Is having alot of gui elements going to cause lag

Hi everybody, so whilst creating a fully GUI-based Roblox game, I soon realized I had created quite a lot of GUI elements. 56 to be exact which includes all sorts of elements like frames, text labels, and ALOT of text buttons. Is this too much and will this cause a severe impact on gameplay? If so then how can I fix it? All responses will be very helpful thanks

I dnt think thay they will cause alot of lag(not sure tho) but u can manage them properly to reduce lag e.g putting the ui’s in serverstorage when no use of them

No. You need to have hundreds or even thousands to see any noticeable performance issues.

It depends on how many are actually moving around at any given point. You should also unload off-screen UI as that will still potentially cause lag even off-screen.


is 4 a lot of screen UI’s? Also, I’ve tried to clone my screen UI from server storage but the local script in the Screen Ui isn’t detecting an event from replicated storage.

ServerStorage and ReplicatedStorage are two completely different things. ServerStorage is exclusively for server-side storage, where as ReplicatedStorage can be accessed by either. I recommend looking into how the client-server model works.

As far as 4 UI elements go, no that is not a lot. Like @Judgy_Oreo said, you’d need hundreds before it starts to become an issue, and that’s only if they’re all moving.

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No worries I fixed it and thanks for confirming that