First off, I would like to say what an honor and privilege it is to be inducted into the Developer Forums today, it is my highest honor and dignity to make it an outstanding time for me and the community!
I am Varkerius (Varker-eeus) I am a long time ROBLOX player, all the way back since 2011. I have been through so much fun times, but nothing as fun as this one! I found ROBLOX through some 5th grade chit chat at a round table. I asked “Whats this thing called “ROBLOX”?” And they told me that you just have to go search it, and I was stunned because, I was like, why can’t you tell me now? So then after school I went an google ROBLOX and I started as a ‘Guest’ and then created an account once I started enjoying the game a lot more, which then lead me to the point I am at over time.
I started with the studio and I loved it. It was the one thing I loved so much about ROBLOX, it’s diverse community that allowed me to expand my imagination and make my dreams and vision a reality. The studio allowed me to make my imagination flow into the game like water, I just had to many idea’s, and not really the amount of time I needed to create them all. I am still, yet this day, thinking still about what more can I do and how better can I be.
My current goal when I started was to be the best sword fighter on all over ROBLOX, and I achieved that in 2016, one the greatest achievements I have to provide. Then I had another goal, to become the greatest builder, and I knew I can not do it without some coaching and help, because, I have a very big imagination, but my creativity is not there, I can not design what I have in my head, into the studio. I was so upset, so I spent so much time thinking and trying new ways, looking how the other people build, and what I can do better, and what I can learn, what can help me get where I want to get. As of right now, I am still learning and trying to adapt and keep up with the modern and sci-fi community, I am a little better builder, but I am not where I am, and I will not stop till I reach my goal.
My role in the developer community is to be the best builder I can be. I am nothing else but a builder and a very, very imaginative mind. If you need some idea’s, I might overwhelm you.
I am 17, and I live in the United States. I have been playing ROBLOX since 5th grade, but officially since 7th. I am looking to be a professional tennis player, one of the greatest EVER in the history of tennis. I play multiple games, and I help my parents out at their shop so my times per day will vary. I am a homeschooler, and looking into of ROBLOX and how to be the best I can be to the community and its company.
Once again, thank you for this opportunity, I know I probably overwhelmed anyone who is reading, but I made a very illustrative message about me, and how I got to ROBLOX, and where I want to go from now.
Thank you,
~ Varker, Alcatraz ~