Inverting meshes in studio, and working with it. Is it possible?

I want to make outlines for my pets in a viewport frame. Currently the highlight instance is not supported for viewportframes and the only official way to make a outline effect is to have a inverted mesh from blender to make the effect appear.

However that can be really time consuming. Recently I found out you can invert meshes in studio, but it has a lot of downsides to it. For example if you move the inverted mesh using this glitch, the mesh will return to normal.

I am wondering if there is a more stable, automatic and quick way to do this?

This was done using inverted meshes that was imported from blender, however that is not what I want to do. I want to invert the meshes in studio.

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I’m not sure if this is possible, but doesn’t SpecialMesh allow negative scale values?

They do but I don’t see how that would help here

Shouldn’t making it negative also invert the vertices?

It just made the mesh bigger (I set the scaled to huge negative numbers, but it only made the mesh bigger). That black thing is the mesh that is too big to fit on my screen

In that case, it’s probably not possible to achieve this.

I’m extremely late but
set it to -1, -1, -1. that should work


I’m super ultra late but i dont think this works, have tried it personally

NOTE: You can look up in toolbox “Inverted Sphere” or Brick if you need it for simple builds