Introduction thread for new forum members

Whew, first of all, I’m so grateful to be here! I look forward to getting to know fellow Roblox devs and reaching out to do some collabs in the future!

Ironically enough, I had just finished putting together a portfolio of my past dev work to apply for the forums - but lucky me, I guess! I was accepted through the new automated system. A big shoutout to dev. relations team for trying something new and giving this a chance, as I had been worried about applying previously due to the long response time.

How did you find Roblox?

I joined the Roblox community back in 2010 when my little brother asked me to play with him online. He had friends at summer school who recommended the platform to him, so, it got to me through word of mouth!

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

My first brush with development was with clothing design. I had begun designing RP costumes and group uniforms for my friends and I to enjoy, and I branched out from there.

Current goals on the platform.

I’m keeping my goals humble for 2019, but I’d love to collab on at least one or two projects this year.

What is your role in the developer community?

I am primarily an animator. Although as stated above, I do have many years of experience with clothing design as well. Illustrating and 3D modeling is something I do on the side for fun!

I’ll be posting my portfolio on the forums as soon as I can, if anyone is interested. I do also have my website linked on my profile.

And once again, I look forward to getting to know everyone! :slight_smile:

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Hello, I am Simon, a Swedish teenager.

How did you find Roblox?
Back in 2014 my friend invited me to Roblox.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I started to Develop on Roblox because some of my friends developed on Roblox and I wanted to try it for myself.

Current goals/achievements on the platform
My current goals is to make a brand new simulator game.

What is your role in the developer community?
I am mainly a Builder, but I do know how to make UI’s.

Thank you.


Hello! As i’m new on the devforum, i want to present myself in this small introduction:

  • How did you find Roblox?

I found roblox in 2015 when i was searching for a game that is similar to minecraft on youtube. I was just a player that didn’t know what to play. :grin:

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?

I started to develop on the platform because i always liked to create thing, and this platform was pretty simple to understand, i tried to make few games with the toolbox, and wanted to create new thing by my own, so i started learning scripting and different skill a developper need to know, like building, creation of images, animations… and here i am now.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform

I want to make a game enjoyable for everyone… like the majority of people here i think.

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)

I’m a programmer, but i know the basics of pretty much every roles (except music composer)

  • Anything else you would like to include

:fr: I’m a baguette :yum:

I hope this small introduction of myself is good. :smile:

Thanks you for letting me be apart of the community!

I First found Roblox when I was watching a Minecraft video back in 2013. after i saw an ad saying Roblox being the 10 year old me i was I was interested and knew so many promises were there and I was amazed how unlimited an open it could be. My main Passion is to one day learn how to code and develop a Music-Related Game that is solely related to History of Musical Equipments of the late 20th Century and Present Day like Compact Disc, Cassette Tape, Vinyl,Mp3 or other stuffs I can think of Etc that the Young Generation
might appreciate in the future Especially Streaming. :slightly_smiling_face: in a way I’m mostly into 3d and Building as Programing is quite the struggle to test.

Hello, I am AerialsBelow. I am new here and it is a honor to be apart of the DevForums.

I found roblox back in 2010 not knowing what to do and yet I still had a great experience in the beginning. As I started playing Roblox a lot more I found lots of categories and business that were going on and had no idea. I started by messing around in Roblox Studio not knowing what anything was and looking up Youtube videos to help me through the process of learning. My current goal is to be a great builder/3D modeler and to help others with my experience. My role would be builder considering that I have been practicing a lot more with Roblox Studio then 3D modeling software. I have been building for 2 years about now, trying to get better each time. I also been modeling for a few months now getting familiar with blender. I hope to meet new fantastic people and make friends on the DevForums and to help people that are in need.

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I’m new here, and I have been trying to get in here for a long time up until now.
I am Jaguar515_YT and yes, i do have a youtube channel, and I have basic knowledge of building stuff.

I am BuiltToWreck, a passionate programmer and technology enthusiast.

I first found out about the roblox platform when one of my friends introduced me to it. I fell in love with the playstyle and the anyone can create a game mindset. After playing many games I was looking for robux, it was my main focus at the time and looking back I think I tried to hard to find an easy way. Weirdly and selfishly enough, that was what got me into scripting. My first game was an obby, it was full if free models and had no story line whatsoever, of course I didn’t earn any robux from it. However I started to realise that that wasn’t the purpose of developing on the platform, for me anyway. It was super fun to create that game, and although it didn’t get any attention I feel like giving it ago made me dive into development a whole lot more.

Before I started roblox I had a infinitesimal bit of javascript knowledge, and I feel like having touched upon another language made lua alot easier to understand. I am diving into advanced concepts of lua now, and hope that it helps me with getting the grasp of other programming languages.

This year I hope to build upon my knowledge and start to build upon other programming languages aswell. I am currently working on a group project, and I am doing the project management and scripting. It is a spaceport/space airline, Influx Spaceport, and it will be released in the coming months.

My long term goal is to create a game and put alot of work into it, even if it doesn’t get popular, having a game people will say wow! to is always better than pushing a simulator cashgrab up with the big boys in the popular sort.

I hope that I will grow to become a worthwhile and active member in this forum and gain experience outside of roblox to create myself a possible future career.

Cheers Developers,

Hi everyone, my name is plasma_node.

I’ve been browsing this forum for years and never bothered applying even though I’ve always wanted to, so its cool to finally be able to post.

Anyway so a bit of rambling about me:

  • I’ve been programming since I was nine, love Star Wars & computers.

  • I joined Roblox a little over four years ago. I had been aware of Roblox’s existence for years until one day I decided to visit the site after hearing about a game called Armored Patrol which remains my first game I ever played.

  • I’ve been a developer for about 3 1/2 years on Roblox, but only in the past year and a half have I really picked things up and learned a lot about Lua and other programming languages such as C++.

It’s my desire to work on scifi games (usually ones that are similar to Star Wars), from space games to RPGs and story based games.

In the past I was a senior programmer for Mars: The Game and for a short while I was the lead programmer for RoVerse. I’ve also worked for a couple RP groups as a programmer.

Currently I am working on an awesome spaceship battling game called OMEGA (It’s similar to a game called Fractured Space for those interested).This game is my solo project at the moment. My goal is to complete and release OMEGA by the end of the year.

  • I found Roblox through my slightly younger sister and her friends.
  • I built a couple of things, and read the API pages a lot, and my scripting skills have consistently improved since.
  • I’d like to make a nice and big game packed with content with enough enforced replay value and saving to make people addicted and start shelling out tons of Robux to yours truly
  • I’m certainly a Programmer, and I love it!
  • I’m glad I finally am allowed to post here, almost like a Deus Ex Machina of sorts
  1. I found Roblox from my sister playing as a guest and I thought “Wow. That looks fun.” And ever since then I have enjoyed Roblox.

  2. I got started by just placing stuff around in Roblox Studio. I had no objective to what I wanted to do. But after a couple of days I really enjoyed it. So I eventually started going onto the Roblox Wiki and reading stuff about scripting. I then basically just fell in love with it. And have ever since.

  3. My current achievement is learning to Script and make decent Ui’s.

  4. Programmer.

  5. I hope to spend a lot of my time here.

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I don’t completely remember how, so this is a hard question to answer, as I joined back in 2009. I think I had been seeing ads for Roblox quite frequently, and I decided to give it a try. Soon after I made an account and showed a bunch of my friends. I think one of the first games I played, if not THE first, was Bew7874’s zombie defense.

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    Ever since I first joined Roblox, I always liked to tinker with Studio. Over the years, as I looked through scripts contained within models, I slowly learned about programming within Roblox. I would start random projects, just to test myself and to learn more about the platform. Over time I started to get a grasp of Studio and programming. I do not consider myself “pro” or “experienced”, but I have learned a lot, especially in the last year or two with all of the new resources that have been made available.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    I think my biggest goal is to just be more accomplished at programming, to the point that I can create something that the Roblox community can enjoy. My current project is still in the early stages, but I think it is coming along quite nicely.

  • What is your role in the developer community?

  • Anything else you would like to include
    I have to say that I almost feel guilty being accepted into the Dev Forum as a new member. I have been reading quite a bit about how many of the experienced developers here feel as though entry is too simple/easy. However, I am extremely appreciative that I can be here, and I am excited to contribute to the community.

I wasn’t accepted a year ago to the DevForums but now I am able to use it so looking forward to posting here :slight_smile:

Hello! My name is GamerWei_ALT.

  • I started playing ROBLOX on 2016 as a friend recommended me to play this game on the mobile platform. When I was playing a game, if I were to recall it, it is “Work at a Pizza Place”. That’s the first game I’ve played.

  • I started using my PC to play ROBLOX and when I was browsing through my desktop, I found this software, “Roblox Studio”. I opened the software and soon begin exploring it.

  • My goals and achievement on this platform is to be a sucessful player and gamer which I think I’ve accomplished it in terms of managing 3 groups. My acheievement is to be the best among the others if possible as it will make me proud.

  • In ROBLOX, I’m a multilingual developer. I mainly build things and design things from a software called as Blender and i do have a few knowledge in programming which are the basics.

  • Have a nice day and thank you for reading this message.

Hello everyone!

I’m Norbunny, a proud Roblox Developer. I both build and program within the Roblox platform. I also have knowledge in JavaScript!

I found Roblox back in 2015, through one of my real life friends. I had about 2 accounts before this current account, I sadly lost their login information, so was never able to log back on those.

I currently am working in a Roblox game project, I have worked and done many projects, but never finished one, but I plan on doing so with this one. Can’t tell many details yet. :eyes:

Pretty much my main and only goals, are to finish and publish a game, a enjoyable one that people would like to play endless times, and who knows one day to DevEx!

Thank you for the opportunity to join this wonderful community!

  • Norbunny


  1. I am aezrano, also known as Dan. I’m primarily a roblox builder, who has other elements to him such as scripting, modelling and GFX. I have worked with some big groups such as the Society of Magic, (employed currently as a contractor) and boilinarys Jedi Order, of which I was head developer.

  2. I found roblox originally in 2010 and played as a guest until 2011 when I created my first account as I loved playing some games (such as base of wars and sword fight tourney).

  3. My aim on roblox is too have fun and have more a community/developer role in some of the biggest groups.

  4. Builder, scripter and modeller.

Currently im working on a game known as ‘Mystic Valar’ an open world exploration game made by me and lordofmo. The whole game is set in a fantasy timeline where players must choose before the crown or themselves.

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Apparently I am now a New Member because I read a lot on the forum or something? I dunno… but I was planning on sending in an application eventually anyway so that’s cool.

Anyway, I’m DirectCode and I struggle as a developer because of motivation but I hope eventually to finish something, I’m just a perfectionist is all.

I started playing in 2011-2012 but the account I currently use is a 2016 account, I hope I can become a good member and contribute to the Forum in a positive way!

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I’m 30 minutes new and I’d like to get this out of the way; this feels great, especially when you’ve been trying to get in for a while.

I am SoftwareEngine; a tech enthusiast, I build, UI design, and minor scripter. I was first introduced to this platform by another member of the family. I pursue development in Roblox and feel it is the way to go in terms of developmental engineering. Hopefully, my work is endorsed by the community and hope to see more come from me. :smiley:


Welcome new members in the forum.

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At last, 10 years of Roblox and finally a member of the devforums! Thanking the new automated system for that (though it feels a bit like cheating). Hello!
I’m Umbra, been playing Roblox since i’m 11 and it’s been a huge motivator for me to get involved in game development. Since early 2010 I helped @Cindering on his projects as a builder, notably on Roblox High School 1 and 2. My building is above average and I specialize in minimalist builds; I also am also intermediate in graphic design and vectorial art! Finally, I am also a translator! I am fluent in french and have already translated several Roblox games to french, including Work at a pizza place, RHS2 and Tales from the valley.

Pleasure to meet everyone!

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How did you find Roblox?
One of my elementary school friends had introduced me to the platform. At the time, I didn’t go and make an account right away, but not long after, my family and I were moving away to another town. I ended up making the choice to sign up a few months after moving, in late 2011, and we used Roblox as a way of hanging out and chatting.

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
Everything started with me just being curious and messing around with things on my own. Playing with free models and how their scripts worked really pushed me into using the Wiki to learn more about how to do certain things.

Current goals on the platform.
Don’t really have any goals planned out, but I’d like to continue learning Lua and expand on what I’ve already learned over the years so I can try putting it to use.

What is your role in the developer community?
I can do a bit of everything; thumbnails, UI designing, scripting, and building.

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