implement self-learning AI.

Anything else you would like to include
I would just like to point out that college applications return their decision faster than this development forum. Nevertheless, I am excited at the ability to use this forum.

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How did you find Roblox?
I found Roblox back in 2011 by searching for games to play online. Once I found it I never really stopped playing it.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I remember seeing an old football game by Sduke_524 and wanting to create something similar. Since then I’ve just been doing whatever I see that I like.

Current goals/achievements on the platform
To create a base for any future projects and to gain as much knowledge as possible on a realistic platform.
Achieved 4 million total visits
Created multiple bots
And most importantly, met a lot of people who have helped me with not only developing but life in general.

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
I program and build mainly. I’m decent at UI.

Anything else you would like to include
Glad to be here and definitely thankful for everything I’ve received from Roblox in general.

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How did you find Roblox?
I came across Roblox in 2013 by misspelling ‘robots’ on a google search and I grew to adore it.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I began when I first achieved builders club and I joined the ‘Guess That Song’ community, I then developed some of my skills based off of that community. Unfortunately it came to a halt and then I moved to groups and started developing for them. I was not good at developing at all, but I managed to get the hang of it when I was handed tasks larger than my usual mediocre ones.

Current goals/achievements on the platform


  • 10k visits, it’s not much but it’s a start.
  • Was considered to make graphics for the now small game: “Robloxia University”.
  • Became a new member of the DevForum.
  • Developed for a variety of groups ranging from the cafe community to fashion.


  • Achieve 100k visits.
  • Become acknowledged.
  • Branch out to known games over time.
  • Become a better & more efficient developer.

What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
I am a graphics designer and an amateur programmer. I am moderate at UI Design. I plan to develop my skills more on all three of these aspects.

Anything else you would like to include
Cannot think of anything currently.


I think I had the same exact thing happen to me when I started scripting. Also, your username is great

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I’m WhlteGhost, I found Roblox some time in 2011. I began actively developing here in 2016 because I started to get more out there in the Roblox community, getting to know more developers and such has encouraged me to start doing the same. My goals right now is to meet even more people and to work on a project that was started in September of last year by Phenite called “Roblox Odyssey”. I’m a builder right now and I am currently learning how to script. Happy to be here!


New member here! It is an honor to be accepted. Looking forward to corresponding with everyone.


I acknowledge you haha, welcome to the forum, I just got here too!


Welcome! :slight_smile: