Is it a good strategy to constantly show the player gamepasses?

I have been thinking of different monetization strategies and one that I have seen in many popular games such as Adopt Me, Climb Time, and especially many obbys is that gamepasses are shoved in the player’s face either throughout the game or when they join, instead of them being locked away in a shop.

In Adopt Me, the gamepasses are shown right when the players join, and in Climb Time, they are shown after a player completes a stage.

I was wondering if anyone else has a game that does this and if it is a good strategy to show the player gamepasses or if it just gets the player annoyed.

If you do not feel like responding, you can complete the poll I set up but I would appreciate all responses!

  • I use this strategy, and I think it helps get the gamepass sold
  • I use this strategy, but I feel like the players are getting annoyed
  • I do not use this strategy, but it seems like a good idea
  • I do not use this strategy, but I feel like people would get annoyed

0 voters

From my experience and my understanding, that kind of strategy has the potential to dissuade the player from remaining in your game since it’ll distract them from the task that they’re focusing on.

If you’re planning on prompting gamepasses/products for the user to purchase at a more frequent rate, ensure that the average amount of time it takes to complete a stage/the interval you’re planning to prompt it at does not detract from the gameplay experience you’re trying to provide for the player.

If you have set intervals that these products are displayed to the player, I would suggest taking a look at the average session duration in the Developer Statistics of the game to see if players are leaving around those timeframes.

In conjunction with this, I would suggest taking a look at the following guide from TheAmazeman which provides a lot of insight into optimizing the price of your products. Combined with correct timings of prompting the user to purchase something, this may allow you to find the best balance when it comes to monetization in your games.


Personally, I think it depends on how frequent you are showing them. When you join the game is fine but those obbys that dont have any effort but show one every 5 seconds is very annoying. I think, the more you show them, the more the client will think, “This person only wants money from this” but they should also understand that you need a way to promote them in the first place.


In my opinion, I do not agree with this strategy. I feel like it is unfair to players when the gamepass icon randomly comes up. Gamepasses should not lock away a large part of the game; they should add on to it and make it more fun, but the game should be perfectly playable without them. The strategy I absolutely cannot stand is when obbies place their gamepass prompts everywhere so the player will accidentally step on it and bring it up, increasing the chance of an accidental purchase.