I haven’t seen anyone say anything about this yet, but if you have two ColorCorrectionEffects both set to -1 you can invert all the colors in workspace!
However interestingly, this doesn’t apply to white or black. So instead you just get funky colors. Interesting effect. Stacking this effect (more than two ColorColorrections) has the same effect of boosting this inverted saturation.
(also if this is the wrong category sorry i thought it fit best)
Fun fact: You don’t need to have 2 instances of CC to do that. On all of the PostEffects the sliders are there to make it easier to eyeball some reasonable settings, but they’re not the limit. Nothing (except hopefully your common sense) is stopping you from setting CC saturation to 20, bloom threshold to 0, etc.
To add to this, if you set the Saturation property of the CC to -2, you can achieve the inverted color effect without the brightness being inverted as well: