Introduction thread for new forum members


Welcome to the community! Have fun. :slight_smile:


Thank you!

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Welcome to the forums, Lone! :smiley:

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Hello! I am cm_an (or cman), a Roblox player since 2014 and a developer since late 2016. My development career started out as taking old scripts, trying to interpret them, and repurposing them for my own use. 2 years later, here I am writing my own scripts and creating my own products.

I am currently working on creating a UI/UX and programming a game called Duel Sprinter with my friend. It is my largest project yet! My scripting has made it remarkably easy to expand the game without adding too much code. The efficient coding methods also allow for the server to be running a small amount of scripts. The UI is based off of MaterialDesignā€™s MaterialUI library, something I have become very fond of.

Finally, Iā€™d like to express my appreciation for the Roblox developer community and other developers on the platform for being so useful and supportive for all aspiring developers. I would not be anywhere as skilled as I am today without the community assisting me with my projects. I canā€™t wait to grow closer to the community!



Hey guys! I just got my invitation today so here goes! Iā€™m gonna try and stick as closely to the format as possible to start off on the right foot. I found Roblox in fourth grade through a friend who I played Club Penguin with, and joined on December 11, 2009. I got started developing when I attempted to make Starfox Adventures on Roblox at the age of 10 - 11. It didnā€™t go well, but Iā€™ve been in love with game development ever since. I am a programmer and UI designer, because thatā€™s what I enjoy. You can call me Rocky, Rock, Rob, or whatever you like as long as I know youā€™re referring to me.

Also, my hands are still shaking from a ten minute freakout I just had where I ran around my house jumping up and down after seeing my invitation email. Iā€™ve wanted to be on the DevForum for longer than I can remember, and still canā€™t believe Iā€™m actually typing this. Canā€™t wait to meet all of you!

Edit: Looks like I mistakenly replied directly to the original post instead of a regular reply to the thread. Needless to say, Iā€™ve never posted anything here before now, so I hope thatā€™s ok!

Hello, Welcome to the developer forums my dude!


Hello everyone! :slight_smile:

I found Roblox 3 years ago, when I was looking at my friendā€™s laptop background. It was a Roblox render- which I thought was a Minecraft render. After a few weeks, we started playing Roblox together. And since last year, I started my development progress on Roblox. My dad motivated me to start making a game, instead of just playing games. And now, Iā€™m on my progress making my own game!

I normally build stuff, but I can do UI design and script. I would also like to thank Roblox for accepting me into the devforum! Oh and, English is not my main language- so expect grammar mistakes from me

Thanks! :smiley:

Welcome to the developer forums. Glad to meet developers from all backgrounds.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

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WOW! Itā€™s a real honor to be accepted to the devforum community! Iā€™ll try to keep this short. Found Roblox about 2 years ago thru FGTV on Youtube (yep XD) At first it was just to play but Iā€™ve been programming since high school, and is now part of my real job, so just started messing around in studio and followed the tutorials on the old wiki. I find lua to be quite different from what Iā€™m used to but also refreshing, always learning of course. My biggest success so far is a game called Catalog Tester. I have quite a few ideas I want to add to it and master then try making a better game. Programming is my best skill by far. I do have some experience making UIs as well. Iā€™ve been a lurker here for a while so I hope to keep learning and now start contributing.

Welcome to the devforum! I am also new here! :smile:

I got in the Developer Forums yesterday, I am a builder and love making witch, wizard, hobbit style builds. I build with passion, detail and creativity.
Hello, everyone!
Looking forward to meet others on the Developer forums, learn and have fun.

Welcome everyone! I hope you enjoy your time here.

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Hello, Iā€™m new to the developer forum! I discovered Roblox after a friend told me about it around 6 years ago. I first saw Ozzypigs Hunger Games and tried to recreate it in personal play mode, not realizing studio was even a thing XD. After years of practice I became a competent programmer and aim to make a wildly successful game game on Roblox! Thanks for having me!

Glad to finally be apart of this huge family of developers, I love it already :smile:

Hi everyone, iā€™m asprincexstar, and iā€™m new here!

I am glad to finally have been accepted because I have been trying for so long. I make hyper-realistic artwork, clothing, and own a little fashion game called The Valley. I really adore everything roblox allows me to do and I hope to be able to share it here with you guys. I have a twitter as well that you can follow that is same as my username. Thank you!! <3


Hey! Welcome! Glad to see youā€™re finally here!


Glad to meet you and cant wait to see your future gfx.

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Hello! Iā€™m RedTrain. Iā€™ve been on Roblox for 8+ years, having joined in March of 2010. Iā€™m a builder and train enthusiast, and enjoy modelling all kinds of railroad equipment, particularly from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Iā€™ve read the devforum a lot in the past, but never actually thought to apply for it until just recently. Outside of trains, Iā€™m also fond of ships and buildings. I donā€™t aim big, since Iā€™m not too good at scripting and often find myself lacking the time and skills to make a game of my own, but Iā€™m happy offering my work to anybody interested if it means I can show what I can do. Games Iā€™m working on currently include Starboard Studiosā€™ The Wild West and a train simulator, Rails Unlimited.

The ā€˜Eurekaā€™ locomotive & cars, built for Starboard Studiosā€™ ā€œThe Wild Westā€.

Thanks to bizbot19 for putting in a good word for me. Iā€™m excited to be here!

ā€“ RedTrain


Hello Developer Forum! I am Syprene. As you can guess, I am indeed a new developer forum member. I applied around seven months ago, so Iā€™m pretty excited to be here.

I found Roblox in 2010 when I started searching for Lego-like games on Google. At the time, I was merely a child, who did not have money to buy actual Lego games. That, and my parents wouldnā€™t buy me any games. I was a pretty bad kid.

I started development on Roblox around 2010, as I was already interested in game development. My first programming language was Java, and at the time, I didnā€™t really know the difference between a scripting language and a programming language.

I donā€™t have any big goals in mind, but one thing I would one day like to see is me being involved in a big game project. Now I donā€™t want to sound greedy, but while I do find myself bored developing on my own and with no audience, I would one day aim to make a game that many people enjoy and continue to play.

I am a new member, but I consider myself a freelancer, a jack-of-all-trades. I am well versed with simple GFX, advanced UI, and some building, but I tend to reserve most of my talents as a programmer.

I donā€™t often make introductions, so please cut me some slack if you find me a bit selfish. Since Iā€™ve waited nearly seven months to be accepted, I thought the least I could do is post an introduction so people donā€™t think I came from nowhere. I consider myself a hobbyist game developer, so my ideas may not be to the liking/enjoyment of the majority. Iā€™ll still contribute in whatever way I can.

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