Invisibility Command (Remove Player from Playerlist)

Have you ever wanted to play your own game in a public server without being recognised? You could use an invisibility command from a free admin module, but that would make your character invisible to everyone - including you, and besides, players will be able to see you in the leaderboard.

What if you could completely hide your player and character from other players? Well, it’s completely possible to do so through some client-sided shenanigans (changing the parent of the target player and their character on every client except for the target themselves)! Here in this uncopylocked place is a TextChatCommand that will make you invisible to other players: Invisibility (Command is /ToggleInvisibility) - Roblox.

To toggle invisibility, simply use the /ToggleInvisibility command. You will be able to see yourself on your screen, but to every other player, it appears as though you have left the game. Once you disable your invisibility, it will be like you rejoined, and your position will update on everyone elses’ client as soon as you move after disabling your invisibility. See this video for an example of how it works!

To import this invisibility command into your game, paste these instances into your game:

Make sure to parent them to the exact instances they are parented to in the invisibility command place!

If you want to restrict the use of the invisibility command to members of a group who have a high rank, go into the InvisibilityHandler Serverscript and the InvisibilityIndicator Localscript and uncomment the ‘if (Plr:GetRankInGroup(–[[Insert a group ID here if you want to check if the player has a rank in the group]]) >= 254 --[[Rank ID]]) then’ lines, and set the group ID as well as the rank’s index.

Have fun being a ghost!


I think you forgot to make it uncopylocked
Aside from that, this is really op. I would gatekeep something like this for myself :sob:


This is really cool! Will 100% be using this!


Sorry about that, I indeed forgot to uncopylock it. It should be fixed now!