Introduction thread for new forum members

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I found Roblox one day and I really liked it
  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    When I joined Roblox, I noticed that I can make games and I decided to make a game.
  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
  1. Get my game out. I have been developing a game but I haven’t been working on it that much.
  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I usually develop the games.
  • Anything else you would like to include
    I’m looking forward to learn more things.
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Hey! My name is Avxnturador, and I’m a scripter, with some knowledge on UI, graphic design, and modeling.

  • How did you find Roblox?
  • I first found out about Roblox thanks to Youtube videos by the youtuber JJ5x5. This was back when I was in Elementary, and ever since then I was hooked.
  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
  • I got started with development on the platform when I tried to copy and paste elements of scripts inside each other, not knowing ANYTHING. This was the case for a few months before I learned how booleans work. Give a few more months and I had the basics down, give a year and I got into an intermediate state. Ever since then, I’ve been improving, and even though I don’t call myself an expert, I’d describe myself as up there.
  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
  • Aside continuing what is arguably one of the most realistic driving dynamic chassis’ in Roblox (A-Chassis), I pride myself in being part of many dev groups, all of which I’m passionate in. My goals would be to release games through those dev groups, and alongside that, release my own cars.
  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
  • I am definitely a programmer, yet I have proficiency in almost every other aspect of development (GFX, UI, Modeling), except for building.
  • Anything else you would like to include
  • Hopefully, I can learn new things, and if I make anything really crazy that others will benefit from, I’ll definitely be sure to share it with everyone!
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Hello my name is I_amCapitalT and I am a New Member.

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I found Roblox when my Brothershowed me the site he found from his friend both of us were in Elementary School (Early 2013).

  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I used to make fighting games which I tool Roblox’s Gear and made them an weapon for the game.

  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My current goal is to become an Roblox Game Developer

  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    I mostly do Programming but I sometimes do UI Designing as well.

  • Anything else you would like to include
    This is all I have in terms of sharing.

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Continuing the discussion from Introduction thread for new members!:

What an amazing opportunity! I’ll try and keep this short and to the point though there’s much to know about myself.

I found Roblox around 2006 when I saw my older brother playing it. At first, I wasn’t interested, but as I saw him create amazing things, I was hooked. I began playing on guest accounts before creating my own not long after. I spent most of my time playing the usual tycoon games and then moved on to the game “Sandbox” by NullSenseStudio as years went by. I spent a while in Sandbox building random things such as houses, hospitals, and many other things- this is basically how I began developing on my own.

By the time I began developing on the platform, my older brother was off to the military, which left me to teach myself. Being the ambitious person I am, I began by building random things that popped up in my head- sometimes I’d draw out blueprints but most of the time I’d build based off of my memory or what felt the best. As I progressed, my building progressed. Not long after that, I got into scripting. When I first began looking at scripting, I shrugged it off thinking it wasn’t that big of a deal, but I’d soon find out it’s one of the most important things a person can learn. I later taught myself how to script by utilizing YouTube tutorials, free models, and engaging with experienced developers.

Right now I plan on using Roblox to further my knowledge of things like medicine, aerospace, and other interesting subjects. I hope to utilize the platform in order to start a career in game development secondary to the medical path I’m currently on. My largest goal right now is to help contribute to the community and engage with other developers on a level I couldn’t before- something the DevForums will allow me to do!

Right now I do minor UI design and moderate building/scripting. Being accepted into the DevForums is something I’ll never forget and hopefully, it’ll allow me to interact with this amazing community a little more than I have before. Other than that, I hope to see you around the DevForums! This turned out to be a little bit longer than I expected, but I tend to write essays a lot.


Hello! I am from Asia! Specifically, in the Philippines. (Please excuse my use of punctuation and my bad grammar) Please don’t get mad at me for being an Asian.

How I found Roblox is simple. Me and my twin found the game somewhere. We are used to watching good Monster Jam stunts. So basically, me and my twin, wanted to do Monster Jam stunts and I found a Roblox Video. So I actually have many accounts and since I am this forgetful, I kept creating until I played properly and found interesting games and played Monster Jam in Roblox and even party and interact with other players.

I am not here to brag but I actually learned scripting by myself that quick. I was doing some “Java Scripting” and I kinda find it easy to understand since most of them contain the word “function” and I was really interested in Lua. I really enjoyed scripting because I also got inspired by other cool scripts like in Script Builder. I was this person who is really into coding. So, here am I, a not-so-full-time-developer.

My goal here in Roblox is to keep it good and help everyone because I am this “helping hand” to the community. I am trying to keep the game more fair and so, I decided to make it as a goal to keep Exploiters/Hackers from breaching. Everyone is important! :heart: I am this knight to serve and protect!

I am 25 - 50% of everything between. I am a not-so-good at GFX but I am just like rendering and doing poses. I am 50% at Programming LIKE REALLY! I am really an outdated developer. I prefer to use the old formats and stuff since I find it easy. Being a builder, I keep things so simple. Being a student between some of these things makes me happy.

I am pretty a different person from what you’re thinking. Sometimes I make terrible jokes and I am also 87% sensitive. I don’t know when to take things as a joke and I get easily tempered when I am joked. So, be safe and have a great day! :happy2:

I found Roblox through my brother, he’s a developer as well who’s not in the DevForum yet. When I first set up this account I was super interested in development and came straight here; turns out I got accepted automatically just today. I’m hoping to start programming a project soon but I’m still looking for inspiration. Looking forward to seeing what this forum has to offer; it looks great so far!

Welcome everyone! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi, I’m Scriscape. I used to build with legos for a few hours but only play for minutes frustrated at having to take turns with the pieces with outcomes I made up.I was searching for a way to make them move all on their own so I could focus on my own character and well, through a search I found Roblox. After playing on and off over many years I was slowly limiting my scope on what was fun with other games so within the past two years every so often I would start developing some small scripts that worked. My goal is to make something enjoyable alone at least, with scripts filling in the gaps of decisions, and to make something not done before. I would say I am more of a Programmer right now because nothing else felt right without doing scripting first. I always wanted to do something with “graphics design” which really meant building virtual things to me but I like to do every aspect of game making in a compact form so I have time to do it all(Music,Modeling, and Stories through Scripts). I hope to learn a lot about developing and be able to point in a helpful direction. Thanks.:upside_down_face:

Hello, I am b_irdio, or otherwise known as Teddy. I am a small developer who likes to work on models for other developers to use. I am currently working on a secret project that will be developed by me and some of my friends! I am also extremely thankful for the opportunity I have been given!

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Hey, I’m Honey! I found Roblox through my family. I got started with developing by watching YouTube videos of people making builds. My current goals on Roblox are to get 1 thousand visits, make better games, and improve my developing skills. In the developer community I am half builder and half scripter. I try to learn a bit of both sides so I can make amazing games.

Hey guys!
I found Roblox when one day I wanted to play my favorite game at the time, Splatoon, online. That Splatoon Roblox game was the first game I ever played. 2 or 3 years later, I created an account called snipethen00bs, dedicated to playing Phantom Forces and Prison Life. I later then created the account I am on today.

I got started with development when I made a game packed full of free models. I wanted to learn how to do more, so I started watching tutorials on Lua. I remember being very excited when I created and changed the color of a part.

I really don’t have any achievements yet. One of my goals is to get at least 100 concurrent players on my game that I’m working on right now. I would also love to start a game studio to create games that players will enjoy.

I am a programmer in the community. I’m trying to do some building though.

I have nothing else to include, other then I like memes :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope to see some of you on the Forums soon!!!

Hey, I’m dVenomHD and I’ve been around since 2014.

I’m a scripter but I haven’t been scripting for the entirety of my career on ROBLOX. I started off as a modeler, like a lot of people. Around 2015-16 I realized that scripts were a lot like the boring old math problems and started studying complex math equations and solving them. At this point I developed an ability to fluently code in lua, and eventually other languages like javascript and c#. Sooner or later in 2017 I joined Black Origami Builders and helped create quite a few games for them. I’m really excited to see the results of the new developers joining here and hope to make meaningful contributions to the developer forums.

Hey! I’m Bat and I’m happy to be a part of the ROBLOX DevForum! Here are a few things about myself.

How did I find Roblox?
I first found ROBLOX when I overheard some friends talking about it. I was curious what “ROBLOX” was so I decided to check it out. It ended up being an amazing platform and now I spend hours on it every single day.

How did I get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I first got started with development when some of my friends suggested I try making something myself. I made an armchair with his help and I’ve decided to try to learn more about game development and improve my skills.

Current goals/achievements on the platform
My goal at the moment is to get a game out that I’ve built completely by myself. I don’t have many achievements on the platform, but I hope to gain some soon.

What is my role in the community?
I’m currently a beginner builder, but after I improve my building I would like to pursue scripting.

Hello Developers I introduce myself I am Harol030 :smile:

How did you meet ROBLOX?
Thanks to My Brother @bryanzito2 I was able to meet ROBLOX and his wonderful players :smile::smiley:

How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
I started with a game made from scratch Although I took time I had fun creating games with the ROLOX platform.
What are your goals?
Create a Shooting Focused game and Help the community in their scripts.
What is your role in the developer community?
Well, I’m a Programmer, scripter.
Before finishing I would like to Wish you lots with your creations (GAMES) In ROBLOX you have a lot of patience and above all love in your own creations that’s all Thanks for reading my message. :heart:

Hello everyone,

I’m whyatt, I found roblox back in 2008 from some really impressive ads on other websites and to be honest part of the appeal came from ads for blockland which at the time i didn’t know was a separate game. So one day I decided to click on this cool banner add make and account and install roblox and that’s where it started. I’ve been building places/games ever since, i started to get into serious development a bit later on as I was focused on groups and making group places as soon as I made my first group somewhere in 2009 or 2010. A couple years after I started to really need certain things involving scripting for my places I gradually learned how scripting actually worked from modifying existing scripts and seeing what happened. I put lots and lots of time into building cities and then in 2014 I decided to make a simple game for my group which I implemented some of what I now consider to be very basic scripting knowledge and it took me by surprise but it became #2 on the games page for a whole day and has accumulated over 1 million visits. After that I started to focus on other areas and I would say became a specialist scripter in systems and mainframes which games are based on. Currently I want to still make a nice city game implementing everything that I have learned but now my bottleneck is time since I am a student in University but if i’m being honest time has always been a bottleneck because I can’t help myself from always going into further detail when building as well as scripting. My role in the developer community other than my own games which I currently tend to work rather solo on other than very limited collaboration with a few friends, I would say includes GFX, UI Designer, Programmer and Builder. I’m aware that this may sound pretentious as this is all the listed examples, however I have been here a while and have worked quite intensively in each of these subject areas. Originally I am a builder however.

As a DevForum member I look to work with other people and collaborate as I think this is what I need. When working with other people you are incentivise to stick to deadlines and get things done, something which I definitely suffer with developing on roblox. Well in other words I am really glad to be a member of the DevForum finally and I really look forward to being able to actually participate in the forum discussions.

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I was using this guy’s free models when I first met studio, lol. @whyatt


Hello everybody! I’m new here and have been trying to get here for a very long time.

I was introduced to roblox back in 08’ by a friend and ever since then I have been playing it.
As of now, my current goal’s are to complete a game I’ve been working on and keep building things I love. Whether it’s racetracks, cars, aircraft, trains, you name it, I always enjoy building.
As I got older, I started to become interested in coding and building. I started like most of us did. Pulling apart other people’s code and messing with it. As I taught myself more, I began making my own scripts, experimenting with cool ideas.

What is my role in the Dev Community?

I am a Builder

And I love to use code to bring my creations to life.

Hi! I’m L2000/ThomasChabot (and I like to go by Wiggles but that’s taken). I’ve been a Roblox developer since 2008 and I love programming. I’ve worked on one real game that I’ve been able to finish so far, but I mainly work on modules that I like to release as open source - you’ll probably see me mentioning some of that later on.

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Welcome New Members, To The Community.


Welcome! :grin::wave:

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