Introduction thread for new forum members

I found Roblox a few years ago and thought it was a awesome Platform, I was Right! After about a year I discovered Roblox Studio. I started developing and got ideas!

I Started with just making my own games and then I made a Group and to this day I devlop games on the group.

I want to gain even more knowledge of Lua and expand my group.

I am a Awesome Builder. I can Script well, but not good. I can Do UI Well.

I hope to Expand my mind and learn new things.


How I Found Roblox
I was searching around the Web and saw an interesting ad about Roblox.

How I got started with development
I spawned in a few free models and viewed their scripts, which intrigued me and got me to start browsing the Roblox Wiki for more information.

I hope to be able to create and publish a well developed game and become a more advanced programmer.



hi im pavalineox and i do extremely high quality roadblocks program scripting

my goals are to make cool stuff on roadblocks and make tons of cash money and make boats

my two current game projects are as follows

here is a tech demo rts im working on as of now its only feature is randomly generating a galaxy but randomly generated galaxies are pretty cool right Galaxies - Roblox

and then heres a badly made rockefeller street meme using said galaxy generator


I am new to the forum and never tried to get in before the update to the process, I mostly do building for now but I have learnt the basics of scripting and want to learn more! Ive been really interested in the developing side of Roblox for a while now but only recently got more serious about it!


Holy moly, didnā€™t expect to be allowed to post now, itā€™s been a year since I started looking into the DevForums. (I think)

Anyway, Iā€™ll introduce myself.
If I should say, I started going into programming on Studio in late 2018, and I now call myself an intermediate developer. Iā€™ve also been into a modeling kick lately, here are some pictures of examples (If Iā€™m allowed to):

To be honest, I just grabbed free models for my games like everybody else, when I didnā€™t know a single thing about scripting in 2016 and 2017 (Yes, I joined in 2016)
Anyway, I feel real proud of everything I make nowadays, and for being raised to be a computer nerd. Still trying to go onto advanced stuff.

Also, my profile picture seems outdated right now.

  • I found about Roblox back in 2011 as a Guest user.
  • I started with Development back in 2013 using mostly free models until 2017. I started an obby in 2017. It actually has a decent amount of players playing today. I started to learn scripting about a month ago (January 2019). I enjoy developing because itā€™s entertaining.
  • My current goal is to be able to make a successful game and to be able to DevEx earnings to show off to my family. My next goal after that would be: Learn to script a decent game completely by myself.
  • My role in the Developer community is Builder, GFX Designer, and UI Designer. The scripting role is not my role at the moment :wink:

Hello everyone! Iā€™m reallyweirdperson. I found Roblox in late 2010 when I saw a kid at the YMCA playing it, I asked him what he was playing and he said it was Roblox. The first game I played was Ultimate Build and I was hooked.
I created my first account (this one) in March of 2011, shortly before my 11th birthday. In 2012 I discovered Roblox Studio and put together some default models to make a small neighborhood. In 2013 I decided I wanted to start learning Lua. In 2015, I created my first showcase & completed project, Serenity. Itā€™s now 2019 and Iā€™m still playing Roblox and creating various things in studio for my own personal enjoyment.
My biggest goal right now is to develop (and finish) a full game, instead of models, sounds, decals, various scripts, and builds that never get completed. I do a lot of things including programming, building, UI, sound effects, and some GFX.
Roblox has been a huge part of my life ever since I first found it and it has completely changed me. If it wasnā€™t for Roblox teaching me programming and feeding my desire for creating things, I would not be where I am in life right now. Iā€™m so happy to have been promoted to New Member and hope to keep going and accomplish great things.


ā€œWell Seymour, I made it, despite your direction.ā€
In all seriousness, Iā€™m so glad to now have a place to discuss Roblox development with other creators of all specialities. Iā€™ve been developing since my friend introduced me to Roblox in 2011 (whaddaya mean that was 8 years ago?!?), and yet Iā€™ve only this year realized the DevForums exist xD
My first ā€œattemptā€ at a game was a Tatooine exploration (?) place, a game rife with free models and my own blocky attempts at building (pictured in all its blandness below)

Nowadays, if you know me for anything itā€™s probably my hit game, Fishing with Sanic the Hurdgeheg, which I co-developed with Yup3600. I couldnā€™t find an image of that game so hereā€™s a screeny from some random other game we made in recent years:

I hope to be able to learn much from the many talented developers on the forum, and to offer my own insight to help less experienced developers grow and aid others in their building/scripting queries. Then maybe one day, I might come up with an actual original game idea and stop leeching off of popular franchises! One can dream.
My role in the dev community falls somewhere between builder and programmer, as I highly enjoy and have honed my skills in both of these aspects.
Sorry if this went on a bit long, but anyway I look forward to interacting with the developer community on here! I hope my presence will be a welcome one! Thank you for accepting me onto the DevForums!


Hey, I am a new member here, I started coding in little microsoft excel programs and playing with buttons. Later on I went into learning the very basics of HTML and took 3 days of Java script classes and made a small game, but didnā€™t get that far with it.

When I found out about ROBLOX and heard about teens making games, I was very interested and went into learning how to use the roblox studio and started learning Roblox Lua. Currently I am still in the basics, but I have learned a LOT recently and I am making basic UIs and doing more scripting.


Hi, my name is Fsxfighter265, Iā€™m 14, and Iā€™m a new programmer to the Developer Forum, eager to learn more about Robloxā€™s API and learn about game design. I joined Roblox in 2016 as a newcomer to play some games with my friends. Later on, in early 2017, I never realized what the blue icon thatā€™s been on my desktop was supposed to do, all I knew is that it was downloaded when I downloaded Roblox. So curious to find out, I looked into it. I use the templates and the terrain generation editor built in Roblox to make my first game. Itā€™s terrible, but for a newcomer, it was cool that all the free models I used in the game, could be modified and edited. Now I knew how to modify parts by changing their properties but never with code. I had some Java experience and Python 3.0 experience about programming, but I never really learned anything from it but follow instructions with it. One day I had this will power to learn more about Roblox Studio, and this weird script thingy thatā€™s been in almost every model Iā€™ve used. I looked online and Peaspod and went through all of his tutorials. For 2 weeks I was learning Lua and reading through its reference manual. But back to the same question, did I learned anything from this? When I used my first function with the Touched event, I was amazed about how quick you do edits in studio, and that if were to combine multiple parts, I can make a basic game. Thatā€™s what encouraged me. I always have a goal to a small game to pack in all the material Iā€™ve learned. With these skills and finding out that Roblox pays its developers, I became motivated to use my game ideas I had and turn them into reality. Early 2018, I attempted at making my first ā€œmassiveā€ game called ā€œOil ā€˜nā€™ Oreā€ The idea is simple, build Oil derricks and sell Oil, and it had a storyline I was going to make but we all know that our first attempt at making game is usually a fail and a learning experience. Three things I learned in this project, One, read the Roblox Developer API reference. Two, when you program apart to do something, think how it could work in studio, then make it, then polish it so it functions efficiently. Three, I always learn from the mistakes youā€™ve made in the project. The next few months were me practicing modeling. Some examples are roads for an unoriginal game idea I had (American Truck Simulator). Then I built a clothing store for a client I had. Then a clothing brand of my friend and I created, which was really us trying to make a quick buck on Roblox. The next few months are lazy months of playing video games on Roblox and Steam. Another day goes by, but then my dad and reminded me by saying, ā€œYou still code?ā€ I realized its been too long, so I looked through my idea book, and picked an idea I wanted to be created. Late 2018 is when I started working on it. This I knew for sure is the release that will get me out in the community of Roblox(Side note, My game may be part of September Fly Around the World theme, not sure this theme thing works yet, so please respond what it means, and how it works? Thx!) Mayhem is what my game is called. Iā€™ve learned a lot with this project such as creating my own random terrain generation system, A* path-finding, a computer bot to replace players, and a save/load system. The early release of Mayhem will be out by late February or into more of March. By then I should have at least an hour worth game-play or more. I predict my full release by June 2019. Iā€™m also hoping that my game will be featured as this game is probably one of the most unique games on Roblox. Thatā€™s my story on Roblox. I would consider my self as a programmer here on Roblox and thank you Roblox for giving me an opportunity in the gaming industry and teaching me skills I would certainly never know if it wasnā€™t for Roblox. This platform changed my life.


Oh Boy, weā€™re finally Here. This was an Amazing journey to get into the forums and be a part of it. And i hope i can learn and become a way better version of myself And Contribute to this amazing Community With all that i can. Its an honor to be finally here. And i am really excited to continue this Journey. And i hope i can make some great friends Here (am sure i will, people here are amazing). Once Again, Thank You so much for accepting me.
Best Regards,


I found roblox through an ad on Wikipedia in 2008! It was an ad of an army guy telling me to PLAY NOW! and I begged my mom to create an account. I got started with development on the roblox platform when I dedicated myself to learning LUA and making my own games. I started in 2014, and it took me quite a while to get the hang of things. My current goals on the platform are to create some amazing programs. I am a programmer in the developer community, and I have developed for quite a few clans and groups on roblox. I look forward to the future and I look forward to talking with all of you!


Hi there guys, Finally glad to make it! I found ROBLOX back in 2009 from watching a neighbor of mine play and decided to make an account when I saw how cool it was.

The first time I had ever developed something was in 2010. It was a game where a group of five players was situated in a small room, and the goal was to collect orbs that would spawn. However, there wouldnā€™t be enough for everyone; thereā€™d be four orbs for five people, three for four, and so forth. Whoever didnā€™t collect one would be eliminated. This would go on until there was one player left.

Since developing that fun little minigame, I have come a long way. Back in April 2016, I had begun development on a game that revolved around the Free For All aspect. It was released in November that year and accumulated nearly 5,000 visits in two days after I ran an advertisement. This really excited me and plunged me into Studio. After a while, I took a break for a few months and wanted to learn a new language. That ended up splitting off into three languages; C#, Boo, and JavaScript. I used Unity for this as you could switch between languages, and my work turned out great. I had been paid for making small projects for other people. I later came back to ROBLOX every day, reading articles on the Wiki and creating little projects based on the article. Iā€™m currently attending my second year for Computer Science at the University of Windsor. What Iā€™m trying to get at here is if it werenā€™t for ROBLOX, I wouldnā€™t have a future nearly as exhilarating as it is right now. I feel ROBLOX is responsible for my achievement of getting this far. Nothing out there has the same amount of oomph when it comes to developing as ROBLOX does.

My role settles on the fine line of creating dynamic gizmos (literally following the definition of dynamic). I like utilizing Filtering Enabled. Itā€™s amazing in every way, shape, and form. I also like contributing, and now that Iā€™m on the Forums, I see a bright future of helping out other people!

Not much else to chit-chat about, but thank you for accepting me into the community and I hope to see some of you other programmers and builders around!

~ TheMaddestRedux


Hey, Iā€™m Aishimasu.

Iā€™ve been on ROBLOX since 2009, and became a member of the DevForums not too long ago. I actually found ROBLOX for the exact reason it existed, to make games.
I still remember that day I typed something along the lines of ā€œMake gamesā€ in ā€œAsk.comā€
Which was around the time I made my first account, maskeraid2788, which I forgot the password of a month later.

Iā€™ve had practice in almost every single method of developing on ROBLOX, from Building, Scripting, UI Design, Texturing, 3D Modeling, and Animation.
Most of my early scripting experience came from the niche game genre, Script Builders.
Iā€™ve been to Anaminusā€™, billilandā€™s, oxcool1ā€™s, acb227ā€™s, and finally Antiboomz0rā€™s until giving that up due to numerous updates such as the disabling of local loadstring.
Between the time I spent migrating between Script Builders I started building, my first building experience was actually B0bbaā€™s ā€œUltimate Buildā€ game and not Studio.
I indulged in making mechas, sky bases, and ballistic weapons to wage war against other players.
I eventually began to use Studio when I met scripters that made what was considered ā€œadvancedā€ weaponry at the time, with detailed modeling, effects, UI, and animations.
That jump-started my interest to combine scripting and building to create stuff as they did.
Since the end of my SB experience, I exclusively use Studio which I admittedly find boring from time to time because itā€™s not like Iā€™m motivated to complete the large projects Iā€™ve always wanted to develop as a single person.
So as of now Iā€™ve been starting small projects in the ROBLOX car community to stay productive.

I almost exclusively do all modeling in Blender and UI design in Photoshop and Illustrator now.

My current goals are to:

  • Create a neural network to apply to a few game concepts
  • Create some VR games on roblox
  • Develop an ā€œimpossibleā€ game
  • Release at least one game I would consider fun
  • Be involved in the production of a movie using ROBLOX

The only thing I would consider an achievement is that I have an ever growing stockpile of unused code and other game assets.
My role as a developer shifts as often as my motivation does, which is very often.

Iā€™m found on platforms @
YouTube/Twitch/Twitter/Steam: Asyntheticality
Discord: Asyntheticality #1993


Welcome to the new people. I often poke my head around here every now and again, but maybe I should start checking back here frequently and throwing post likes around. It seems everyone has such an interesting way to open up. One of these days, Iā€™ll have enough free time to read through all 1.9K+ postsā€¦

Happy developing!

Fun facts - did you know?
We currently have over 5.3K New Members on the DevForum! The newest member to enter the DevForum is @DANIELSBERG, added 27 minutes ago!

As for full members, we currently have over 1.9K! The newest member to be promoted to regular member is @Vulkarin, promoted 3 days ago!



My name is Daniel / DANIELSBERG, Iā€™m 16 from Norway, and got recently added into the DevForum!

I found Roblox back in 2012, and Iā€™m very grateful to be a part of this community! I mostly do building & programming on ROBLOX, and some extent I also do GUI & Graphics design (Wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m so good at it lol). I started off building back in 2013 and learned to script by inspecting and reading free modeled scripts. Iā€™m currently into running groups, such as Airlines & Television groups. Iā€™m looking forward to learn & contribute in this forum!

Thank you for this opportunity! :slight_smile:


My name is Raymond / ColdCrazyGoku in ROBLOX, Iā€™m 14 from the USA and got added to the DevForum i think.

I found Roblox back in 2011, and Im also grateful to be a part of this community. I build stuff on ROBLOX and Iā€™m looking forward to learn contribute in this forum!

Thanks you and everyone else for this amazing opportunity! :wink:


Hey there everyone! I finally got my promotion to New Member!
I canā€™t say how happy I am to finally be accepted into the forum!
Without further ado, lets get this thing rolling!

  • How did you find Roblox?
    I found ROBLOX after watching my friend play it while we were on vacation together
  • How did you get started with development on the Roblox platform?
    I got started with development here on ROBLOX after I saw how complex games are, so I decided to try it out myself!
  • Current goals/achievements on the platform
    My goal here on the platform is to eventually start my own group and go through DevEx.
  • What is your role in the developer community? (eg. GFX, UI Designer, Programmer, Builder etc)
    Here in the developer community, I would call myself a builder and a PYTHON programmer.

Hey, I am BCbuds! I am so happy to finally get invited to the Dev Forum.

I found ROBLOX when I was 6 because my cousin was playing it. I first made my own account in 2014.
I started developing about 3 years ago.
Goals: I would really like to make a game for a lot of people to enjoy. I am working on some projects but only time will tell if I ever get them released.
Iā€™m mainly a builder but I script on the side for fun.


Hello! I am new to the ROBLOX Developer Forum!

I am Rezault. Iā€™ve been playing ROBLOX for around 5 years now. My passion on ROBLOX is programming; Iā€™ve started teaching myself programming when I was 9 by watching YouTube tutorials and using the ROBLOX wiki.

Anyways, I hope to contribute to the ROBLOX Developer Forum as much as possible!

Thank you!