Inverted sort in UI List Layouts

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to (not really) to make an inverted list easily. In an inverted list the oldest element is in the bottom, and the newest at the top. The current UI List Layout offers easy and intuitive automatic list layouts. However, I was pleasantly, and I mean pleasantly, surprised that there isn’t an inverted sort option; just “Name” and “ListLayout”, if I remember correctly.

The most common use I see is a kill feed that is weighted to the top - newest kill is at the top and the oldest at the bottom. Think of CSGO and PF, if I remember correctly. Currently, this is impossible to do with UI List Layouts and I’m only asking for this feature because it seems like such an obvious thing you have missed…

For now I’ll code it myself, but my Roblox development experience could be just that tad bit more intuitive and sharp.

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Out of curiosity, what prevents you from counting backwards? The LayoutOrder sort order will sort negative numbers correctly, so your bottom-most element could have a LayoutOrder of 0 and everything after that would have a negative LayoutOrder. That would lay out correctly, and should be the same as implementing a top-down layout.


sorry to bump this topic, but i still think this would be a really good addition, it stops people from having to write unnecessary code, some backwards counting wont work, especially if scripts are trying to refer to is easier