Introduction thread for new forum members

Oh, hello there!

I’m Silou34, and I’m coming from France. So, do not get triggered if I do some mistakes in my sentences. Forgive me.

I came on Roblox 12/6/2012, by just being friend with one of my colleges in that time and found out about this amazing platform where I was able to shown my skills but also my work.I started my development back then at 2013 with my amazing game [SCP] Site-61 ROLEPLAY and then started other project at 2017 with name of [SCP] Area-14 ROLEPLAY.

My goal was to bring SCP related genre to Roblox Community, and I was able to completed.

My biggest role in my development career is scripting or otherwise said as programming, building but also animations developer.

I want to say, thank you for accepting me ! I can’t wait to get help but also contribute to others!!

@RedTrain @syprene @silou34 Welcome to the developer forums my dude!


First off, I would like to say what an honor and privilege it is to be inducted into the Developer Forums today, it is my highest honor and dignity to make it an outstanding time for me and the community!

I am Varkerius (Varker-eeus) I am a long time ROBLOX player, all the way back since 2011. I have been through so much fun times, but nothing as fun as this one! I found ROBLOX through some 5th grade chit chat at a round table. I asked “Whats this thing called “ROBLOX”?” And they told me that you just have to go search it, and I was stunned because, I was like, why can’t you tell me now? So then after school I went an google ROBLOX and I started as a ‘Guest’ and then created an account once I started enjoying the game a lot more, which then lead me to the point I am at over time.

I started with the studio and I loved it. It was the one thing I loved so much about ROBLOX, it’s diverse community that allowed me to expand my imagination and make my dreams and vision a reality. The studio allowed me to make my imagination flow into the game like water, I just had to many idea’s, and not really the amount of time I needed to create them all. I am still, yet this day, thinking still about what more can I do and how better can I be.

My current goal when I started was to be the best sword fighter on all over ROBLOX, and I achieved that in 2016, one the greatest achievements I have to provide. Then I had another goal, to become the greatest builder, and I knew I can not do it without some coaching and help, because, I have a very big imagination, but my creativity is not there, I can not design what I have in my head, into the studio. I was so upset, so I spent so much time thinking and trying new ways, looking how the other people build, and what I can do better, and what I can learn, what can help me get where I want to get. As of right now, I am still learning and trying to adapt and keep up with the modern and sci-fi community, I am a little better builder, but I am not where I am, and I will not stop till I reach my goal.

My role in the developer community is to be the best builder I can be. I am nothing else but a builder and a very, very imaginative mind. If you need some idea’s, I might overwhelm you.

I am 17, and I live in the United States. I have been playing ROBLOX since 5th grade, but officially since 7th. I am looking to be a professional tennis player, one of the greatest EVER in the history of tennis. I play multiple games, and I help my parents out at their shop so my times per day will vary. I am a homeschooler, and looking into of ROBLOX and how to be the best I can be to the community and its company.

Once again, thank you for this opportunity, I know I probably overwhelmed anyone who is reading, but I made a very illustrative message about me, and how I got to ROBLOX, and where I want to go from now.

Thank you,
~ Varker, Alcatraz ~


@RedTrain @Syprene @silou34 @Varkerius
Welcome aboard, folks!


Dude tennis is awesome as well I used to play it on a school team for 3 years then I stopped because I got injured.

Also welcome to the devforum my dude.

Haha, thank you! I am very fortunate not to have many injuries ! And I have been playing for the school team, and we won states 2 years in the row! Great sport actually, they call it a girl sport, but I don’t care, I know I will be more important than those haters one day. I hope I can reach where I want to get and go over to each of my closest ROBLOX friends and finally meet them in person for the first time!

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Thank you, Carl ! I hope to be working with you soon!

Hello,I am Mxstified an all rounded developer happy to be accepted into the developer forums! I am currently 18 years old and looking forward to contributing and working with dev forums.

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‘Welcome Aboard’ seems very fitting for me. Thanks for the warm welcome!

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Welcome guys @RedTrain @Mxstified Looking to be working with you! Can’t wait !!

Well, I just realized that I was accepted into the DevForum when Roblox sent out an email about this Stars program. Turns out I was accepted 11-12 months ago, and invited 9-10 months ago. Oh well, haha. Serves me right for never checking my inbox! Anyway, you’ll be seeing more of me now, haha. I’m Potentium/PotentiumRLX, and I’ve been playing as a guest on Roblox since 2011, made my first account in 2012, and my current account in 2016, which is when I started developing. Eventually changed my name because I’m planning on starting an LLC called RLX Development, but all in good time. I’m a full-stack scripter, user interface designer, builder, and generally prefer to work in the Star Wars genre, although at the moment I’m making a game with @UndoneBuilder, more info on that in a few weeks when we launch it. Glad to be here! (Also congrats to Undone on getting Towers to the top featured slot today!)


Hello! It’s an honor to finally be accepted into the Roblox Developer Forums! I’ve been on the Roblox Platform for about 8-12 years. I first started developing three years ago, I found it to be fun and enjoyed it very much. I joined my first development group early last year and it has been a blast, I’ve always wanted to be involved in game development and I’ve made many friends during my time here.
I love to build, model maps, objects and love the satisfaction of finishing a project. I can’t wait to show everyone what’s to come and I’m very happy to be here.

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Hello, @PotentiumRLX @ELEVATORS11 Welcome to the devforums! Hope you enjoy your time.

Hello there. I am FracturedSoftware (programmer) and first off, thank you so much for accepting me into the Developer Forum!:+1::tada:
Here is a bit about me:
I started developing back around 2010 now and I used to play personal servers loads when they were around right up until the last days when they were removed and I’m now working hard on remaking them giving old timers like myself a serious poke at nostalgia and new people a chance to create and possibly inspire others to develop or something. I’m hoping to release my second iteration of the remade personal servers around Christmas…:grinning:
Here is my old personal server remake: Free Build
Feel free to create and join a server but beware of long load times. The new iteration has way faster loading and more efficient programming wise.:upside_down_face:
Hopefully I can help others with their problems on here going forwards and raise any questions on stuff I still don’t know about!:grimacing:

I found roblox back in 2012 on my account funbrain5, I would always play tycoons and then I found a dance group and started my first group called “Tropical Diamonds”. After owning my first dance group I decided that I wanted to learn something new and move into a new community. I owned a cafe group and I started to build some of my cafe but I wasn’t really good. Later on my friend showed me blender and I started working on GFX from there. After learning I figured out how to get a clothing and I started everything from just learning one software. Some of my current goals and achievements are getting into dev forums and becoming one of the most known graphics artist in the fashion community. I also plan to improve and expand my brand into more communites. I also was able to hit 1.38m+ value from via trading and buying limiteds with the funds I made from my clothing. I recently just hit 34,000+ sales. My discord server hit over 1,200 members its called Roblox Graphics Community. My role in the developer community is GFX and designing I am working on my building skills but they aren’t the best but I plan on improving. Sorry if their are grammar mistakes.

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My name is K_Seven. A long long time ago I was playing a game called motherload on some website and I saw an advertisement for Roblox. So I pressed that ad, thinking it looked pretty cool, and spent the afternoon riding my cart into a huge duck. It was a blast. After some playing I discovered that I could build my own worlds and basically that’s what brought me here now.

I am currently working on an amazing game together with @SupahLuke. Him on the programming wheel and me trying to put bricks together in a fashionable way. Also picking up Blender lately.

I am looking forward to all of this amazing stuff Roblox has to offer.
Thanks everyone.

  • How did you find Roblox?
  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
  • Anything else you would like to include

I discovered ROBLOX on internet back in 2010.
I always wanted to create a game, something out of my mind.
My current goal is to improve this community/platform and to make one of the great games on Roblox.
My role is a builder but currently working on a huge project so I am a project leader.
Nothing more to include.

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How did I find ROBLOX
Well, in 2013; I found a friend playing a strange game. I ask him. “Hey, what’s this game your playing?”
He replies, “Oh, it’s ROBLOX. Have you never heard of it?” He adds “Lets get you set up with an account”
I choose a username, a password and I start falling in love with the community and how it’s set up.
Well, when I started developing I was clueless, I went into studio and started placing parts without knowing a thing about unions, anchors etc… But I kept trying until I finally achieved something. Which was great,

Well my major achievement is building a Cafe from scratch.

I’m a Builder and I do a little bit of Lua. Still hoping to learn more from this amazing community!

Edit: I’m also mainly a composer aside from being a builder :slight_smile:


Hi all! I am TelaPain. I found ROBLOX back in 2011 when I was actually searching for a Titanic Simulator, and what popped up was the ROBLOX Titanic Simulator. I initially played as a Guest for a few days, but I then made an account because I found it so fun! I started playing “Welcome to ROBLOX Building” and I really enjoyed building my own little bases, which also inspired me to start using ROBLOX Studio. I went onto ROBLOX Studio one day wondering what it was, and started experimenting with different buttons and making little bases. In about 2012, I bought a ROBLOX Scripting book which I found online and began learning Lua. I started using the ROBLOX Studio everyday after that and practising. I got better each time I used it and here I am now, still using it everyday! My goals on this platform are to improve my building skills on ROBLOX and to meet new people. My role is a builder, I occasionally script but my main strength is building! I am very happy to be here, and I am looking forward to meeting everybody! :smile:


Welcome everyone!! :smiley:

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